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Everything posted by Perfectchaos88

  1. I'm trying to get UPnP working with Warframe through my OPNsense firewall. After enabling UPnP I am receiving a message that UPnP is malfunctioning. Using wireshark I am able to see the handshake between the UPnP daemon and Warframe, it seems there is some sort of error along the way. A 500 error is returned to Warframe. UPnP Error code 713: SpecifiedArrayIndexInvalid I'm going to guess this is a bug in how Warframe is talking to UPnP. I'm attempting to debug this a little further but thought I might see if I could get some help here. Here's a link to the wireshark dump of the handshake. https://www.dropbox.com/s/qjn6idqk8i48o3d/warframe_handshake.pcap?dl=0
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