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Posts posted by FlyDungas

  1.      I think its a risk vs. reward thing. They could focus on improving the generation and end up wasting resources getting nowhere, they could hand craft static maps  and find that people don't really like them etc.. I'd suspect that there are enough people playing and supporting the game that repetitive maps aren't an important enough issue. Most feedback regarding really big issues seems to be overlooked because it would take way more work to implement/rework from the ground up and usually involves too many text walls to hold people's attention (like this thread lol no offense I contributed to it and still am).

         Really the players seem to be more concerned with grinding out their next drop and complaining about things that slow them down. The repetitive maps haven't stopped them from doing it all the way up to rank 14 and I'm afraid this is a sign to DE that this isn't a real problem. Which I guess it isn't if you play this for the loot chase, which I unfortunately don't.

  2. On one of the streams they said that because of the way the generate the maps it is impossible to make multiple objective paths. This is the real killer in my opinion as it guarantees every mission to be basically the same. When you are just following an objective marker to get your reward, it doesn't even matter what room you go into next or whether there is enough variation between them because they are just backdrops for shooting enemies. Even rooms that are more interesting don't REALLY change anything because unless you're playing exterminate the most logical thing to do is safely make your way to the next one to get your reward faster.


    I see the game as having two basic types of missions. A linear type where you essentially just follow the objective maker from room to room, and a slightly more dynamic type that remedies this by restricting you to specific locations. Randomization and which rooms you get actually makes a difference in the second type. Like in survival the room you get capsules in actually affects your strategy, especially with the fancier ones like trap rooms in the void. Do you wanna leave them on and use them against your foes for free life support, or take em down and play it safe? Oh crap lots of life support is falling on that ice bridge what do I do? That kind of thing.


    The first type is kind of hopeless though. I honestly think it would be best to ditch procedurally generated maps on these game types and rework them into static versions with multiple paths to the objective built in, maybe multiple and optional objectives, hidden treasures, ventilation systems for stealth travel, maybe open up maps like Earth and Phobos to add an element of verticality and remove those invisible walls/ceilings and incentivize parkour, etc.. It would open up a lot of map design options as well, rather than having to mold everything to fit in with the "room" progression. Everything they already have made could be used to make these maps initially but I think the important thing is to get rid of the restrictions that the map generation system imposes on missions and I can't think of any other way to do it


    This game just doesn't seem built to support that kind of map generation. In a Diablo type game it works because it keeps you from knowing where to go every time you replay a zone. Here its just visual flavor because you replay the areas WAY more often and you have the objective marker telling you where to go anyway. 

  3. Probably but honestly it won't stop rushing at all. People rush because they want rewards faster, and currently there isn't enough variation from mission to mission to give people any incentive to slow down, explore, enjoy the experience etc.. When you have very strict/linear objective paths and markers that hold your hand the whole time it gets "been there, done that" really quickly. The only way rushing can be stopped is if it is made impossible or impractical. Static maps that have multiple means of getting around rather than breadcrumb trails to follow from room to room, significant stuff you can miss out on if you blaze through the map, etc..


    Rushing isn't really a problem in itself that needs to be stopped, like the people doing it are at fault. Newer people just don't get it because they haven't done everything 200 times already and the experience is still fresh for them. People that rush don't need to be punished for it or prevented from doing so its more of a statement about the game really. A lot of negative opinions and feedback I've experienced revolves around how repetitive this game gets. You can make it take longer to kick in with more tilesets, enemies, frames etc but eventually it amounts to running from A to B/Defending C with a different backdrop and some glitter. Not to sound overly negative.


    That and RNG. Bosses will be rushed no matter what because its hard to slow down and have fun when you're doing it over and over just to get an item you want.


    But yeah I see these doors as a band-aid for a more serious problem.

  4. Pointless post. Seriously if you care about people having an opinion that differs from your own, turn your attention away from the internet, real life, and every single thing ever because nobody's going to share your opinion on everything. You're only going to cause yourself butthurt and maybe, I don't know, become a bit of a #$&(% on the basis that you feel the need to attack someone who expresses their opinion. I can never take stuff like this seriously, people being butthurt because someone mentions the words "gender equality" on the internet, or wonders why there can't be Male / Female characters on a game. That's all it is, you being butthurt about other people's opinions and trying to insult them instead of giving them a reason why their opinion is invalid. Opinions that are different than yours don't hurt anyone, mindless drones who blow a valve when encountering a different opinion do though.


    You seem to be a lot more tweaked about my opinion than I was about his, LOL

    Either way yeah just because its someones opinion doesn't mean it can't be stupid, pointless or detrimental. 

  5. How can you be upset about women being stoned to death over being sexually assaulted when genocide exists?!


    ...Yeah, that argument uses exactly the same logic as the one you just made, and you should feel bad about it.


    You should also feel bad about dragging out the "white knight" epithet. It's never been effective, because whether or not it is true, one's motivation for saying a thing does not materially alter the thing that is being said.


    No... it really doesn't and I don't. Genocide and women being stoned to death are at least in the same league. They are both examples of real people being abused and hurt by others. The size of a fictional video game character's boobs does not and can not hurt ANYONE. Its not even close to either one of those things, are you serious? In those two situations people die. In real life. Their lives are taken away from them with no chance of getting back what they lost, its a terrible terrible tragedy. "Sexualization" in video games doesn't kill anyone. It doesn't physically hurt anyone. It just makes insecure people butthurt and takes advantage of lonelies. Its their own problem. I know plenty of girls that have no problem playing characters with large boobs, barbie like figures or even bikini armor. I have no problem playing hunked out dudes with 6 packs and flowing locks either. I'm very far from the standard for male...handsomeness but I'm not so insecure that I can't handle people in movies magazines and video games looking "better" than I do because I have a sense of self worth. Those two serious issues actually need to be stopped because they destroy lives, this is a non issue and making it out as serious just encourages stupid mindsets.

  6. Pointless white knight thread. Seriously if you care about gender equality turn your attention away from cheap marketing schemes that only cause butthurt and maybe towards idk women going to jail for being sexually assaulted on the basis of premarital sex and being treated like property in some places. I can never take this stuff seriously, people being butthurt over boobs in video games or naked women in rap videos, or praising the opposite in this case. Thats all it is, butthurt and trying to prevent butthurt. Pixels don't hurt anyone, #*($%%@ up laws and metal pipes do though...

  7. there are absolutely going to be new attacks. I've seen two of the new finishers randomly, one with galatine where you jump on the dude and stab him to death with it, and another with obex where its some kind of a throw body slam thing


    but yeah whats not to be excited about? new combos, new enemies, new mods, new animations, more control, you'll probably be able to melee an entire non infested mission if you want to, stop being such a hipster OP

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