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Posts posted by (PSN)petestacks

  1. I agree.  The wheel should reset to the original location each and every time it's used.  Us on console do not have macros to make certain actions happen.  So if I put energy pads at 9 o'clock, then use an item further down the spiral, next time I go to my 9 o'clock energy pads, they are not there.  I agree with the OP, have not been able to enjoy or use the new wheel capacity due to this operation of it.  Resetting to the main screen, or default load out, should happen each time the wheel is used.

  2. I agree with the OP, the arca and the catchmoon are visually hazardous.  So are the Eidolon hunts.  The Hydrolist is blinding, and makes it very hard on the eyes.  I also do not understand why the effects have to be so over the top.  I remember seeing something in a stream a while back about adjusting those settings, or something to do with brightness and how it was not calculated correctly in places like the plains and cannot remember when those changes are supposed to make it to consoles.

  3. I have been having an issue with forma lately on weapons and sentinel guns.  I have put forma on them, it resets the item to 0, the cap drops down.  I then re level the item back to 30, and the mod cap stays the same.  Then I add another forma, and the mod cap raises back up.  This has been happening on kitguns, as well as the 3 new sentinel weapons.  Last night had a forma on cryotra (sp?) and at rank 20 or so the mod cap was 4/50 or so.  Got it back to 30, the cap stayed at 4/50.  So I added another forma, and the mod cap raised to 6/50, with the same mods on it, in the same location, not having formaed an occupied slot.

  4. The chaps on Mesa Prime have some odd clipping/collision when the Zaikya syndana is equipped.  Some issues down and the bottom where the two cannot seem to figure out who should be on top, and the syndana tails end up poking through the chaps.  It's a shame because both pieces are very nicely made, and in my opinion, look great together.




    You can see how the tails of the syndana come through the chaps here.

  5. I have also had issues with Fortuna.  First one was in the intro quest, the stage to defend the gate, no enemies spawned.  Was stuck defending a gate with no one to defend it from.  Waited for 5 minutes and quit game out of pure disappointment.  Logged back in the next day and was able to complete mission, enemies spawned.

    Did some in game chores, then went back to Fortuna.  Completed the lowest tier bounty solo, no problem.  Went to the dude outside the gate to re select bounty, and the bounty started.  No enemies spawned.  Not an issue for the first stage, which was to babysit the little towers interception style.  Next stage was assassinate target.  No target spawned, no enemies spawned, just a timer counting down with nothing to do.  Went back inside, and quit game, disgusted. 

    Two out of 3 attempts to run missions on the latest and greatest update we have all been waiting for failed.  2 days into the update and already not wanting to play it. Something needs to be looked at regarding enemy spawns.

    If it matters, all missions were run solo, set to friends only.

  6. This is still going on, and the relic selection screen lags very bad when using the "replay mission" selection and attempting to select another relic.  The lag is not as bad when you run the first mission, or if you exit and then run a second "first" mission.

  7. I am not sure if this has been asked in the past, or addressed before.  However, I had a thought that items bought from unvaultings that were unused by the purchaser could be traded.  Also possibly twitch prime drops.  Similar to syndicate weapons, or weapons bought from Baro, if they are unused they can be traded.


    I enjoy Warframe.  I want to support the game and dev team.  So I would like to purchase the next unvaulting set.  However, I already have the two prime frames.  Instead of just selling them back to the game for credits, it would be nice to be able to trade them to friends that do not have them yet.  Same for the weapons that come with the packs.  Even the twitch prime gear that we get, sure the stuff can be sold back to the game and we get a slot out of the deal, but it would be sweet to be able to gift the items, if unused, to friends/clan that do not have them.  That way, players that have the gear, can still purchase the packs, get some plat, support the game, and not "waste" the prime items, or feel bad about the purchase, or in other cases, not purchase at all because they already have the gear.  Just a thought.

  8. The past few days I have noticed the relic selection screen lagging pretty bad on PS4.  Even running solo relics yesterday, Lilith if I recall correctly, after selecting "replay mission" it was taking upwards of a minute for the relic selection screen to show up to let me select my next relic.  Not sure if anyone else if having this trouble.  I don't think it was my connection, as other parts of the game were not lagging as bad.   I had tried to run a group relic mission, and after the screen did not let me select my next relic before the mission started, and I eneded up going with none equipped, I was doing them solo.  Maybe it could get looked at, maybe others are having this issue.  Thanks.

  9. In the round three of the sortie last night, multiple times the target would be downed, needing a revive, but instead of being stationary worming around on the ground, he would be wandering around the map not able to be revived.  This has happened to me on other sortie defense missions as well, and makes it tough if not impossible to revive the target.

    *Re-posted here because first post was in feedback

  10. In the round three of the sortie last night, multiple times the target would be downed, needing a revive, but instead of being stationary worming around on the ground, he would be wandering around the map not able to be revived.  This has happened to me on other sortie defense missions as well, and makes it tough if not impossible to revive the target.

  11. I was trying the kill them first approach last night, but still seemed to have to run back to the target multiple times to revive him.  Then to top it all off the target started to play night of the living dead and need a revive, but still wander around the map, so it was impossible to revive him.

  12. Personally I like to run a 2-1-3 amp or a 2-2-3 amp.  I find the schwaak prism easier to hit vombalysts with than the granmu.  I run them with the Virtuous Fury Arcane on them and it procs quite often.  Plus, when using schwaak prism, you get the chance for the shots to ricochet and hit the eidolons a couple times.  Using either of those amps and Unairu focus for the wisps a solo tri-cap is not as tough as it used to be for me.

  13. So there were numerous changes to the UI for PS4 with the Chimera update.  A lot of the UI screens look very polished now, thanks.  At some point can the donation screen to the Quills be changes so that we can hold a button to donate cores?  Having to click the rocker 250 times to donate 25k rep with the lowest cores is a drag.  If it could be adjusted so that we could hold the rocker to donate, that would be very nice.  Similar to adding donations to clan research, or adding plat to a trade.  Thanks.

  14. So I am curious as to what the community brings to this map.  Trying to keep the target alive turns into the focal point of the mission, making it tough to kill the enemies.  I am hoping that the consensus is NOT to bring Limbo and all that.  Just looking for advice or opinions on load outs and tactics.  Or, if the general feel is "Hey, I don't need another sculpture that bad so I skip it" I get that too.  Thanks.

  15. Well, seems like the scaling is a moot issue then.  Bummer, I was not aware it has been such a contested issue for a while now.  At the very least, single player enemy spawns could be increased, in kuva survival, as well as all other missions, endless or not.


    I like Xarteros' idea of having DE actually go back and replay the game again.  I think it would open their eyes to what's it's really like on our side of things.

  16. The twin kohmaks are a great secondary.  Super fun indeed.  It would be really nice if the base ammo could get upped from the 300 that it is now.  Doubled would be sweet, even a bump up to 500 would be a great step.  Would really help this awesome secondary to shine.  A little faster reload time would be ideal also, but just the ammo increase alone would be greatly appreciated.

  17. I have 2 requests for kuva survival.

    1. Please increase the single player enemy spawn rate.  The rate increase would greatly help going longer as a solo player to increase life support drops from enemies.

    2.  Please change the kuva reward from each harvester to scale with time spent in the mission.  Some sort of increase at each 5 minute interval would be nice.  As it stand right now, you can run for 5 minutes and get, for example, 1000 kuva total.  Stay for 10 minutes, you can earn 2000.  It would be really nice to have the drop scale as the mission goes on, to make it more worthwhile to stay longer.

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