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Posts posted by (PSN)Moeraki014

  1. I already own the krohkur (rank 24) I was getting ready to build the twin krohkur, when I realised I didn't have an extra krohkur blueprint, odd because I know I bought 2.

    Whatever it's at the most 50k credits no big deal.

    Except it's bp isn't available in the market...

    Hmm, okay I'll try the arsenal, i can just scroll past what i already own and select it from there.  Nope, also not there... 

    I messaged the community in region chat (I know, I know) and after about 10 minutes another user tried to tell me to use the L3 search for KRO, first one right?  Already tried that earlier.  No avail.

    Trying to 100% all weapons, but it's kinda impossible if I can't get the damn blueprints via any method.


    On a side note, weapons previously mastered don't show up in the arsenal as mastered if you buy them a second time. 

    Not sure if that's intentional, but it certainly saves someone time if they know its a mastered weapon already and they don't accidentally re-grind it after they've done it once before. 


  2. This #@#$% cursor gives me severe migraines. I've been hospitalized twice since the damn UI update, the first time for a persistent migraine the second for bleeding from my tear ducts. (Doc said, whatever I was doing to induce the migraine pushed too hard and caused blood vessels to pop.  This is utter bullsh*t DE. Fix it.  Hell make it optional, like a toggle system. Cause until you do, you've lost another player, and another source of income. #thecursorisbullS#&$fixitDEyou#*!%ers


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