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Posts posted by ChrisCtrlGaming

  1. lol i'm from RU region ))) and I can make mistakes :Р  If you want, I can follow any responses to correct)))


    But thx )))))

    I'd guessed by your signature :P

    Don't worry about it though, we all knew what you were trying to say n_n

  2. I'd imagine it will last until the game comes out of Beta, and even then it might be kept available to players who registered before the game came out of beta? thus meaning it will infinitely be available to you.


    However, don't take my word for this, DE hold all the answers!!

  3. I've been thinking about this myself, but with the entire game so we can backtrack easily (or find people who are far ahead/behind us)

    I think the reason this hasn't been implemented in any way is due to the fact that if you brought the map up you'd need a way to navigate it (change floors if there are multiple floors)

    now pulling up a map while in a mission could be pretty difficult as you never know when some shield grineer is going to run over and push you over, which if going by what already happens when you're knocked down, you can't change what ability you have selected or type ect (locks the keyboard sort of thing) so I'd guess you wouldn't be able to close the map.


    Maybe in solo it would be an okay idea, as the game could pause like it does when you press esc, but who knows :)

  4. I feel that you're not leaving, rather you're just trying to make a point to DE in a different manner :P or maybe I'm just crazy to think that lol. :3


    just my 2cents or bucks or w/e people say anymore... lalalala

    I honestly think he is just waiting for some kind of response from DE so he can fangirl all over the place and be overwhelmed by the feels

  5. From the quote you gave in the OP did it or did it not say that they were still asking for feedback?

    If they got enough feedback saying how players found the referral system to have flaws then they would consider changing it..

    just because they said that is it "staying as it is" does not mean it will stay that way forever, just until they have enough feedback

  6. Yeah i hope we can attract the attention of a DE, does anyone know if maybe we should file a ticket, or perhaps is there another way?


    I'm guessing you didn't see this then??



    Yes our in-game chat is currently down!


    We're working on it :)



  7. Yeah this WAS a problem before yesterday's hotfix for me.

    I've been in and out of the dojo and checking the foundry like normal since. So I don't see the same issues anymore.


    Same here, I just checked again to see if something had gone wrong though since reading this but it still works perfectly fine.

    hopefully it gets fixed for those players who are having problems still soon.

  8. hello Chris

    I'm a new warframe player looking for a clan that social friendly n that's active

    I would love to help out with the dojo as well i want to try n research duel ichor


    I tried to send you an invite but it says you are already in a clan, you might have a request to join a clan that needs cancelling before I can send you an invite.


    Let me know if this is the case and reply to this post when you've declined the current invitation


    Thanks :)

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