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Posts posted by icanhaztehcookie

  1. I'm not asking/demanding the damage to be reduced, not asking/demanding for it's debuffs to removed ( even though they probably should since it's just too much for an ultimate ).


    I'm just suggesting the range at which you can prime enemies reduced by half.


    M.Prime's range is all I would like to see reduced, I don't really care about it's damage rating, it's still reaches it's own limits eventually. You can mention the damage debuffs or whatever, but it's reaching it's limits against the stronger heavies that just end up absorbing it's damage whether you bring up the debuffs or not.


    And this is that I use Nova alot, so I am definitely not watching from the side lines. The team needs to pull their own weight so instead I'll use M.Prime as a last resort if 1-2 players are down and in need of reviving while someone tries to hold off enemies from the pod. This way it keeps the game challenging without totally ruining it by just pressing 4 to kill everything cause I'm Nova #dealwithit.

  2. I'm somewhat annoyed looking at these floating weapons that magically stick to your back and sides. I would love to see some Sheaths and Holster options for whenever it's decided to include the armor customizations.


    They're some weapons like the Ether weapons that look really good visually that I can let those slide. But for the more generic weapons like Skana, Heat, Cronus, Dark, etc. could really use some sheaths.


    On top of that, all these weapons aren't properly placed. Were using them with our right hands, yet they're being sheathed to with the handle leaning left instead of right which is also alittle annoying when you think about it.

  3. i think it'd be much better if you could just instantly jump to any desired tile on the map

    Doesn't that sort of defeat the purpose of making these cool Dojo layouts? 


    I mean, you can go crazy with it. So crazy that Dojo's like the OP's can become a maze of hallways, rooms, elevators, and of course dead ends or rooms currently under contruction.



    Another idea would be to select the room you want to goto and than an objective indicator will point you to it just like in a regular mission.

  4. I have done so many Void runs, many of them exploring every inch of the void ( except that treasure room, I don't know where to find it ). Never have I found a single resouce drop.


    Even in T3, Enemies won't drop any resources, I don't even find good mods either, all these crap common cores and an unusual high amount of Slash Dash mods.


    T3 seems to be the least rewarding in the Void. Especially T3 Exterm missions which take forever even with everyone having op weapons and frames.


    T1 seems to be where the rewards are at ( except resources ). I find every Blueprint and parts for each weapon. Even blueprints that are normally only found in T3 are suddenly dropping like flies in T1.

  5. I'd need to see some screenshots or videos to trust you at your word.

    Too late now since it's been maxed out ( and don't use it anymore ) It's not like I knew this ahead of time, one game, I thought it was an awesome mod to have, then I fully upgrade it, an the next it's not so awesome. Plus I've tried to take screen shots before, but they get sent to a file that my computer doesn't support. It still says I successfully saved the shot to my computer an gets saved in a Warframe file in the app.data files, but nothing is there when I open it and says my computer doesn't support the app.data files.


    Don't record stuff either cause I just don't have enough space on my computer.

  6. I didn't even know there was a treasure room, never have time to explore the void maps since everyone rushes for their lives to get another useless bp they already have or don't need or just don't feel like killing all those enemies.

  7. We will most likely see nothing more than 4 players in one game. Tenno are on the verge of extinction so they're rare to see, that would just be thrown out the window if we had a game where more than 6 Tenno per game would be overkill and not very lore driven. ( this excludes the dojo for the sake of the game having more interaction with clans. )


    Your idea of having more than 4 players wouldn't fit in anywhere in Warframe's universe. A Cell is dangerous enough as it is. This is a 4 player Co-op multiplayer, not a 24 man Raid MMORPG.

  8. I recently found Thunderbolt and put it on the Dread, I wanted to see before modding it just how low the chances really were for an arrow to explode ( I don't pay attention to the % value of a mod, the game needs to do that math for you ). An unmodded Thunderbolt mod was doing much more damage when the proc activated, but after maxing it out, it does crap damage with each proc, ya you get a nice aoe, but it doesn't even kill the enemy you shot at if it wasn't a critical shot whereas an unmodded Thunderbolt mod would kill the enemy with or without a critical shot and did more damage to other enemies in the aoe.


    Mind you, I tried this on Xini, same enemies at lvl 45+ died from the explosion unmodded without a critical shot, but the same enemies even on critical took less damage with a fully maxed Thunderbolt.

  9. Saturated Colour needs a Buff! Infested colours are OP, they ruin the nature of the game. Please, DE, nerf them.


    Sounds like you used too much brain power to come up with that on your own.


    I also think the Infested Pallet is a waste, the green and blue actually look saturated compared to the saturated blue and green. Not sure about the pink, have not seen infested with bright pink colors either, but i have the brightness on my pc lowered so I could be wrong.

  10. They sound very similar to the Vipers original sound, kinda want the original Afuris firing sounds back, it sounded better than what they have now.


    One sound I couldn't get used to was the original Gorgon, sounded more like a train going faster and faster but now it sounds better. Latron Prime seems to have it's old sound back.


    Afuris I would like to see the original sound back.

  11. Lato Vandal was exclusive to all CB testers for their participation, anyone who took part in the Closed Beta Weekend got the chance to buy the Braton Vandal for 1 credit, so CB testers got both while CBW players got the Braton Vandal. It was a win for both players.

  12. I kind of think you should just go play some Blade Symphony and get your techno ninja dueling fix. 

    I've never seen or played a game with this kind of system where you can block so long as you have stamina and if you fail or make a crucial mistake or run out of stamina while being attacks, you die in one hit ( unless your trying to perfect block and still have full health or in a clash ).


    I would love to see this kind of mechanic or something like it in future games involving stuff like this. I'm familiar with the clash, it reminds me of the clash system from earlier Dynasty Warriors games or the beam clash in Dragon Ball Z where a Kamehameha beam clashes with a Special Beam Cannon or whatever.

  13. I like the idea, this needs to stay on the main page so the devs can see it, if more PvP scenarios like dueling for anyone instead of being restricted to a clan is going in the game, then we need to try an balance it out since it's very broken and just another "Best build wins" PvP. This one hit kill with stamina blocking and stuff is a really cool idea, very original. Pure ninja fight instead of who has the best build on their guns, good to see we could also have the option to use our own build or have that default setting with equal stamina and recharge rate.

  14. You guys should read the post more carefully, OP saying to only make enemies that are going to be killed by Bladestorm invincible, not the entire room or map invincible to friendly fire.


    And I have to agree, your using 100 energy for a move that takes sometime to take out 13-16 enemies or whatever it's cap is, not use 100 energy to kill 1-3 enemies because another ultimate kills off the whole room. Remember Ash is capped by the number of enemies he can take out with Bladestorm, many other frames are only limited by AoE but can kill as many enemies as they want as long as their inside the AoE.

  15. Or even just change the models for the current dual swords.  When I think of dual swords I think of your dual longswords and not sword + dagger.

    Ya, but then they would also have to change where the second sword ( dagger ) is sheathed if they changed it to a twin longsword. They would also be sharing the same animations too though, and I would love to see some new ones with Twin Longswords.

  16. I would also like to see this video, but then again, it is endless defense, but with the amount of enemies that would appear at those waves, it would make sense for Nova to just clear out the whole wave with ease since Molecular Prime gets stronger the more enemies are around.

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