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Posts posted by (PSN)Yetchii

  1. Apparently it's like.. if they have an ability that is even slightly similar to another frames ability but is a weaker version of that frames ability then the entire frame needs a rework because they're just a discount Rhino.

  2. 22 minutes ago, Darthprymus said:

    and are sitting here with nothing because DE decided to be lazy and just give it to people who logged in recently.  

    Would you personally sort out around 500k problems, or would you just go the 'lazy' route and give them to everyone who bothered to log in even once within 7 days?

  3. Try Streamlined form for the Holster rate thing. It's an Exilus mod that costs 2-7 points so it shouldn't impact your build much at all.

    ..and no to the Reloading when holstered for no reason thing. If you've used the mods that do that you'll see that you can shoot through the entire mission only being stopped by the time it takes to holster your weapon. Some weapons can even have their reload time removed completely because if you double tap the weapon switch button it reloads without actually switching weapon. It's when the UI of the weapon is switched that it counts as being holstered and reloads. Plus, if you look at the reload time of weapons like the Strun wraith, it has a 5 second reload time. There would be literally no reason to reload instead of just holstering it.

    It'd be nice to have it as a warframe passive though. Like maybe a warframe based on Asura.. 6 arms, 3 heads.. it'd make sense since that's more than enough arms to reload while still shooting stuff and casting space magic.

  4. 8 hours ago, EmberStar said:

    But you know what?  I give up.  It's clearly unacceptable that I don't play the way everyone else does.  Forget I made this thread.  Forget I said anything.

    If you just don't want to use snipers or anything else that everyone uses then you can try what I use.. since nobody else seems to use it.

    Titania: Pistol amp, Umbral Vitality, Umbral Intensify, Augur secrets, Fleeting expertise (max), Streamline, Blind rage (rank 2), Primed Continuity. (1 potato, 0 Forma.. still space for an Exilus mod and 1 other regular mod but I'm not gonna use any Forma until their rework.)

    Mutalist Quanta: Hammer shot, Vital sense, and then a basic radiation build. (0 Forma, Potato isn't needed. MQuanta is just for the increased crit chance when shooting through the alt-fires Bubbles.)

    Dex Pixia: Primed pistol gambit, Hornet strike, Convulsion, Primed heated charge, Primed target cracker, Augur pact, Barrel diffusion, Lethal torrent. (3 Forma)

    I get 1500-2000 damage per crit shot with Dex pixia depending on the distance (idk why but it seems like it has falloff damage) from the Teralyst when shooting it with a fire rate of 9.33 (9.33 shots fired per second with a 100 or so % crit chance when shooting through MQuanta's Bubble so 15k-20k damage per second.) and if a Harrow gives their buff then I get 40k red crits. So with multishot thats 80k per shot with an 80% chance for it to be 120k. (Teralyst has about 550k HP)

    The only problem you should have is the one Teralyst attack where it fires that sphere into the air that splits into 10 or so smaller spheres and becomes a homing attack since Razorwing increases aggro you'll end up having all 10 shots fired at you, so just make sure you turn Razorwing off and then go into operator mode the moment you see it. (DE seriously just needs to let us go straight from Razorwing into operator mode already._.) and don't let it stamp on you either lol

    You can also shoot Spellbind at your feet or at your teammates to give them/you status immunity to ignore the magnetic waves magnetic effect and then Operator/Void mode to ignore the waves damage.. It's short range so ofc you shouldn't need to use it if Harrow or Oberon is on the team but I still do it anyway for the butterfly effect \(*-*)/

    I mainly use Titania for Teralysts but it's pretty good for Tridolons too. My last two Tridolon randoms with this build had Trinity/Chroma/Harrow and Chroma/Harrow/Rhino all using Lanka/Vectis and I got  63% and 45% of the damage dealt by the end of each hunt thanks to Harrows buff, so it seems to work well enough against them all.

    ..didn't bother to proofread so if I said anything that makes me seem like a potato then.. I guess I'm a potato. Anyway, whether you try it out or not, good luck.

  5. I did 5 or 6 Teralyst hunts in 1 night with different randoms every hunt yesterday with me using Titania/MutalistQuanta. 

    So.. I think your impression that all randoms are bad is just wrong. Give them a try. If you don't want your time wasted on something you think you'll fail then you can just look at what everyone is using and then hop back to Cetus if they have a Tigris/Arca plasmor/Paris prime and try again.

  6. 2 minutes ago, den2k said:

    It procs on itself ❤️ I cleared half a map causing a massive lag several times.

    Yeah that lag happens almost every shot in onslaught with Banshee's sonar + Saryn's spores up xD ..haven't seen it reach 60m though.

  7. The difference now is that you have to pick the targets and you can still shoot stuff while BS is happening. If you want to join the 'cinematic' like you did before then just use Teleport. It also costs less energy if you pick targets when invisible, so you can BS more now than you could before.

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