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Posts posted by orangescythe

  1. 31 minutes ago, (PS4)bigob_84 said:

    Good:  Radiant relics, weapon parts.

    Bad:  After all this time I still don’t have Kora. Drop rates need to be adjusted.

    Frustrating:  Nidus has stacks removed after each wave.

    Nidus doesn’t have his stacks removed after each wave in Defense missions.  Nidus scales in power which is perfect for E.S.O.  

     Acquiring 10 stacks in one wave is heartbreaking to see draining to zero as soon as the next starts.


    Khora doesn't drop from ESO.

  2. Just now, walter100 said:

    There are 3 Types of Payment
    In-game payment by PL or a Creator-only version.
    Payment for Money (not much, but not too little)
    Payment: Your weapon is in-game, (Not everyone wants money, not every game pays for player content, Many players just want to contribute to the game)

    Addressing the first one locking stuff that affects gameplay behind a paywall is a terrible idea.

    The second option having them work for free is even worse. There are severe negative connotations around profiting off stuff that people made for free. 

    The option that could work is DE treating the creators as freelancers and pay them for their work on a case by case basis. That could work but at that point it is probably something they could do in house.

  3. 6 minutes ago, Learicorn said:

    How about making enemies in general more challenging instead of adding one single unit that breaks the flow of the level and screws up new players to compensate for it

    There is a simple way to do that, give a general nerf to every warframe and weapon. I'm sure that'll make the game tremendously more challenging.

  4. 7 hours ago, MrMrs said:

    I'm gonna stray from the crowd and offer a different prospective. I saw this dude on the forums who kept switching between Chroma builds with forma (must have been pretty painful). If he had a second Chroma he wouldn't have to go on to hydron to switch builds. So sometimes you may find yourself needing a second frame for a build. Don't feel bad if you sold your mirage and limbo for their primes because they can't fit multiple builds in themselves. Just keep in mind if two builds don't fit together in one warframe try to get a second one. Whether that be a prime or whatever.

    You can just build two prime frames for that though

  5. 21 minutes ago, JohnKable said:

    Thats exactly my message. Already and clearly stated in opening topic that my proposal was probably garbage.

    and no, I don’t complain about prices since I can afford almost anything. I’m just saying some stuff is becoming too far from new players reach because of supply and demand and inflation.

    i saw ember p set going for over 1k plats and half garbage rivens at 800.  

    Still convinced we need to remove 75% discounts and having ANY kind of small, repeatable, non abusive plat sink.

    yeh the riven thing I’m suggesting is like the kubrow stuff that was a thing for like 2 days. And I still think kubrow color scramble for 10p was not abusive, even more if you make it so people can’t do that more than once or twice a day. A very small, impossible to abuse plat sink that will interest only a small fraction of playerbase  


    Yet I'm seeing about 10 Ember Primes for about 235 plat each right now. Now I'm a pretty new player I've been playing for about 5 months now.  I've spend about 50$ in total on the game currently and I own every warframe in the game. So no, it's still pretty cheap for new players to get stuff if they really want it.

    They won't be able to afford Rivens which aren't really necessary and honestly you can grind out yourself. The only thing I want and can't get are the arcanes which do have a material effect on the game and are far beyond my reach. But thpse two things are expensive because of RNG not because of a lot of plat in the game. Similar to how the price of a prime plummets every time DE gives it away for free the Rivens and Arcane prices would be way lower if they were easier to get. But I don't think anyone's asking for that.

  6. 10 hours ago, Julian_Skies said:

    I agree, before you do Glast Gambit you're going to be so broke in credits. On the other hand, each person decides what is more valuable to them, an item that can never be reacquired or an item you might want to spend platinum on later when you've more game time under your belt.

    They can be reacquired though. you can buy it from the Market with Plat and I'm pretty sure eventually DE will make those quests drop the parts again.

  7. 3 hours ago, (PS4)aiptekfanboy said:

    Thanks and is there a limit to orbs spawning? I.E. I want to kill 3 enemy then hit orb then kill 3 enemy to eventually kill 35 enemy so around 12 orbs hit ? Cue lotus telling me i took very looong to do test.

    I don't think the orbs stop spawning. I wasn't doing it particularly fast.

  8. 3 hours ago, Floppinger said:

    They could also just ban the the account that did the chargeback (the patient zero if you will) and leave the plat in the economy istead of lashing out at guilty and innocent alike.

    Introduce an MR requirement for high plat trade with other players (cant trade more than 30 plat a day with other players until MR whatever or something like that), investigate accounts that somehow get bad plat repeatedly (which I guess they already do), and handle it like that.

    Imo that´s preferable to lashing out at everyone, guilty or not.


    Then the guy who did the chargeback would have successfully laundered the plat with an accomplice. The people who do  this don't use their main accounts for this. They'll make a new account just to do this. The best solution that's available to them right now is what they're doing unless they plan to completely overhaul the trade system.

  9. 2 hours ago, mikakor said:

    Personally I don't think that any of them are flawed. Compared to what we have now, everything else that doesn't put the innocent trader in debt is good. ( That's something that should have been looked at for a while. ) 

    They've already asked players to take screenshots of every trade they make to protect themselves. I don't think the trades themselves are stored in the system.

  10. 4 hours ago, Cubewano said:

    That's an interesting comparison to draw, his very base line requirements (literally just do the task once to prove your barest level of competency) to having to do something 100x times to qualify. Do you truly struggle that much with soloing content that it consumes 100 times the work? Do you not think that might be a sign you are lacking competency in a mission type since that's extremely outside the norm? For most this would be akin to asking in an Eidolon premade to have at least one normal Eidolon clear before applying to do Tridolon, so they have baseline experience with the mission type.  

    By having people constantly needing carries and dragging down missions by not knowing what they are doing that creates a polarizing atmosphere. Giving new players the tools to be able to stand on their own (or rather the incentive since the tools are always available) isn't going to make them more divided from veterans, it'll make them more united since they would no longer be fully reliant on/a burden to veterans. As much as people like to help from time to time, nobody likes having to be the help 24/7. These players can also still very much ask for help during these qualifications from Veterans, just not in ways that are of an immediate inconvenience to them, and in a way that is more likely to benefit said new player long term. 

    He's already said he does most of his missions solo. I did as well after we failed a rescue in pug after everyone failed to get to extraction. What I object to is the need to make people like us who are already competent in doing Sorties solo more hoops to jump through in a game with far too much of it anyway.

    As for helping no one's forcing you to help anyone, if you feel like doing it correctly use recruitment chat or play solo. The only reason I go to pug is because I like a mixed bag. There is already a gate of close to a hundred hours to get to sorties there is simply no need to make it longer.

  11. Also the points earlier on in this thread. If you just look it up on youtube there are one hit kill builds for all the bosses for all of the Dark souls games. In addition to that even if you're playing for the first time just summon another player and any difficulty the games might have had gets erased. So any difficulty you might have had in Dark Souls is artificial since you could've cheesed it at any point in the game.

  12. 1 hour ago, Methanoid said:

    on the other hand i also know a handful+ of friends/family that have tried the game and just walked in under a week due to the same age old issues that has plagued warframe from day 1, which is a lack of accurate information ingame and the utter need to rely on the wiki site to know 95% of how the game works or where and how to get stuff or progress.  It took a while to get an actual new player tutorial added but its still only covering the absolute bare minimum of whats required to hold a new players interest before frustration just makes them walk.

    Even totalbiscuit god rest his soul, with his love for the game often commented on these very shortcomings nearly every time he revisited the game and its many changes but those issues of old are still here alive and kicking.

    That's something that Steve did mention in an interview that while talking with other industry veterans and with their own experience tweaking the new player experience never seemed to significantly impact the retention stats. So that's a low priority for them.

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