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Posts posted by orangescythe

  1. It's happened on multiple warframes for me. It usually is when I level up the mod after Equipping it on a warframe, if the mod equipped on multiple warframes the game may not unequip it from all of them. It will however unequip it from those warframes it warns you about when you try to level up the mod.

  2. 3 hours ago, wiinston17 said:

    Are you on PC? Im down to farm with you. Longest i have ever done it was with a group of 4 and we were basically just chatting about random stuff for 1.5 hours. I got 150 samples. Rip

    I joined another clan and decided to just allow it to accumulate over time since lots of clans in the alliance need help farming it. It was starting to have a real adverse affect on me.

  3. 19 minutes ago, Kyoresh said:

    well just get a Friend to help you than..

    and I just finished Hema recently on MR25 so there arent only Noobs.

    as for trading, just dont trade Platinum numbers higher than a few 100 per trade, or just wait 2 weeks until no one can refund the plat. 

    In 1500 hours I Never encountered Bad Plat...


    I know you're trying to help when I'm just ranting and Thanks for that. But honestly other than my brother I know literally no other person IRL who actually plays video games. It's seen as pretty childish and hence no one really does it. The only console I've seen in my life is an old PS1 which one of my friends had,  his father bought from abroad because it wasn't sold here. That's the sort of place where I live. i don't really have many friends even online who play Warframe, so I pretty much go to pugs for most of my farming.


    I don't really mind the 5000 requirement. The lower spawn rate and the lack of public matchmaking is the issues I have with this. And I don't think that's ever going to be fixed.

  4. 1 minute ago, Kyoresh said:

    you Really only need Hydroid AN D nekros to farm...and why money? a Booster costs 40plat so just farm it.

    alternatively join a Clan that already has the research done

    I couldn't care less about the weapon. I'm farming it because I hate stuff left incomplete in Clan Research. The only people who have any reason to run the Orokin Derelict are new players who will not have the frames required or are unwilling to stay more than 5 waves. I just did it 3 times today for about 50 samples in total. It was aggravating every single time. Someone would just up and leave every 5 waves. At this point I'd have better luck running pugs which has very conveniently been turned off on the Derelict.

    I don't sell for Plat in this game because the devs response to bad plat in someones accounts seems to be to ban the account. After putting in 700 hrs and a lot of money into this account I'm not taking that risk.

  5. 5 hours ago, EvilChaosKnight said:


    *Glances at status full status Tigris Prime*
    *Takes a long hard look at Lanka and Riven mods for it + Hunter Munitions.*
    *Shakes his head at Mesa, melee, Saryn and many other things clearly superior anyway.*

    Don't even remember when I last used any of the Heks. They are too mundane and boring to use for fun, and too mediocre to use for meta/efficiency. I guess Warframe has its own version of uncanny valley after all with weapon's efficiency in farming/general power on X and fun factor on Y.

    I honestly dislike the Tigris Prime. The Lanka is pretty good but I use it mostly for it's synergy with Magnetize. To clarify I never even potatoed the Vaykor Hek and I haven't used regular Hek in a while. But it's still a weapon I'd recommend to new players. I usually just use the Arca Plasmor which works well everywhere.

  6. 5 hours ago, (PS4)robotwars7 said:

    in that case, your best bet is to wait until the current Prime Access pack is Vaulted, and then unvaulted, as DE now sell the Accessories separately for Unvaulting Packs. assuming you're referring to still current Limbo Prime, it'll take probably........ 10 years to reach the Unvaulting phase? (taking into account all the other Primes before Limbo Prime being Vaulted and Unvaulted respectfully)

    so don't worry, in 2028 you'll finally be able to buy those cosmetics! :crylaugh: 

    What are you talking about, there's an accessories pack on sale right now with the Prime Access.

  7. 2 hours ago, Delixilion said:

    Not an issue with Excalibur, an issue with Exalted Blade. Excalibur is resilient, but his exalted blade gets quite weak after a while.

    Exalted blade is his strongest ability. Build it for status use Chromatic Blade and Condition Overload and you're good to go.

  8. 59 minutes ago, Delixilion said:

    I understand that Excalibur is possibly one of the most powerful frames in the game, but by the time I got to Saturn, I had issues keeping him alive, the enemies began getting far too powerful, even with about 3 Forma on all the equipment that I had using him, as well as almost infinite amounts of energy, thanks to Equilibrium, for constant use of the all powerful Exalted Blade, I had issues playing missions in Saturn, Uranus, and Sedna, even with other players. He was only good in the Junctions by then. But Volt stayed reliable thanks to his Static Charge passive, that is until I began playing Lua missions.

    That seems more of an issue with modding than problems with the Frame itself. I almost never use Excalibur because he's simply not my cup of tea. But I've never hgad issues taking him into Sorties even if I don't bother equipping weapons.

  9. 1 hour ago, Noibat said:

    Mag is somewhat complicated compared to the other two,  and honestly I can't play her effectively.  I know there are many who swear by her,  and I've always been impressed by those who main her,  but she does not fit my playstyle at all,  so I try to refrain from talking about her in any real capacity lol.  I just can't figure out effective synergy with her.  Maybe I'm modding her wrong? 

    The important thing to do is to use Counter Pulse otherwise she'll die quickly. Polarise can strip armor of course and Magnetise has to be used strategically. That's what I like about her. She's immensely powerful in the right hands. I'm not an expert at using her but I still have lots of fun with her. Also she looks great.

    I'm still hoping they find some way to fix how shields work in this game because of her ability to provide Overshields.

  10. 9 hours ago, Noibat said:

    Dude....  Excalibur is one of the best frames there are.  At any level of play.  He's widely considered the best starter,  and only recently has Volt  competed with him. 

    Volt and Excalibur both are starter frames,  and both of them are more than reliable at ANY level of play. 

    I feel Mag is an extremely strong Endgame frame as well and absolutely better than the two at endurance runs. The only slight issue she has would be infested where she will have to use her weapons.

  11. The support website appears to be broken. I just get an error message telling me the connection is not secure. I've gotten the message no matter what browser I use including with a VPN.

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