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Posts posted by FlyDungas

  1. I dont think people should be raging about not being able to get everything, but I also think that 100 missions for this was pretty steep. A week isn't that long for people with work, school, families etc..For me the missions didn't always go super smooth and fast. Sometimes I'd get paired up with someone who just destroys everything and we can do the whole thing at a constant forward pace, 4 minutes was the fastest I did I think. But there were also times where it wouldn't let me join games because the pings were all too high, or the game lagged so much the mission became unplayable, MOAs blocking the only way into the next area, stuff like that. Sometimes none of us had super powers and we would get held up fighting some of the larger groups. Between those things I'd say 10 min a mission on average is how it went for me. With that in mind, 100 missions would take 1000 minutes, about 16.5 hours. Over a week that'd be almost 2.5 hours a day. For me its a big chunk of my free time but not all of it. Too big for it to be worth it personally, so I'm not crying about not getting the weapon reward. But I'm not in a good work situation right now, when that changes it won't just be a matter of whether or not its worth it, it will literally be impossible for me to get without neglecting some of my responsabilities. And I'm sure a lot of people are in way tighter situations than I am. So I don't think it would have hurt anyone if the tier 3 reward was for 50 or 60 missions instead. I think I did about 45 and it got a bit repetative, I'm not sure if it would still be pleasant after twice as many.

  2. This Even was the longest, they gave us I think one week was it ? and to do 100 missions which take 5 min each, I also go to a University and work don't try to pull BS please, if you couldn't find time Its not DE's fault.


    5 min is if you rush it with very powerful stuff, best case scenario. it would take 1.5 to 2 hours a day for a week to do 100 missions, and if you work and go to school thats pretty much all of your free time for an entire week

  3. im confused as to why they chose to make a reward for grineer a weapon that was removed, and the corpus counterpart a weapon that can be obtained through other means. it seems like a no brainer. I'm going to be fighting for corpus as much as I can but if it comes down it ill switch last minute to help grineer win. kinda hard to consider the welfare of hypothetical colonies with that kind of choice

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