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Posts posted by iG4B3

  1. On 2019-05-02 at 11:20 AM, -Temp0- said:

    No and freaking no.

    You ARE a casual if you do nightwave, non casual players do literally anything else from playing ESO and Arbitartion to sorties and Profit taker and Eidolon and doing endless or long runs. You are also NOT 'hardcore' jsut because you slogged through every weekly and daily, just because you spend more time does not make you a hardcore player. You gain nothing and dont get 'better' by spamming 10 level 5 spies instead of 1.

    Theres NOTHING "hardcore" about nightwave, its mundane low level chores. Seriously? Nowdays people define hardcore by doing 3 spies and 3 mobile defense? No hard missions, no interesting missions, no NEW missions, no challenge, no scaling rewards, nothing. Just usual trash low level starchtat missions youve been doing for YEARS now. But now you need to do them every day, every week for 10 weeks for the same but in reality less rewards than before. Wow. Such improvement. Much needed.

    And dedication? Dont make me laugh. With thousands hours already spent in this game, you'd THINK we'd get something for our troubles already or at the very least a better freaking content to grind and better rewards to grind for. But no. Just as login rewards, nightwave rewads you for braindead low level activity, a single 4-5x3 Eidolon hunt or 1 hour arbitration should worth weekly standing in nightwave but it doesnt. This is not dedication. This is boredom. This is literally keeping you on the short leash, keeping you close, upping up those numbers on steam while doing nothing. And those are not rewards worthy of that slog and boredom. There are WAY better cosmetics on the market and you can live without umbra forma just fine, you dont need it in ANY type of content, you an do any content from eidolons and profit takers to 1000+ level enemies in endless without it.

    Nightwave isn't a new innovation, it was a VERY POSITIVE way to turn rng alerts + affinity bonus objectives into the more standard daily/weekly reward format that so many other games employ. It doesn't award you for supreme skill, and wasn't meant to, it's to reward you for just playing, and give you something to focus on while you're at it. It's about TIME spent, not SKILL shown.

    I think you're confusing high-skill with hardcore. In a loot-grinder, a hardcore player is one who grinds the poop out of loot.
    Casual players can be as good at the game as they want, with as many hours logged as they want, but if they don't put in the time, they're still just casual, and won't be able to reach content that a hardcore player (skilled or not) is willing to put in the time (or learning) for. Nightwave is not HARD, but grinding just over half of Nightwave was apparently so catering to only hardcore grinders that the community shat a brick because the requirements list wasn't inclusive enough for casual players.

    I agree there are better cosmetics, and umbral forma isn't needed, but that doesn't mean that hardcore collectors won't want to get those items, grind to do so, and flaunt them. It's specifically BECAUSE they are lackluster rewards that no exceptions should have been made to allow players unwilling to grind 65% of Nightwave to get those rewards. It takes the prestige from those willing to grind without actually really rewarding anyone, perpetuating the "catering to new players" attitude that has crippled any semblance of end-game content we've seen from DE.

  2. When I am the host and 2 players DC simultaneously, yet one remains, it's not my connection that is the issue. If it was, 3 would leave, or more likely, I would DC from the game.
    The odds that these 2 DC's live in the same ISP service zone to be affected by the same technical issue are slim to none especially as independently recruited randoms.
    I didn't say anyone should be banned, but leaver-busting with mission-join cooldowns and the like is not a foreign nor oppressive concept.

  3. 2 minutes ago, NaoEthelia said:

    Dedicated players will still be rewarded for dedication. Hard to get cosmetics would still be reserved for those willing to put in the hours to grind them since they're locked at rank 30. Prestiges in the current nightwave is also non-existent since there's no exclusive reward beyond Rank 30 armor.

    Making Nightwave Series permanent won't change that. 🙂

    How on Earth do you come to that conclusion?

    If Nightwave is permanent, as in, not limited by the time of the series, then ANYONE will be able to get to the max rank, eventually.
    The point of those rewards is that everyone willing to do 65% of the content EVERY SINGLE WEEK are the only ones that should be able to get it.

    • Like 11
  4. Dedicated players need a reward for being dedicated. No casual is min-maxing enough to make use of an Umbral Forma, and hard to get cosmetics SHOULD be reserved for those willing to put in the hours to grind them. Don't make hardcore players feel like their time is wasted on a game that waves prestige in their face then passes it out to everyone like a damn participation medal. This game does the 'easy mode', beginner-friendly pandering enough, already.


    • Like 24
  5. With hour-long thresholds for weeklies come trolls looking to ruin it. This is a not a fking meme, this actually happened.
    Nekros, Gara with a low MR Hyldrin all recruited. I run Hydroid so there's no risk of needing to pop a capsule, also decent cc. We run smoothly for 50 mins, not dropping below 95% life support.
    Nekros and Gara suddenly disappear five minutes from the end; no extraction, just disconnected. I am now left with a newbie player doing 7% of the team's damage while I have to make up for two missing players' worth, while defending 1-shot capsules w/o a Gara wall, just to get life support.

    Good stuff.

  6. On 2019-04-11 at 10:44 PM, FlyingDice said:

    Wrong. You also need 145% strength to cap out the debuff (or negative strength for speedva).

    It was a response to him NOT spec'ing duration, and you obviously didn't read the whole thread or you'd know that you're echoing.
    There are 3 ways to build nova's STR, and in all cases, DUR is still top priority.

  7. 55 minutes ago, (PS4)UnGodly-Obito said:

    My nova duration can not go 308 as completely messed it up via forma but I understand u completely gameplay wise 

    Duration is the only stat worth building on Nova unless you're speedrunning w/ range build. Without it, your 4 is extremely limited because its range is crap and your 1 is useless because you can only receive a few protecting orbs instead of a full 18 (x5% = 90% reduction). If that's Nova Prime, she's worth rebuilding/reforma'ing.
    But yeah Gara is nutty amounts of OP, too, if you can learn her well.

    • Like 1
  8. If you're comfortable with Nova, get her duration to 308% with all of the duration mods, slap on Umbral Intensify or PowerDrift+Intensify for 145% strength, and equip Molecular Fission.
    Make sure you have Vitality, as well, and the rest depends on your playstyle. You now cut enemy movement, targeting, fire rate, and effective hit points in HALF with 4, AND retain constant 90% damage reduction from your 1 so long as you kill things affected by 4. Also, you make the game easy for your team, allowing you all to support each other, easier.

    The key to not dying in Arbitrations compared to normal missions with similarly leveled enemies is dealing with the drones. You NEED an easy way to kill them. I recommend Arca Plasmor or Catchmoon as you don't need to be accurate to hit them, and both are highly useful in Arbitrations against normal enemies.

    Try your builds in easier Arbitration mission types as well, before going against Grineer Defense. Easy modes are easy. Easy enemies are easy. 
    Infested < Corpus < Grineer
    Survival < Interception < Defense


  9. - IGN
    - Age
    - Mastery Rank
    23 (not a joke)
    - Time Zone and play-time range
    EST ~8-11pm range, most nights
    - Primary Frames/Load-outs/Specialties if any
    Nova. A LOT of Nova. Specialty builds for necessary frames.
    - Why do you want to join our clan? Goals?
    Bored of the casual, high-volume clans that might have an okay dojo but mainly function as a smaller region chat.
    Would really like to take on endgame+ content with regulars who love the game as much as I do.
    - Tell Me a little about Yourself
    Graphic Designer, Warframe enthusiast, mellow but meticulous.
    - Tell Me a Joke!
    I can't remember the last time that I unironically told a prompted joke; probably when anti-jokes were funny.
    Maybe it's just the more candid & frequent ways that we get our humor, nowadays but, as my wise, pink papa once said; "Inhale the memes..."
  10. Same here, and seen it on several streams after that update almost a month ago.
    Before and after pics, here:



    With the addition Molecular Fission and the recent unvaulting of Nova Prime, more players are using Nova and her Null Star. Not to mention us Nova veterans.

    Please bring back my whispy shinies. ❤️
  11. Honestly I think everyone would find the game mode more appealing if there weren't so many damn snags on those tunnels you fly through. This game is reveled for it's movement system and while space mechs fighting drone hoards may be a niche taste, clunky moves are what I think destroy the game mode. It's the equivalent of going double max volt speed through that one corpus narrow-zigzag-hall-full-of boxes-tile but with triple the obstacles and a second-long stun that ticks at your sheilds+hp every time you even barely touch something.

    I say keep the winding tiles, but remove the obstacles that aren't hard to dodge, just annoying to, and remove the collision stun unless you're full-boosting.

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