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Posts posted by Lordmotav

  1. New Nightwave dailies/weeklies seem kinda lame. Duviri is like... garbage content. Was kinda hoping stuff like get 6 rare minerals/fish in (choose any open world area) would get dropped in favor of stuff that you can do in more places so that they come more naturally during general game play. Getting forced to do lame Duviri content just to rank up seems like a more annoying way to try and get players actually doing that content instead of doing the smart thing and like, just making a bunch of fun new items and loot that aren't terribly grindy to acquire.

    • Like 2
  2. 13 hours ago, Yakhul said:

    Yet another thread about the Mainline and how it "ruined" people lives.

    Is not gonna make the game worse, nor is the end of the world. PC is still going through the changes. Don't give a bad reputation to console players. You soon will know that the new status changes are not entirely broken as you claim they are.
    Do not complain about the self stagger, is just embarrassing at this point, the same people who complained for years about removing self damage, you got what you wanted, what else do you want? is your aim really that bad to want self stagger gone too? Would you rather blow yourself into space and "waste" one of your precious revives? or instead, use Primed Sure Footed, Sure Footed or Handspring, and not die to an explosion to the face?

    The AOE changes, everyone agrees that they need to be revised, but is far better to have 50% AOE damage fall off on the majority of the listed weapons, than a 90% damage fall off like it was at start. Be glad that there is only 2 weapons that remained with 90% damage fall off, and ohh boi, guess which one is on the list? the Kuva Bramma, yes, that weapon some people cant stop complaining about because "it ruins the fun of the game".

    I just got mine and frankly, its still an absolute murder machine. I haven't even dropped any forma into it yet, and I'm still topping kills in mid to higher level missions. And since I can't kill myself with it it's probably more fun to use than it was before.

    • Like 1
  3. 9 minutes ago, SenorClipClop said:

    You can tell that DE is stuck between intents here. They want to make this (and other things) a Clan-based activity, rewarding people for making an in-game group of friends and playing together. However, they understand that there are numerous people who prefer playing solo, and the Devs don't want those players to feel screwed over or pushed into a style a of play. Because they're listening to player feedback and trying to accommodate solo players, most Clan stuff has zero need to co-operate with others.

    Which is fine. But this railjack is more expensive than any research aside from maybe the Hema, and that's only based on how highly you value mutagen samples. (as someone who played in the early days, I had quite a bit of them before they moved them so getting 5k wasn't so bad)

    • Like 1
  4. 2 hours ago, (NSW)KentInkOVanheim said:

    In the first mission of the game, you rescue the ship from the grineer. I'm surprised there aren't any panels missing or any bullet holes.

    It's been like, 6 or 7 years since I did that mission. I would not have left it in such a state for so long, I even bought one of those roomba robots for my Orbiter specifically to pretend it cleans the place. Surely some cans of paint and a sander would have been acquired by now.

  5. 1 hour ago, (PS4)GEN-Son_17 said:

    Because playing the game is the way to the reward. Why is that so hard to get?

    You should not be able to instantly get to do everything. Railjack should be time consuming and far reaching for new players. Seriously, there is SO MUCH stuff in this game for new players to do, they shouldn't even be worried about Railjack. Some dudes in the PS4 chat haven't even fought the eidolans but they are crying about Railjack stuff we don't have yet! People are ridiculous.

    The players I intend on helping are not unskilled or so new that they need to be carried through content. They are however, adults with busier schedules. I don't see how helping them save a ton of time by gifting them credits or items (that go towards accomplishing a specific task inside of our clan dojo anyways) really hurts anyone. The real time crafting or waiting isn't even an issue, since that can just be progressed while we work or sleep. But I digress, the Dry Dock was designed and intentionally created to be placed inside our Clan dojo which is a place we have all contributed to in some form. It just doesn't make sense to tell us to rally our clan for this very obvious multiplayer feature and remove the benefit of having the clan by not allowing us to all pool resources together. Oh sure, we CAN all just simultaneously farm the Index but it doesn't reduce the number of runs to make the railjack. The plan was of course, to finish all of our railjacks anyways but we wanted to do 1 at a time. I don't honestly believe anyone in their right mind would pay for a new player's railjack in full unless they intended to carry them through the entire process anyways which STILL doesn't harm you at all.


    Why is THAT so hard to get? If simply playing the game was the only way to earn absolutely everything then why do we even have trading at all? By your logic we should just dump that entire system since people could give a noob a prime warframe way earlier than intended. (I did that actually, gave my twin brother his rhino prime as soon as he was high enough mastery it's not that rare of an occurrence and he's strong enough to carry other players now in the same way it was technically beneficial to the community)

  6. 2 minutes ago, -CdG-Zilchy said:

    So now getting 30 orokin cells and 15 argon crystals for your friends is hard for you? 

    See sounds to me like you can make this a clan endeavour after all by actually helping them in missions to get the resources. Can you honestly imagine 1 railjack for an entire moon clan? Imagine the power moves by the warlords on how to customise it. And I don't get it, you CAN help them get the parts. All they have to do is an incredibly easy quest mission of 3 minutes and then you carry them in 20 mins of Seimeni, 20 mins Europa def and a few hours of Index and you're done. What's the problem here?

    READING. TRY IT SOMETIME. I've ALREADY stated NUMEROUS TIMES in this thread that I like personal railjacks. I just want to help the people in my clan obtain theirs. Honestly, what do you do just skim over everything and just pretend to know what you're talking about? Give everyone in a clan a railjack. YOU GET A RAILJACK. YOU GET A RAILJACK. EVERYBODY GETS A RAILJACK. But since the giant stupid building is in my CLAN dojo and hyped to all heck that we need to rally our CLAN together for the update it makes NO SENSE AT ALL that I can't help fund the railjacks, let alone help them on the missions to obtain the parts. It ain't a story/lore heavy personal journey of a quest, so why is it a forced solo endeavor?


    And really, if you're in a clan and the leader somehow "tricks" you into giving him resources or kicks you out then congratulations you just got promoted at life and now you can just make your own entire dojo relatively cheaply! The Dry Dock is super cheap too!

  7. 17 minutes ago, -CdG-Zilchy said:

    Uhh no. I gave you a suggestion on how to help your friends get their resources they require. But since you decided to flex your hours played I thought I'd just point out that you haven't actually played the game that much.

    And again you missed my point. Just dragging them into the Index isn't what I wanted. Moreover, it doesn't get them the other items like the 15 argon crystals they'll need, or the 30 Orokin Cells, or the anything else they'll need. Let me try putting it this way since I know you aren't very good at reading.


    The. Update. Hyped. Up. Clan. Cooperation. So. Making. The. Railjacks. Entirely. Solo. Only. Endeavors. Is. Backwards. As. All. Heck. Nobody. Needs. Help. Researching. Cephalon. Cy. Or. Making. A. Dry. Dock. What. They. Might. Need. Help. With. Is. Making. A. Gigantic. Battleship. So. Why. Can't. I. Help. Them. With. That? I. Can't. Even. Help. Them. Get. The. Parts. On. The. Quest. Mission. Steps. Why. Even. Let. Other. People. On. To. Our. Personal. Railjack. If. Getting. It. Is. An. Entirely. Solo. Endeavor?


    I hope you can appreciate the 30 seconds it took to slowly type that out for you this way so you can actually understand what I'm trying to say, instead of trying to jerk yourself off about "living" in the Index like it's some sort of achievement or something.


    EXTRA TIDBIT: Here's a reading protip! What is the title of this thread? Say it out loud. Go ahead give it a try.

  8. 8 minutes ago, -CdG-Zilchy said:

    I mean I've only been playing for 4000 hours so I'm still pretty new...

    I would've thought someone with that many hours might've visited the index by now and realised how incredibly easy 6 million credits is to get. Guess not. Considering you can make about 250k credits there in about 5 mins, perhaps you should expend your energy to help the others gather their credits from there instead of a silly complaint that we all find laughable. As for clan donations, I donated 50 million credits to each dojo. I don't think you realise how incredibly easy getting credits in this game is. Do you live in Hydron? Start living in the Index.

    Obviously your reading comprehension isn't very good. That's ok.

  9. 1 minute ago, -CdG-Zilchy said:

    No offense pal but I helped fund 5 Drydocks for all our dojos the other day and barely noticed the bump in my resources. I think you're pretty new at this stage but you need to understand that as you keep playing the game you'll discover ways of earning these resources extremely quickly. The new resources took me 30 minutes to get and I have millions of the others and over 100 million credits, just like many other players in this game. Railjack is supposed to take us to harder content ie sentients so it's not supposed to be accessible by a player who's only been playing for a short while. Just keep playing the game as you are, don't live in Hydron and pretty soon you'll have what you need so don't stress and enjoy the game.

    The Dry Dock is cheap as heck. Not even a problem. But I've been playing this game since it was actually in beta and I dont have hundreds of millions of credits. Just 1,251 hours though, but I feel like someone with 1,251 hours into a game just MIGHT have a good idea how much a lot of something actually is. Just because it's not much for YOU in particular doesn't reflect on everyone.


    3 minutes ago, (PS4)jaggerwanderer said:

    I'm glad we get our own personal railjack instead of sharing one from the clan. It's cool if there's like 50 members or so, but 500 tenno wanting their own customization for whatever reason? Aside from that, can anyone pull out of the Treasure Vault? If so, just donate to it then let people pull out of it. There clan contribution. Until someone else just pull everything out for their own personal gain. Oooo toxic behavior.

    You can allow/disallow that in your clan management I'm pretty sure! And if the clan you're in doesn't let you do so and you want to you may wish to join a new clan or make one yourself! I'm also totally in support of everyone having their own rail jack! I JUST WANT TO HELP MY FRIENDS MAKE THEIRS.

  10. 4 minutes ago, Troposphere6 said:

    The research to improve the railjack is also done on a clan basis. Like cepholon cy or at least thats what has been stated


    Yeah but it was so cheap I also just paid for it myself. Easily. My clan mates didn't need to be involved at all.

  11. 3 minutes ago, Loza03 said:

    Since both questions are related, they aren't a good benchmark, really, for that very reason. But it does at least force new players to spend a bunch of time in these areas, more than they might do rushing through the starchart and hitting TSD.

    With all the advertising and hype that's gonna be out and about online for when the Empyrean update comes out it's gonna disapoint the crap out of new players and returning players alike if they're time gated to all heck to try out the new stuff. And if they can just join missions with random player's railjacks then I don't see the point of not letting us help each other make them since DE made them so expensive! Like 6 million credits is quite a lot, even divided up into 1 million per part it's just absurd just to progress a quest.

  12. Just now, LocoWithGun said:

    So if you have 500 people in a clan they should all share one railjack in your eyes?

    They'd need a poll and a week just to decide on a color.

    Or is it just the cost of the building that should be split? Moon clans would really have to fleece their active members to build that thing.

    They could all just contribute to a singular rail jack if they wanted sure. Or they could make a few. Or they could all help each other make 500 rail jacks. But they could all do it TOGETHER. But you can't.

  13. 4 minutes ago, IIDMOII said:

    You replicate the blueprint to be taken to your personal craft just like any other dojo based blueprint. Then it becomes a personal quest.

    They're customizable, upgradeable and can be used solo. It wouldn't make any sense otherwise.

    Think of the dry dock as a giant shared Arsenal/Research UI for your ship. It's the ship that's important, the dojo just happened to be large enough to facilitate parking it. 




    It could've been crafted anywhere. Put that thing; in the relays for all it matters. But don't hype up my CLAN cooperation and put it in my CLAN dojo if it's an ENTIRELY solo experience.

    • Like 2
  14. 3 minutes ago, Miser_able said:

    Because if they were clan based, people could be tricked into contributing to the clan rail jack, then evicted so they lose it. Or people could join clans where it's already done so they don't have to do anything. 

    Then why hype up your clan coming together at all? Why put it in the Clan Dojo? It's absurd.

  15. 7 minutes ago, (PS4)NewcastleDisease said:

    You can't use Clan vault ressources? 

    Nope. You even contribute to the individual parts IN the Dry Dock with a special console. I built a Treasury specifically in the room under the assumption we could all help each other out but nope. It's a pure solo experience. You can't even help your friends do the scanning portion for the parts.

  16. It makes no sense, why does each of my clan members have to pony up 6 million credits for these? Why are the part acquisition quests solo only? Why did you make me make a CLAN building in my CLAN dojo for something that is ONLY personal progression? I thought this was supposed to be a fun activity we as a CLAN could work together towards! The only part we could work together for was making the stupid Dry Dock and that was so cheap I made it myself effortlessly.


    It's absolutely dumb. You may as well have just not made me put a special building in my dojo at all and just let my Railjack float out in space somewhere. Absolutely killed my excitement for this update. Now I have to farm out 6 effing MILLION credits alone. Oh sure my clanmates can physically be there to help in the Index but I was hoping we could pool our stuff together.


    Just to clarify: You donate your resources to the Railjack parts inside the Dry Dock using a special console. You can't trade the resources and you can't even use the resources inside your Clan Treasury Vault. It is ALL on you from the get go. Despite the fact it's in a special room in your Clan Dojo at no point after building the Dry Dock can your clan mates help you out in any way, shape, or form.

    • Like 7
  17. 30 minutes ago, Ikyr0 said:

    I get your point, and I mostly agree. But that's the thing...I wouldn't load up a stealth/cc frame. Many frames, but not all, actually have decent scaling and this is where "choosing" to downscale myself would come into play. For instance, I use both Oberon and Ivara. Ivara breaks the game, but Oberon doesn't really unless used with some broken weapon/Riven.

    And if WF wasn't meant to be that challenging, then why do they keep trying? Why add the Arbies? Scaling? in the first place. why did they add Alert levels in Orb Vallis?

    They added them because they're carrots on a stick for newer or weaker players. And because those players may be challenged by such things at that level and strive to play and grind more to improve themselves, often spending plat in the process.


    As for not running a stealth or cc frame to simply add challenge I offer the counterpoint of, why not do this sort of thing now? Take off some mods, avoid using certain abilities, give yourself a challenge. You don't because you want to fully utilize your frame, but frames are so op and broken after a certain point that there really can't be challenge, aside from something ridiculous as I mentioned earlier. The difficulty in this game tops off after a certain point, anything you earn past that metaphorical bar is for you. A reward for your effort to give you something to earn (so you don't feel like you've wasted your time) but something that isn't a requirement to earn anything else.

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