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Posts posted by noneuklid

  1. Video game UI design is very different from designing a desktop or a word processor: it has to have both form and function. We know DE can make a functional UI, and we know they can make a pretty UI. Instead of raging, we should give them feedback so they can put the two together.


    I'm out of thumbs-ups today, but absolutely.  I still believe it would be less work to revert the UI (and I honestly really liked the old solar system view), but I am 100% willing to play along to get a streamlined and functional interface within the new theme.

  2. "Robust Scrambler" was the intended title of this thread.  Freaking cat.

    What about editing the Kubrow Scrambler to be a somewhat more robust slot machine?

    Rather than a single entirely random draw, players would be given the opportunity to lock a single color or pattern element of their Kubrow and given three options (with preview) for what it looks like after the change.  Buying the token (or whatever) is a one-way purchase, but there would be a "nevermind" option to retain the current color scheme if none of them were appealing.

    Still pretty random, but more of a game and with a much greater feeling of control for the player.

  3. The problem I have is that people don't differentiate between the ship and the menus; the ship is fine where it is, the menus are what's broken here


    At the moment, I am unable to differentiate between the two because using the menus is exactly identical to using the ship.  Even the ESC menu merely teleports you around the ship to interact with the stations.

    Given the Captain's Quarters/Station View option, this wouldn't be an issue in the slightest.  (Apart from what I'd approximate as only slightly more than the work it took to streamline the last UI.)

  4. Not really. This UI needs a lot of changes, but symbols aren't one of them.

    We may not always agree, but very much so here.

    I liked the symbols after I got used to them because they were more visually compact than words.  But after taking a break for a month or two, I forgot what most of them meant again.  New players I introduced, also, were entirely lost.  So ...If we get a magic "customize it" feature, I'd probably use the symbols myself... but in a choice between the two words are far and away the better option.

  5. Also, I don't know about you but I love just sitting and staring out the window or listening to the dudes talk for a little bit. That kind of stuff really completes the experience for me.

    I do enjoy that.  I built up parts of my dojo just because I loved chilling in them, and I'd buy sound-producing elements like the radio for them in a heartbeat.

    I just don't want it to be my menu.

  6. This is a difference in direction, you are thinking ease of use is king, where to us immersion is king. 

    So, first, I don't feel particularly immersed.  The Liset Experience makes a point of reminding me that I'm not present in the world; if I were there, I'd be looking at these elements dead-on, not at a slope.  In the prior UI, I felt like a Tenno observing the universe from some secret control room.  Now... I feel like a dude sitting in a chair playing KOTOR.

    Second and more importantly... we are the people using it.  So... thanks?  For saying that what we think about the interface we are using is... "Wrong?"

  7. Now that I'm thinking about it, in regards to trading prices and putting Kubrow customization in for plat, if DE did this, it would help keep imprint prices fair. Why pat some person 500 plat for his super awesome black and white bulky kubrow with a Lotus face, when you can buy all those genes from the market and put them on your own Kubrow for only 150p? The truth is, people will go crazy with plat prices and the RNG system there is now, because they will try to pass off the cooler imprints as extremely rare and rip everyone off that they can. This already happened with the Bite mod and people selling it for 1k+ plat.


    I support gentle market control, but even I don't think cosmetic items really need it.  People jacking up the price on Serration is a problem.  People charging 10K plat for a specific Kubrow color combination is... caveat emptor.  No game effect, no need to intervene.

  8. There's a ton of blegh in this thread, so why not stand in the middle of it?  That's safe, right?


    Personally, I like the random and organic nature of the Kubrow as they are.  I like unbonded Kubrow being subject to permadeath (and I like the idea of being able to deliberately unbond Kubrow).  I like that developing specific Kubrow patterns will require time and energy on the part of breeders.  I support that being its own entire minigame and culture, and dead-ending it at inception is a really meh solution.


    But, DE : When you buy a gumball and don't like it, you still have the gumball -- you don't need to put it back into the machine along with your quarters.  There are some pretty solid points being raised in this thread.  The very tight limits on how many Kubrows can be owned and how genetic patterns are manipulated is pretty much bound to make would-be breeders feel drained and constrained.  Surely you can loosen a few limitations on this system?

    I do think that once the "but I want it NOW!" aspect has died down a bit (and by the way, shame on you DE for not anticipating that and releasing a time-limited 'design-your-own' kit or event at launch) people will see this for the deeper system it can be, rather than the solid wall it appears to be now.  But you can ease that transition greatly...

  9. Or they are, and they need a male/female variant of each frame to let us be an individual.


    *shrug*  Not happening as per repeat dev comments in streams.  I am also personally certain that we will discover the Tenno are cybernetic or energetic in nature (as hinted at by some of the comments about Focus and about the inhuman shapes of the later 'frames), and fairly strongly suspect this is tied to why they (are believed to have?) wiped out the Orokin.

    (To say nothing of the fact that Vor's mind-control device is apparently similar enough to the Moa restraining bolts that the Corpus already have the design of its removal tool...)

  10. I think that what Vor said could be a metaphor. Tenno have the power and the Warframe is a way to control them.


    Vor explicitly states "each Warframe you control," so we know it's the same Tenno controlling multiple 'frames.  The light bit may have been slightly poetic, since he also states that you have a spine.  However, it seems likely that given the wildly different sizes and shapes of the Warframes, the Tenno cannot be conventionally human.

  11. Either way, with the ESC menu it's still the same effect.


    Wish that were true.  The ESC menu teleports your warframe into whichever station has the menu element you are trying to access, forcing it to remain an obtrusive part of your experience.  And while having obvious text labels is a nice step from the last menu, I don't find the category groupings terribly intuitive and certainly don't appreciate needing so many further layers of selection to reach whatever it is I actually want to do.

  12. Warframe won't have the roaring lasers that cut through Amarr and Jita. I think it will be a very quiet forum here in the coming weeks.


    It's true that Warframe isn't the spreadsheet game that EVE is, so a more-cumbersome UI doesn't add quite the same endlessly-compounded tedium it did in EVE.  But I think it's fairly telling that -- aside from reversion or branched development -- the most common request distills to essentially eliminating the elements that distinguish this UI from the old one, yielding a static and flat first-person interface with better scaling and simpler navigation.


    I also think quite a few feel the further sting that the most-heralded feature of the update, player ships, was merely a cover for this ungainly change.  The ship is not at all what many of us feel we were led to believe, as we can neither fly it nor customize it.

    So I think there is a very real chance it will be reverted or even branched, as EVE's was.  It's true we don't have quite the same simmering rage and demagoguery of that place, but in parity, our developers do not need that to motivate them.  And there is truly a lot of unhappiness with this.

  13. As for why it matters, some players, myself included, prefer playing characters of their own gender.


    The character you are playing has no gender, so this is impossible.  If you mean you prefer your avatar to appear male since you are male... well, consider this a quick and relatively painless introduction to sympathy for the much more prevalent problem of female FPS gamers.

    I understand that you're male and playing this game, so it might not seem fair to compare it to a female who isn't you playing Call of Duty or some other game that isn't this.  But them's the breaks in this industry.


    Also where does Vor imply the same Tenno occupies different frames?



  14. I can think of counterpoints to the OP (like Iron Skin allowing much more powerful ranged attacks, Saryn's perpetual "meh" status, or the relative parity of Vauban and Nyx), but rather than trying to make a point-by-point comparison to figure out whether or not it's actually true... let's just grant it.  For the purposes of this discussion, OP, I'll allow this claim and say female-shaped Warframes are more always powerful than male-shaped Warframes.

    So what?  Maybe the Warframe universe is naturally biased this way.  The Grineer are led by Queens, and are stronger than the patriarchal Corpus.  Maybe women are just on average slightly smarter and more powerful than men there, and adopting a female 'frame gives us an edge in some ways.



  15. Ok, let's compare it with another multiplayer TPS then.


    S4League's third person lobby system worked great, and when it was removed a massive amount of players left the game.



    Because it looks an awful lot like a button- and menu- driven interface overlain over a 3D environment, rather than a 3D environment with inlain buttons and menus.  The comparison doesn't hold.

  16. Have fun complaining.

    Have fun drawing lines in the sand...?  There's very little chance the Liset Experience will not be either sidelined or heavily altered.  The list of reasonable changes requested is dozens of items long; honestly, I think reverting the UI would be the more efficient route (as well as my personal preference), but one or the other will occur.  Sarcastic dismissals notwithstanding.  What does this gain you at that point?

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