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Posts posted by rainy

  1. Hi, I'll give you my thoughts.

    I don't think much needs to be done for operators honestly, and the upcoming rework seems to address what you may be identifying as problems with operators in the first place.

    On 2021-04-28 at 8:29 AM, (PSN)Vexx757 said:

    Firstly, the operators should have better mobility than what we currently have. Here are some improvements;

    This will be obsolete with void slinging. Right now void dashing is clunky and impractical for precise movement, but the void sling will become an optimal way for the operator to traverse levels, unlike what void dashing offers. You can see in your gifs that the running animations shouldn't go so fast, they are not strong-bodied like the warframes. 

    On 2021-04-28 at 8:29 AM, (PSN)Vexx757 said:

    Enemy Vaulting:

    This is the kind of feature that would be sticky and annoying. Again, dash or sling through enemies, getting air isn't practical.

    On 2021-04-28 at 8:29 AM, (PSN)Vexx757 said:

    Focus System Revisit

    Well, it's getting a revisit, but it's not as plain as number buffs. DE felt that current focus system didn't fulfill the vision of operators as having a synergistic role with warframes. I feel like this post also does not meet that vision. Letting the operators use melee weapons won't be necessary, as melee will now transition you to frame melee, for example. They offer their own power to strengthen the frame, not act as an alternative to it.

    Basilisk scales was actually already providing 500% armor, despite the lying UI, but it's getting cut from unairu entirely, which is going to reduce the already small ehp pool of operators by at least 13%.

    I have my own notes on the focus changes below. In general, abilities are becoming more active, and passives are becoming weaker, with the exception of vazarin passives. This page is outdated actually, I've heard some abilities have already been buffed since their reveal. We'll see them all tomorrow.


    On 2021-04-28 at 8:29 AM, (PSN)Vexx757 said:

    Effective warframes:

    Volt - 2nd 3rd

    Wisp - 1st

    Harrow - 2nd 3rd 4th

    I'm not exactly sure what this is suggesting, if it's saying to grant these select few frame abilities to operators so they are playable for some special missions just for them.

    I'm going use use this as a moment to complain about how Volt is the last remaining frame with any beneficial effect for operators, and it makes him the exclusive frame to play any current operator content with, eliminating any kind of creative ropalolyst, eidolon, or new operator content metas. Volt is going to be the default and only frame anyone can and probably should use. That's not right. Remove the Amp + Volt Shield interaction.


    No comment on the cosmetic stuff. DE has always tried to make things in their own style.

    On 2021-04-28 at 8:29 AM, (PSN)Vexx757 said:

    There is a delay between pressing the button and operator crouching.

    operators can crouch????


    I will reserve any further thoughts for when the operator rework is released tomorrow.

  2. 1 hour ago, Vavency said:

    Additive stat changes instead of percentage based ones? The issue with the current system is it fails at bringing up really weak weapons since they have nothing to increase with a percentage.

    In the post, it says there is no upper limit to dispo raises, only a cap on reducing them by at much as 0.2 per cycle.


    Thank you for the guideline. I personally think the internal ranking is out-of-touch with many weapons however, especially assault rifles (too low) and beams (too high).

    • Like 4
  3. Railjack elements were changed to normal elements, but their effects have not.

    • TYPE: In-game
    • DESCRIPTION: While the proc symbols have changed, their effects have not. Electric does not deal damage-over-time and instead cripples ships, secondary elements like corrosive and blast just don't exist (arch-guns), heat does way too much damage over time, toxin confuses, etc. However this is only on some ships. The Gox suffers from all the standard elements normally, probably because it was ported from arch-missions, and is not original to railjack.
    • REPRODUCTION: Inflict elements on Corpus Weaver or any Grineer ships to see old RJ element effects. Inflict elements on Corpus Gox to see normal element effects.
    • EXPECTED RESULT: Either we have special Railjack element effects, or we have the classic effects.
    • OBSERVED RESULT: Element effects are inconsistent between enemies. 
  4. Before liches, I would have told you the Ogris was my favourite weapon. I'm even sad the little pre-charge was removed for the kuva variant. Even before cautious shot, it was like taming a beast. People understand now with the K.Ogris, but it's huge raw damage, high status and explosion radius were very underrated, combined with gas and faction damage made it a demon. I calculated on a single target, I was averaging over 1 million damage per shot after the full duration of the gas procs (with a multishot+toxin riven). The tune of firing rockets, the spectacular updated explosions, preceded by the intimidating mechanical wind-up that you could cancel at any time, and the fact that in the hundreds of missions I played before liches I didn't recall EVER seeing a soul use it, it felt like it was my weapon.

    My best underrated (Edit: No longer underrated, now topping tier lists) weapon: Twin Kohmak I think is easily my favourite weapon right now, and probably my most used of all time. Unspectacular crit and average status chance, but still competes as a top weapon in raw damage alone, and I love that because raw damage always works (some things are status or even crit immune). Very hot disposition too, which I'm honestly shocked by. At first I used the weapon after becoming oddly pleased by the reload animation, and then the hammering noise of first shooting, and then the insanity of the thing unloaded at full-spool with several fire-rate mods.

    My guilty pleasure: Talons are just joy. It seems with revised, several weapons now do this, but Talons features a guaranteed ragdolling explosion that hysterically scatters enemies all over a room. They do double damage when latched, which is mildly saddening, and thier fixed multishot pattern makes them absolutely useless for damage. Not remotely meta.

    Guilty sound pleasure: Larkspur is just solid. You may have noticed I mention the weapon sounds for many weapons. I must confess, most of my time spent with this weapon is probably from charging up the cannon and letting the sound play through completely before releasing. What an awesome sound, different every time! I wish the explosion was remotely as cool. As for weapon performance, the chaining effect just eviscerates rooms, it's status chance is 50%! Ammo Max is a must mod. Innate radiation, which was useful when gas was dealing toxin and being negated by infested, also when gas actually did damage.

    • Like 1
  5. 8 hours ago, [DE]Bear said:

    Gas damage has been reworked to have a radius stacking effect with a focus on how it continues to work after the death of an enemy who is affected by it. In short, this means the following changes have been made:

    • Gas Effects will continue to cause damage-over-time to targets even after the original target dies.
    • Gas Status Area-of-Effect radius increases with the number of stacks, to a max of 10 stacks.
    • Gas damage resistance has been removed from Toxic Ancient Auras. 

    Alright, seeing as gas still doesn't scale with toxin mods, I'm going to assume it's intentional. With that in mind, I think I see what DE is going for with the changes. This will be my final post on the issue.

    Gas is now most effective against crowds of weak enemies. The lingering effect could be useful in modes like defense, and I could even see large status duration bonuses being really useful to keep clouds going in bottlenecks of maps. That's what the design seems to be going for.

    I'd like to step back and look at the purpose of Status 3.0: to make status weapons powerful alongside crit weapons. Well, before Status 3.0 I was already a status believer. Gas was the damage king, and is what kept status weapons competitive with crit weapons. Stacking toxin with faction damage mods was a needle-focused build strategy with extremely rewarding results.

    Gas today finds itself instead competing with other effects, such as today's go-to Viral+heat combination. What can gas combo with? Cold, Electric, or Magnetic. You can just give me electric, I don't even want my gas diluting the electric. I would rather heat and toxin not combine, at least they both scale, and carry much more useful effects such as reduced armor, shield-piercing damage, and heat DoTs that can be refreshed forever (I miss enduring affliction, another god-like mod to salvage status that we've lost). Yeah they don't work in an AoE, but at least they do damage. Gas needs two elements. It's new radius is not very impressive, and I think of it as a low-impact feature. It doesn't make up for it's abysmal damage. Oh how it has fallen.

    Before viral was buffed, it already saw plenty of use. Now it sees all the use on every weapon, regardless if they are focused on crit or status. Gas is only strong against crowds, Viral is equally strong against the same crowds, so why use Gas? Corrosive has also seen better days, but it too rarely sees use in builds today. It can be combo'd with Heat, Cold, or Blast. Why bother.

    What's happening? Just about all of the status diversity has been lost in a single update. The damage potential of status has been gutted with the neutering of the gas damage formula. Armor and Corrosive have both been made significantly less important. Their adjacent elements don't make up for them. 

    Gas doesn't scale with toxin mods. That's just step 1, and it will probably not be exponential like before when this is finally changed. So here's my feedback for when that happens: It's not enough. It will be on par with electric, a primary element. The best middle-ground I realistically see happening is letting it scale with both heat AND toxin. BaseDamage * ToxinModifier * Heat Modifier, but it needs to be BaseDamage * ToxinModifier ^ 2.

    I don't want to play this viral game, I want my gas to do damage.

    • Like 1
  6. Everything you say is true. However, all DoTs scale and always have scaled with all damage bonuses: +Damage, +Multishot, +Critical, Headshot, +Faction. The weakness of Gas as it is now (U 27.2.2) is that it no longer scales with elemental bonuses. The first tick of gas procs previously were also true gas, instead of toxin and had a different calculation.

    Gas as it currently stands is directly inferior to Electric:

    • More neutral damage type
    • Same proc area
    • Same base damage per tick
    • Same duration
    • Actually scales damage with modded electric bonus
    • Also stuns enemies
    • Less mod slots to make element.
    • Like 10
  7. Hi, This is a pretty barren thread! Players may not have noticed the changes immediately in contrast to other parts of the update.

    I recently played a corpus excavation arbitration. I brought a less defensive frame (Atlas) than what would be "meta", knowing that excavators now scale to put myself through a true test of the new strong and independent diggers.

    However, as reported by the comment above me, they are not scaling from the time of writing. I snapped a few in-game screenshots with all their metadata. I'll make the report here and in the bug megathread. I played on Update 27.2.2.

    25 minutes into the mission, the host migrated, and one existing excavator did actually scale to something in the neighbourhood of ~6800 red HP, not including shields. I think enemies were around lvl80. For myself and my relatively inexperienced team, it was not nearly enough, and that excavator shortly died form full life.

    My saddest moment was around 20 minutes, I helplessly watched a grenade (thanks to it's new indicator) land right on top of the excavator, and in a single moment, obliterate it from half life and ~half shields. Not a great showing for the new excavator. 

    I'm happy that they have more life, but if they're able to die in under 5 seconds, it's not enough that would allow breaking from the traditional fool-proof defensive warframes.

    If they aren't already, I suggest letting the excavator's life scale on the same curve as enemy damage. If that is already the case, then I don't have much of an excuse for letting those diggers die. However, one-shot cases should be impossible, regardless of level, and I felt that if the scaling was functional, and we reached the level ranges of 200+, the excavator would be at risk of being one-shot. Next time I'll try to go long and see.



    To conclude: scaling is actually bugged currently, but even then, they could potentially use a bit of a boost. If those imgur processed screenshot don't contain the metadata, you can find them here: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1eYO3IDSIa3FTyCyZJSg6FC7xO6rDE9PY?usp=sharing . If that also does not work, let me know and I can send an email or go through a recommended channel.

    Thank you,

    The Tenno Mining Company

  8. Can there be a visual effect for the shield gates? Like a shrinking aura or column to help time when the damage reduction wears out.This helps gamify enemy shields so the player can delay themselves, and so the player them-self can visually see what extra time they have.

    • Like 1
  9. Gas damage scaling has been completely gutted

    The previous Toxin Mod multiplier no longer applies, and modding for addition toxin only serves to boost the bias chance to proc.

    As a result, faction damage mods only apply once twice instead of previously three times.

    Gas damage now deals a standard 25%(See edit 1) damage per tick, and doesn't even pierce shields. This seems to be as a result of gas now dealing proper gas damage over time ticks, instead of toxin as it did previously, but also that elemental mod multipliers not working with any elemental DoTs. Heat, Toxin, Electric, and Gas all currently suffer.(See edit 1)

    I pray this is not intended, and would urge that the scaling be restored, or even reversing the entire status changes if this is the price. The mod multiplier scaling and the special circumstances that allowed faction damage to greatly benefit DoTs was previously the one edge that status as a whole had over critical-based weapons. After this change, even over 100% status chances, status Dots will never remotely do the same level of damage again.

    Edit to clarify for readers (Now with actual values😞

    All status damage has been somewhat standardized. They scale with multishot, damage, critical and faction bonuses as they previously did. From my testing:

    • Heat deals 50% damage of base, multiplied by added Heat. (unchanged)
    • Toxin deals 50% damage of base, multiplied by added Toxin. (unchanged)
    • Electric deals 50% damage of base, multiplied by added Electric. (unchanged)
    • Slash deals ~35% damage of base, not multiplied by added slash. (unchanged)
    • Gas deals 50% damage of base, not multiplied by any added elements.

    Electric has also seen an upside of actual damage over time (6 seconds) which is also as AoE like gas, and scales. Save yourselves the mod slots and just mod electric instead for now.

    Edit 3: 

    Apologies earlier for the incorrect values. After testing, the numbers seem consistent. I just needed to learn how to do math.

    Final Edit:

    My initial reaction was knee-jerk. After testing all the elements, and cross-checking with the wiki's values, they are all relatively unchanged. The only change to gas is that it's DoT is now truely gas instead of toxin. This means it no longer pierces shields, but it's scaling has also been mixed up. As an element that is the sum of two stronger Dots, and currently is inferior to electric due to not scaling and lack of crowd control, let it's toxin mod multiplier be exponential as it previously was.

    • Like 3
  10. Fusilai's alt-fire has not seen a 3x status chance boost that other shotguns have received despite previously benefiting from the busted 100% status chance scaling. Since the edge of using the alt-fire is that is has increased status chance while trading off critical chance, I would bring up the Status / Projectile up to at least the standard projectile amount of 29% seen on the primary fire. 

    • Currently 12.3% Status / Projectile (the old 37% divided by 3)
    • Previously ~14.27% Status / Projectile
  11. Numerous Pellet-type weapons are showing a wrong status chance value. Instead of Status Chance Per Pellet, they are displaying some 'per-pellet x pellet' count value. Those weapons include:

    • Twin Kohmak (69%)
    • Kohm (75%)
    • Kuva Kohm (90%)

    Users have suggested this may be due to their spool-up nature starting with 1 pellet, but even then, that single pellet could still reflect the per-pellet chance.

    Other weapons are displaying incorrect values, at first I was giddy, but then reality struck. Beam Shotguns:

    • Phage (90% SC per pellet)
    • Convectrix (90% SC per pellet)
    • Phantasma (37% SC per pellet)
    • Quanta (16% SC per pellet)
    • Quanta Vandal (30% SC per pellet)

    The beam shotguns also show a scaling multishot value when modded, when their pellet count is actually fixed and only damage scales.

    I also have one suggestion: Currently any non-shotgun weapons only display SC as "Status Chance" instead of per-pellet, but actually they are now correctly displaying per-pellet status chance even after multishot is added. I propose letting the status chance value change to "x% Status / Projectile" when modded for multishot for all non-beam weapons.

    That's all I have to report for now!

    • Like 1
  12. DE, today you've published a thrilling workshop of changes, and I will be reinstalling the game after burning out from liches. The following is my (long) initial feedback before touching the patch.


    Railjack Costs

    Extremely welcome. The quest is grueling to say the least.


    Armor Health Shield

     Excited to have a look, but from here I'd like to raise a one thing for consistency.

    Slash no longer bypasses shields.

    • As we know, slash procs deal true damage. Will this change apply to all true damage (Finishers, Tentacle Swarm etc.)? Or can we consider slash to have a new special bleed damage or something? That would be acceptable. 



    Shield Gating

    Wild! This is an incredibly welcome new survival tool!

    • While the recharge delay (depleted) has been changed from 3s -> 4s, if this stat were moddable, we could see some legit shield-survival builds. That would be very exciting watching people diversify, and maybe frames too who are currently on the squishy-end find this as an alternative to armor! I propose a few options:
      • Reduced Shield Recharge Delay (using reload speed math) mods: +100% halves the delay.
      • Shield gate ramp-down mods. After depleting, the shield gate makes you invulnerable for eg 0.6 seconds (not yet known). +100% bonus will add an extra +0.6s of damage reduction, ramping down from 100% DR to 0% linearly over that time.
      • Increased Shield Gate Duration: +100% would double the gate time. I wouldn't add this and the above together to the game, only one.
    • Can the 'Shield Recharge' stat be renamed to 'Shield Recharge Rate'. It would be enormously clarified. Unless it will affect both delay and rate (borderlands intuition).
    • A visual effect aside from a grey hp bar, such as some blue shield column surrounding a unit shrinking down to their feet, would greatly gameify the timing of the shield gate. 

    It's application to Corpus is also insanely cool. We'll be treating corpus a bit differently now, giving them some good one-two hits. For single-target weapons, we'll have to try it, but those gates are doing to add up time-to-kill one after another. I'll edit this section with my feelings after playing it, it'll probably be fine with the 5% carry-over to hp.




    There is quite an ecosystem of arcanes now. I can see the net buff, per-slot, our arcanes are stronger now, but some of the double-stacking cases will be missed, notably Avenger. 

    With so many damage types and so many damage-proc-specific arcane resistances, I still don't see reason to equip many of them, sadly. Enemy damage is incredibly diverse, and even with adaptation, knowing enemy damage types is extremely challenging, let alone procs. I propose consolidating or adding to some of these arcanes, giving them secondary resistances. It would be a nice addition if these arcanes not only resisted a proc, but also added resistance to damage (I can dream!) For example: 

    • Arcane Defense:
      • +102% Puncture Resistance
      • +41% Impact Resistance
      • +41% Slash Resistance
      • +19% Toxin Resistance
    • Arcane Deflection:
      • +102% Slash Resistance
      • +41% Puncture Resistance
      • +41% Impact Resistance
      • +19% Radiation Resistance
    • Arcane Shield:
      • +102% Impact Resistance
      • +41% Puncture Resistance
      • +41% Slash Resistance
      • +19% Heat Resistance
    • Arcane Detoxifier:
      • +102% Toxin Resistance
      • +41% Gas Resistance
      • +41% Radiation Resistance
    • Arcane Healing:
      • +102% Radiation Resistance
      • +41% Cold Resistance
      • +41% Viral Resistance
    • Arcane Ice:
      • +102% Heat Resistance
      • +41% Blast Resistance
      • +41% Corrosive Resistance
    • Arcane Liquid:
      • +102% Gas Resistance
      • +41% Heat Resistance
      • +41% Corrosive Resistance
    • Arcane Nullifier:
      • +102% Magnetic Resistance
      • +41% Electric Resistance
      • +41% Radiation Resistance
    • Arcane Protection:
      • +102% Corrosive Resistance
      • +41% Magnetic Resistance
      • +41% Electric Resistance
    • Arcane Resistance
      • +102% Blast Resistance (Currently a copy of Detoxify!)
      • +41% Viral Resistance
      • +41% Magnetic Resistance
    • Arcane Warmth
      • +102% Cold Resistance
      • +41% Toxin Resistance
      • +41% Blast Resistance

    Hope the trend is visible, elements that sort of relate to the arcane name, with as little overlap as possible (I think). These were made up on the spot, but hopefully they seem reasonable! 

    I'd like to make a small bug report right now, that Arcane Resistance and Arcane Detoxifier do the same thing!

    I'm sure people are concerned about Energize's added cooldown, That is more of a nerf than a 1.5x buff compensates for, and the value of the arcane is sure to take a hit. I think it is fine to have such a desirable and powerful arcane, it only added to the value of eidolons (hands-down the best content in the game, in terms of investment / reward). 


    Self-Damage now Self-Stagger

    This will be celebrated. Gone with self-damage! In with some cool-looking animations, and I mean that sincerely. 

    I have many questions:

    • Is Atlas' Immovable vulnerable to the self-damage stagger? Like his titanic handling of arch-guns.
    • Cautious-Shot, is there a need for the -15% damage penalty anymore? Overall this mod will lose some value even if the penalty is removed, so I would consider that.
    • Other weapons currently have far more severe damage fall-offs than the new (Standard maybe?) 100% to 50%. The 20% damage buff just compensates for this. Can there be a review of other damage fall-offs for attacks such as Torid (100% to 0% over 3m),  Mutalist Quanta's Bursting Mass (100% to 0% over 15m), and Quatz Reload (100% to < 20% over 8m)

    Excavator Scaling, Sharing Sentinel Mods, 100x Pizza Blueprints



    Over 100% Status

    This is revolutionary, and raises the ceiling for all weapons that previously capped 100% status chance. Looking forward to the new stacking effects. I'd like to remind people that DoTs can crit!

    Many people however express concern for some beloved shotguns. I have to bring it up, the Tigris Prime. The shotguns that were previously balanced around 100% status chance are going to take a hit, if we understand the new system correctly. As Steve said, the math broke at 100% with an absurd spike in effectiveness. If our old friend Tig.P ever got that strong again, it would need 100% status chance per pellet. I advocate for the actual Status chance value to not be changed, and instead treat them like we treat the Quartakk's burst. Keep Tigris Prime at 30%, and keep any other shotguns that previously relied on 100% to keep their (live-build) current per-shot chance as per-pellet. That would grant a perfect transition to the new system and quell all community fears. You're so close!!





    Liches are going to end up completely dominating completionist players game-time. There are still ways to go, but every step is welcomed. I'm looking forward to further changes.


    HDR, Grenade Markers, FoV, Deferred Rendering

    Awesome. I must say, the graphics modernizations DE has managed to implement into such a relatively old game is very commendable. I can't think of many that manage to do it without starting from scratch and releasing sequels. 

    • Like 2
  13. 8 minutes ago, (XB1)aMichealMeyers said:

    What would that be, an ability augment? Only good thing I see is tilting the entire level downhill in different directions, so Grendel can roll better? If it tilted the level for everyone in the squad, I could see it being used for trolling. Would it make enemies stumble around and lose balance at all? 

    It does help him to roll around better, since he has difficulty getting up hills and stairs. The team will also experience it, and it will affect slopes when they slide and stuff. 

    I would not wish for this to irritate fellow players! I believe there is a way to implement this where that would be possible.

    • OS: Windows 7 Ultimate SP1
    • CPU: AMD FX 8350
    • GPU: Nvidia 780ti
    • Chat Text Size: Small
    • Chat Scale: 100
    • Custom menu scale: 70

    Steps to reproduce:

    1. Go to Options -> Chat
    2. Set Chat Text Size to Small
    3. Type small text in your small chat

    A gif example of my issue: https://i.imgur.com/hfjn11Y.gifv

    In the example, I type out words and create a space after every word, but visually the cursor is directly at the end of the word, but that's not where it should be. Digitally, it is a whole space ahead. I shuffle the cursor around and make a backspace, but a letter in front of the cursor gets deleted, not behind due to this offset position. This has been throwing me off.

    Had a friend confirm the issue on small font, but appears fine on medium or larger size.

    If I can provide any more information or diagnostics about my system, feel free to contact me.

  14. The main defense room is visually twice as high as you are able to jump before hitting an invisible ceiling. Prior to U26, we were able to jump up into this space, and even perch on the ledge above. It doesn't feel natural now. I would prefer if there was some visual fence obstructing us, or allow us into the space like before.

    Otherwise the new room is absolutely beautiful. The lighting team has done a superb job.

  15. I'm with you. I think there is a lot of room for cool thematic synergies with Atlas' abilities. 

    I think being able to launch the bulwark in some way would be amazing, be it a replacement ability for the 2, or combining it with the landslide. 

    Another cool thing wish I wrote about sooner, in a similar vein in launching the Bulwark, give Atlas a grab ability. He can grab the Boulder, grab an enemy, heck grab an ally, and WAIL it. 

    I like your Idea, but let me know then what you think of that! 😊

  16. Patch 24.7.1

    Bug: Retrieving a thrown Javlok too quickly can put the frame in a state where you can only walk in a single direction, sliding will skip the slide and teleport you forward, while bugging animations. This can be undone in-mission by performing a charged throw and reloading uninterrupted or swapping weapons.

    Steps to reproduce:

    1. Throw the Javlok closely, with any charge.
    2. Pick up the Javlok quickly before the long throwing animation ends. Sliding during this step makes it more reliable.
    3. Hold W while rapidly pressing Shift to move the frame short distances forward at extreme speeds. 

    Result: The quick movement will interrupt the reload, allowing the player to maintain the state and traverse long distances in a short time, and can preserve the speed if launched off a ledge. Some actions are stuck in the Javlok's throwing animation during this, even after reloading, the primary fire will repeat the same animation.



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