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Posts posted by Elkyn

  1. This weapon is broken, as old torid user my advise is :"don't build it".

    As long as the cloud will be so small and the damage so weak any other weapon is better.

    Even Lato have a better DPS.

  2. If they want a credit sink why not using pure gold decoration with really hight credit cost ?

    Or allow players to buy 5 metalic color panel for 10 Millions... (gold, iron, copper, silver, pearl)

  3. The new price of this item is a real joke.

    I don't like trying to decode by myself because it's ruining the fun between two fighting scene and force my teamate to wait.

    5000 credits?

    And i still have to pay to build it with my own components?

    Ok, you'll find me slacking around waiting for an other player to do it, cause i won't pay 80 times the old price for this item.

  4. I really do want to build this room in my dojo.

    I imagine a big room with targets (from each faction) we could set with armor level and distance.

    I would love to get data from the weapon i use : detail from each type of damage i did and how much the target resist.

    I'd like to decorate it with all the weapons owned in my clan and pack of ammo everywhere.

    We still be able to complain there is no dancing pole later.

  5. It's nice being able to win Orokin catalyst and reactor with alert, but it's could be better if it wasn't always at 4 A.M for european people.

    I think if you could make something about that it'll be cool.


    (in french)

    J'aimerai pouvoir en dire plus à ce sujet, toutefois ma langue natale n'est pas l'anglais. Car il y a long a dire sur le sujet, et nous ne disposons pas de partie du forum en français. Nous sommes nombreux à vouloir nous exprimer sans en avoir la capacité.

    Une des suggestions que je pourrai faire à ce sujet serait d'offrir la possibilité aux joueurs d'avoir ce genre d'alerte "spéciale" avec une repetition toutes les 6 heures pendant la journée tout en conservant la possibilité de n'obtenir qu'une seule fois la recompense.
    Desesperant de devoir traduire cela en anglais, je compte sur vous pour faire passer le message.

  6. No matter what change you made or will make to the game, i won't use stamina mod or look at stamina when playing. It's boring and doesn't bring any kind of fun to the game.

    I think you'd better remove it and forget about that...

  7. I'd like to share my experience as dual core warframe player.

    Hosting a 4 player game isn't really easy but even with 3 players i have some huge troubles.

    When we are in a def mission we all have some freeze starting in wave 20 to 25, with lag, including monsters teleportation.

    I disapointed and i hope you can do something to help people to get better experience of the game with older computer.

    i don't think the game optimisation is at the best and hope improvements will come soon.


    I wish i could write that in a better english or having a french forum for our feedback.

    There is litterally hundreds of french speaking players unable to repport bugs or write feedback in english.

  8. Game freeze when i host 3 or more players in void, 2 seems to be fine.

    When game is frozen for me, the other players are send to main menu while i'm stuck.

    All i can do is to stop warframe pogramme through task manager.


    Intel pentium dual CPU E2180 2.00 GHZ


    Edit : i also can no longer play with 4 peoples anymore : whan hosted by a friend with quadricore, all my friend were together while i finished alone on the same map.

    It was a def map wave 11. Snow started to fall on both maps (mine and the other with my three friends) just after i was kicked from their map.


    I know my english isn't that good but how good is your french, your portugese and your spanish?

  9. Since the 9.8 patch, we no longer have anyone in the clan able to host 4 people in void even if some of us can host 4 on regular map.

    How can i use my keys if i can't host the game?


    When i try to host, people in the team have "connection lost" and i'm stuck on a black screen waiting for other players.


    Not fun at all.

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