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Posts posted by Grey_Fenn

  1. 19 minutes ago, Zuhan said:

    They changed the ammo pickups from weapon specific to Primary and Secondary

    I'm asking why a starter weapon and one of the most powerful weapons in the game are in the same 15 ammo per pickup group.  I'm not surprised to see Phantasma restricted, but MK1-Paris?  Was it killing too many Grineer in the tutorial? 

    • Like 5
  2. A handful of thoughts/feedback in no particular order:


    • (bug) When in a railjack mission and not host, I cannot vote on the next mission.  This has been an issue on EVERY RJ mission since the new release for me and other non-host players.
    • (functionality/qol) Why do we have to start a new mission to complete the last one (and be able to leave safely retaining my loot)?  This needs to be better.
    • (functionality/qol) If I configure my plexus for a turret role, I don't want to be stuck hosting (and piloting).  Similarly, if I configure for piloting and try to host... I may randomly join another squad where my piloting build is wasted.  I realize hosting isn't player determined for good reasons, but there needs to be some way to use the right build for the right role.
    • (commentary) I have mixed feelings about the new 'regular' missions embedded in RJ content.  At first I thought it sounded great... and then I realized that a bunch of new content is now locked behind a RJ gate.  Don't really like that.
    • Like 5
  3. IMO attack speed (particularly melee) needs some kind of QoL limitations added to game settings (so I can set a max cap that I'm comfortable with).  All it takes is one Wisp built for Strength to render a fast weapon modded with Berserker unusable.  Add the fact that Warcry is subsumable and there are too many attack speed buffs flying around public squads to not have some kind of controls.

    • Like 1
  4. 59 minutes ago, Anonym0usgnouhc said:


    Shield gate invulnerability seem only trigger if you have FULL SHIELD, it would be terrible for frame with higher shield since it take longer to fully recharge.

    After several test, i can confirm that invulnerability only work when your shield is fully charge, making shield mod a bad choice.


    What I recall from the devstream is that they said the shield gate would kick in the first time you hit 0 shield, but then you have to recharge to full before it will work again.  So you don't need to be at full shields when you take a hit for the gating to work, but you do need to have hit full shields since the last gating.

  5. A little feedback on new shield audio/visual effects:  

    The new 'shield is recharging' sound effect - I like this; it is noticeable, intuitive and not intrusive.  Well done.

    The new 'shields are down' visual effect - I mostly like this.  I like the fact that it is noticeable all over the screen (instead of just a corner of the UI).  It feels a bit more intrusive than it needs to be though - I do need to see what's going on and it definitely interferes with that (momentarily, but still it is distracting).  I'd suggest an increase in the transparency of the effect so it's still very noticeable but doesn't block my screen so much.


  6. So just anecdotal play testing here - corrosive and gas feel noticeably less powerful (although it requires enemy levels > 100 to really see it).  Viral-heat is fairly awesome now; seems like a good choice against both armor and shields.  Some things have risen and others have fallen, but so far nothing crazy out of balance that I've run across yet...

    Overall, I'm enjoying the challenge of figuring out what works and what doesn't and what the changes mean on a practical level.

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