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  1. We got there folks! 30 pages of a general non issue mixed with a whole lot of trolling and circular arguments! Honestly I'm impressed
  2. Honestly just being able to mod her forms separately would give her a huge shot in the arm. Players have been asking for this for years.
  3. Deflection protects against the toxin status effect, the dmg still goes thru shields. Blessing or Reconstruct would be a better option imo Edit: nvm wrong arcane lol not thinking straight
  4. I'm sorry, but I had to laugh when you mentioned Overframe builds
  5. Rolling Guard and Protective Sling equate to 8 seconds of full on invulnerability with zero energy cost to energy and negate status effects. There are way more overpowered options when it comes to defense in this game. If having DR makes players feel safer, then why not? It's definitely a way to cut into the Nourish usage that DE is concerned about. Not seeing the issue here tbh
  6. Honestly that line has been repeated several times in this thread
  7. It didn't happen as much? Limbo, Frost and Volt drove me out of pubs years ago lol
  8. OK, you're one of those guys. Tell you what: don't take my word for it. Ask around if popularity equals power. Not just the forums, in game as well. Even other platforms like reddit, YouTube, wherever. Don't worry, you can keep the results to yourself. The hilarious part is that you even admitted earlier that you've had previous disagreements with others and you didn't receive a point that satisfied you. Nothing will because you refuse to listen to reason or logic Tell you what, if it makes you feel better, I'll let you have the last word. Reason doesn't seem like something you'll accept. Maybe indifference will. We're done here
  9. Correct. I will also add that I was a bit peeved when there was a 4-6 month span when Yareli received buff after buff after buff with with almost no payoff, while Caliban and Lavos were pretty much just decorations in the armory. I will never forgive DE for Lavos' cool down mechanic. Ever.
  10. Shhhhh Don't spoil the entertainment with a plot twist.
  11. The augment is entirely optional. She even has an alternative augment for that ability. Not understanding the umbrage about this tbh
  12. By your logic, Excalibur and Titania are top 10 frames, correct? Nothing to do with ease of use or anything I'm sure. What you are saying is basically the equivalent of "well, nobody watches X game on Twitch, it has to be bad!" The bottom line is players will always go for the lowest hanging fruit. Why do you think Wukong is still up there, if not for braindead survivability and easier spy missions? Are you going to argue Titania is powerful because she runs fissures quickly? You are perfectly entitled to your belief that popularity equals power. But trying to pass it off as fact is honestly laughable at best.
  13. He was notorious for saying Inaros (and other questionable picks) was/were top tier for years. I believe those vids are still up Frame usage is not indicative of their power. Mag's usage has been in the dirt for years and she is widely regarded as one of the best frames in the game. Just saying.
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