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Posts posted by CrustySockPuppet

  1. 17 minutes ago, --N-- said:


    15 minutes ago, (PSN)EntityPendragon said:

    Hate fix is coming with next update

    That is my point.
    The fixes are coming in the next large-scale update, which we don't have a solid release date for as of yet.
    If they're going to keep Rotation 6 for another week because they messed up, they should at least fix the bugs in a hotfix that come with the Rotation while it's here or at least let us know that that's what they're doing.
    I don't care if it's going back on their word. Fix what's already there, then push more out.

    • Like 3
  2. Hey, if you're going to stick with another week of Rotation 6, are you at least going to change the fact that 3 out of the 5 Rotation 6 weapons are either broken or a pain to use? 

    Are you going to fix the Zylok being negatively affected by Multishot and having Line of Sight restrictions on the explosion?

    Are you going to fix the Sibear not creating a cold field on kill?

    Are you going to fix the Hate creating self-staggering projectiles that you failed to even mention at all in the description of its Incarnon Genesis Adapter with every single swing? 🙂

    • Like 2
  3. 11 minutes ago, Vespilan said:

    Some mods are always gonna be more useful than others, you could make the same case for augments that existed even prior to this update; Alot of them are not worth using, not even in an exilus slot.

    That doesn't mean that it's OK that they're so weak. Sure, status duration mods are bad mods, and there are also other bad mods. That doesn't mean that there should be bad mods. Same goes for Warframe abilities, like Chroma's 1, Inaros's 3, and Mesa's 1. Just because they exist and others also exist does not mean that they should.

    • Like 1
  4. All of the Warframe Augments are simply far too weak to give up a mod slot for. Some are even too weak to even be exilus mods, like Purifying Flames and Recharge Barrier.
    Why would you use Prism Guard if it cuts down the duration of an ability, that has an excessively long cast time already, down to basically nothing?
    Why would you use Power of Three when you could just stick on more Range?
    Why would you use Deceptive Bond when you can just use Quick Thinking?
    Why would you use Rumbled when your boulders and slam attacks do far less damage at base than even Landslide while also removing your ability to use your other abilities, having your mobility slashed, and removing the ability to spam Rumblers for extra rubble?
    Why would you use Recharge Barrier when you could just use Capacitance, which is already a weak augment to begin with?
    Why would you use Purging Slash for anything besides gimmicky synergy with Hildryn?
    Why would you use Singularity when you can't use it with Assimilate and base Absorb is basically useless?
    There's basically no reason to use any of these over other mods.

    Meanwhile, for the Weapon Mods, only Focused Acceleration and Ambush Optics are exilus mods, which is nice and to be expected. But why are Directed Convergence and Skull Shots not exilus mods? Nobody is going to give up a main slot for increased accuracy and the Viper Wraith is already an extremely weak weapon that there's really no reason to not make it exilus. Brain Storm I can understand not being exilus, as Prisma Grakata is actually not a half-bad weapon and giving it infinite ammo for simply hitting headshots for an exilus slot would be pretty broken.

    I really do want to use some of these mods, but there's no actual reason to use them, with few exceptions, most of which being the weapon mods. I sincerely hope that DE will buff a lot of these. There's got to be an actual reason to give up a slot for these mods. Maybe give them buffed/changed stats for PvE that are separate from PvP.

    (Note: This was posted in General Discussion and it was only after posting that I realized this should go here instead of there. My bad.)

    • Like 2
  5. All of the Warframe Augments besides maybe one (Singularity) are simply far too weak to give up a mod slot for. Some are even too weak to even be exilus mods, like Purifying Flames and Recharge Barrier.
    Why would you use Prism Guard if it cuts down the duration of an ability, that has an excessively long cast time already, down to basically nothing?
    Why would you use Power of Three when you could just stick on more Range?
    Why would you use Deceptive Bond when you can just use Quick Thinking?
    Why would you use Rumbled when your boulders and slam attacks do far less damage at base than even Landslide while also removing your ability to use your other abilities, having your mobility slashed, and removing the ability to spam Rumblers for extra rubble?
    Why would you use Recharge Barrier when you could just use Capacitance, which is already a weak augment to begin with?
    Why would you use Purging Slash for anything besides gimmicky synergy with Hildryn?
    There's basically no reason to use any of these over other mods.

    Meanwhile, for the Weapon Mods, only Focused Acceleration and Ambush Optics are exilus mods, which is nice and to be expected. But why are Directed Convergence and Skull Shots not exilus mods? Nobody is going to give up a main slot for increased accuracy and the Viper Wraith is already an extremely weak weapon that there's really no reason to not make it exilus. Brain Storm I can understand not being exilus, as Prisma Grakata is actually not a half-bad weapon and giving it infinite ammo for simply hitting headshots for an exilus slot would be pretty broken.

    I really do want to use some of these mods, but there's no actual reason to use them, with few exceptions, most of which being the weapon mods. I sincerely hope that DE will buff a lot of these.

    • Like 1
  6. Yeah, this is all great and I know this is gonna be off-topic, but can we get a reduction on the Hema's Research's Mutagen Sample cost? Like, a serious reduction? There is no reason whatsoever that it should take hours upon hours of efficient farming for a single, unremarkable weapon, especially when other somewhat expensive weapons to research (like Lenz, Ferrox, and Javlok) all that far less of their respective sample resource? The fact that new clans now have to farm for even more mutagen samples because of the 100x Health Restore doesn't help with the already excessive and arbitrary need for mutagen samples created by the Hema's research.

    The joke has run its course. It wasn't funny back then. It's not funny now. Please reduce the Mutagen Sample cost of the Hema to 1k to be in line with the other uber expensive researches (if not that because it's the only expensive Infested weapon, at least reduce it to 2k. Please?).


  7. Titania's 1 is still only really useful for stacking Razorwing Blitz and a bit of status immunity, both of which are underwhelming to say the least. The CC aspect of it should be changed to something completely different, especially since her 3 is now going to be made more useful CC with the Lantern now being stationary, making it akin to Trinity's 1: simply redundant.

    As some people are also saying, the new way to swap around Tribute is not good. Swapping abilities like those of Vauban and Ivara have always been and will continue to be clunky and unintuitive, especially since *holding* should be for switching and *pressing* should be for actual casting. Even if it did work this way for Tribute, it would still be really clunky. 

    • Like 2
  8. Today, I went into the Simulacrum to test out how exactly does Absorb's Damage Conversion aspect even work. I put in a build with 300% power strength and tried to see what came of it. Not only did the Damage Conversion on the Abilities screen show 0.08% as opposed to 0.09%, even though the base value is 0.03%, the math just didn't add up. If the damage conversion was correct, then at about 4.5K damage, I should've hit the cap of 400% damage multiplier, since 0.09% times 4500 is about 405% (I'd do the math to get 400% exactly but frankly it's already accurate enough). Instead, what I got was at about 21.5K damage that it capped at 400% damage multiplier. Am I doing my math wrong or is there some weird was the game calculates this damage multiplier I'm not understanding?

  9. While playing Nezha, I often found Blazing Chakram to be very inconsistent. Some times it would chain to other enemies just fine, dealing what little damage it does and spreading the debuff ring, some times it would hit one or two enemies, ping off into a random direction, and do little to nothing, even though there were enemies more than close enough for the chakram to chain off to.

    After a bit of testing, I found out that the overwhelming majority of Robotic and Machinery health type enemies caused the chakram to perform the latter example instead of the former. This includes every Moa and Osprey variants (including the mutalist variants and the Raptors), Rollers, Ratels, Bursas, and Eidolon Vomvalysts, although the Ratels and the Oxium Osprey seem to be the more stable than the rest, but still somewhat inconsistent. As for the rest of the enemies within those health types I am not sure, since I have not unlocked them in the Simulacrum yet and cannot test them without the aid of someone else.

    I've included a video showing my test against the robotic enemies, although these aren't the only tests I've done. Yes, I have tested it with their AI unpaused, yes I have tried it while they are under the effect of Divine Spears, where in the same thing happens to the initial chakram, then a second chakram comes out and hits another robotic enemy, only for that chakram to also ping off into a different direction. Yes I have tested it out agaisnt Rollers and the Raptors.

    I hope that you fix this issue, as Nezha is without a shadow of a doubt my most played and favorite frame, ever since the rework. 😊

    Here's that video I was talking about.

  10. I feel like Limbo and the Rift Plane mechanic need some changes with the way that they interact with other warframes. Warframes other than Limbo have a hard time staying in the Rift plane and, because of this, have trouble attacking enemies in the rift plane without standing inside a Limbo's Cataclysm. Although this can be mitigated by the use of a Warframe's abilities, this narrows their options when it comes to approaching enemies and even less if using a warframe that mainly has abilties that deal little to no damage, e.g. Loki and Titania. This problems mainly stems from how Limbo's Banish interacts with players. It is easy for a Limbo to place an ally into the rift plane, but it is also just as easy for an ally to purposefully(or more likely, accidentally) leave the rift plane, since it is done so by rolling, sidespringing, or backspringing. This can be mitigated by not using your roll unless you want to leave the rift plane, but this goes against what most players learn to use rolls for and means that you can't use rolling and its variants for any of its other uses; like getting into cover, quick horizontal movement, and negation of damage; because you need to not use it to keep yourself inside the rift plane, thereby making movement feel restricted and dealing with enemies inside the rift plane annoying and only suited to Limbo.

    To fix this issue, I propose that exiting the rift plane should be changed from rolling to a hotkey that is less likely to cause players to accidentally leave the rift plane and doesn't feel like restricting yourself from using that action just to be able to keep yourself in the rift plane. A few good alternative hotkeys could be tapping the "Gear Wheel" key twice in quick succession, having a button in the gear wheel with the sole purpose of exiting the rift, or even its own dedicated keybind that can be customized in the control settings. Although it is possible to accidentally do any of these, it is less likely to happen than if it was kept as the roll key and also allows you to use rolls inside the rift plane.

    Another somewhat minor contribution to Limbo's selfish playstyle is his Rift Torrent augment. I personally feel like the buff should have decreased extra damage but effect all warframes in the rift plane when a Limbo has this augment equipped and is inside the rift plane. This is a simple change that could give players more of a reason to stay inside the rift plane.

    To whoever reads this, thank you. I personally like Limbo's concept and appearance and hope to able to use his abilities in multiplayer more freely without feeling like a hindrance to the team rather than a useful asset. I also hope to see people's responses to the changes I have offered and their discussions on the topic. 😊




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