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Posts posted by (PSN)Yetchii

  1. Derelict key blueprints and the regular nav coordinates should be removed.. but keep Lephantis navs and mutalist Alad navs and just have them as a currency to enter the boss fight without building a key, like how Animo beacons work. Then we can finally have public matchmaking in the derelict and against mut-lad v.

    There's a junction task that needs you to craft a derelict key to progress, so that task would need replacing if they removed the keys. It's the Saturn junction to get to Uranus, I think.

  2. 13 hours ago, (XB1)Oussii said:

    yes it does. my 4k hours of playtime gave enough to test each frame more than enough

    name any mission where you think nidus us a must and i will counter it with a better frame

    Once is more than enough? By the sounds of it you've just used most of the other frames 1 time each too and just called it a day. "That is not enough for them. You're just like all the rest.. greedy scavengers. You do not care about Jordas Nidus you won't kill the golem learn the frame!"

    ..my lame joke aside.. you've played for 4000+ hours. That's fine. But of those 4000 hours you've spent what.. 40 minutes on Nidus? Maybe even less than that? I said your opinion on anything Nidus related means very little because the amount of time you've used the frame for is the same.. very little. Assuming your most used is Ash, then sure, if you tell me about Ash, I might think you're right.. but not for something that you never gave a real chance.

  3. 2 hours ago, Vilemyre said:

    Can ballas even time travel though? His appearance still surprised me to begin with.

    Lua spy mission has those portals that let you travel through time, he just needs to use them.


    2 hours ago, DeMonkey said:

    @LazerSkink it's close enough, drink.

    @OP There's a whole Umbra megathread in the Discussion Subforum.

    The Sacrifice = Umbra?

  4. A random idea just popped into my mind of what The Sacrifice is going to be about, so I'll keep it short and.. possible spoilers ahead:


    Ok, so.. The trailer shows Umbra on Lua, so the quest most likely takes place there. Lua spy missions have time travel and there seems to be an executioner room on Lua (the room where that skull hologram appears) so it's possibly the place where Margulis got executed. Lotus looks like Margulis and Ballas took her during The Apostasy prologue, right? So.. 

    What if Ballas intends to go back in time with Lotus and have her be sacrificed by the council in Margulis's place? Lotus took on the appearance of Margulis because she knew Margulis loved us and wanted to keep that feeling with us. She feels that us having the real thing is what we would want more, so she lets it happen.. "If you could trade, would you? Surely, but all miracles require sacrifice. For their life - yours." She trades her life for Margulis. Her Sacrifice, for us.


  5. On ps4 you press the touchpad button to do transference. Just press whatever the equivalent of that is on the xbox controller and it should work. Also try aiming at the maw while you do it.. idk if that makes a difference or not.

    Oh, found this on the Quests wiki page under bugs:

    If your Tenno dies between 5 to 9 times during the Labyrinth section of this quest, there is a chance your energy display will disappear.

    • This bug sometimes will not allow you to use tranferense to take control of the Golden Maw’s burrow ability, making this quest impossible to complete. Restarting the game will fix both of these bugs.
  6. 8 hours ago, (XB1)Oussii said:

    Honestly, i only used ir once to level it up and never used it again

    IMO, it is worthless except for your mastery fodder

    you can have better frame for any mission you want

    But that's how i feel

    PS: I am MR 25 and have 4000 hours of playtime

    Sorry, but I don't think your MR or playtime counts for anything Nidus-related when you said you only used the frame once. That's what, 0.1% play rate with the frame?. You can't really get a good feel for a frame or a weapon when you don't even use it.

  7. 3 minutes ago, Zeroroa said:

    But he is not as tanky as Inaros and has only a hundred more armor than inaros + Inaros has the ability to revive himself via his passive also Nidus has no amount of HP near to that of Inaros so how does he make a great survival frame but i mean he IS fun


    Look up Nidus's passive. His stacks have a bunch of effects. One effect is an instant revive at the cost of a few stacks. It's much better than Inaros's coffin that can't revive himself past level 30.

  8. 1 hour ago, seprent said:

    meme that no one really understands and just became a thing i have no clue what it means but i do know that is it isn't funny or entertaining but people seem to try to put it in everything for what ever reason 

    Meme's in a nutshell.

  9. When do you even wall grab except to do a riven challenge or lua spy though? There's just not enough reason to do a wall grab. They could make you blend in with the wall or something when you wall grab, like how ninja's cover themselves to blend in with a wall or whatever. Totally missing out on giving us a temp stealth mechanic there DE.

  10. Probably best to stay away from Zephyr and Nezha for a while. If you get too used to Zephyr's slow jumps and Nezha's slides then every other frame will make you feel like your air time/slide time was nerfed.

    Zephyr was one of my first and even now I'm still like: "I'll just bullet jump over there like I can do as Zephyr and... down the hole I go."

  11. I was using the mk1-kunai with Concealed explosives/High multishot with a riven in a corpus sortie as zephyr. I double/bullet jumped around holding the fire button the entire game, never ran out of ammo because of primed pistol ammo transmute and carrier's ammo case mod. Dealt about 1250 every kunai throw and 1000 viral damage from the occasional kunai syndicate mod and sent my Tornadoes off to kill stuff where I wasn't at.

    Downed myself twice because of Frost globes spawning in front of me. On the second down one guy starts to revive me, then another starts teabagging, so the revive-r stops reviving me and joins in until I die and then they start saying that I suck. I said nothing and just lay there as my bleedout timer ran out. The mission ended not long after that. 

    I wasn't even being serious during that mission. Just having fun in w/e way I wanted to until the sortie was over. By the end of the mission I dealt something like 86% of the damage in a team of 4. I told them "I wasn't even serious". They said nothing and left. 

  12. 1. An Acolyte syndicate with a Double agent game mode where we go into missions as a squad of 4 and 1 player is randomly assigned the role of traitor by.. idk Ballas or whatever Umbra are? Only they know that they're the double agent and they have to make sure the mission fails while the other 3 try to complete the mission and find out who the traitor is. Other players and their names aren't shown on the map unless your reticle is on them so that you/they can follow each other ninja style and try to make them fail their part of the mission or so that you can follow who you think the traitor is and take them down before they fail the mission. 

    2. Aerial combat that lets us do Kingdom hearts style air attack combos. Current air attacks are just bad and boring and air combos like KH would be fun asf. Same for wall attacks. Make them like in Prince of Persia where you go flying off the wall toward the enemy like a rocket instead of the crappy slash and roll to the floor 2 steps ahead of you that we have now.

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