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Posts posted by vergol

  1. Not announcing in advance the reward for completing this event -- DECEPTIVE.


    Reusing an old Outpost tileset after teasing a new tileset during several recent devstreams -- DISAPPOINTING.


    Copy-pasting hundreds of leader-type units in the most common exterminate mission type -- LAZY.


    Jacking up damage of level 10-15 enemies to the point where a single shot drops a MR15 player -- SHAMEFUL.


    Surviving this "event" solely through the use Rage and Quick Thinking equipped on Trinity -- PRICELESS.




    If you've got nothing good to release, then don't release anything at all.

  2. Well, the Amprex eats through ammo too fast, and you do have to aim its main beam at something for the chain effect to work.  The crit is nice though.


    Ignis doesn't have these issues, has a 'spray wherever' cone, but lacks the crit for quick eximus takedowns.


    I think both weapons are effective.  I have multiple forma in both.


    I prefer the Amprex for quick on-the-go missions like exterminate or capture, since I won't likely to run out of ammo before completing it.  It's particularly effective against wild kubrows which are hard to target.


    The Ignis comes into play on prolonged runs like survival or defense, where i have to start worrying more about ammo consumption.  And given the upcoming launcher nerfs, i see myself using the ignis a lot more for defense.

  3. I hope this isn't a sign of things to come.  Forcing us to keep a frame we don't necessarily like or use regularly simply because there's no [free] way to re-acquire all its parts seems cruel.  As would be forcing us to buy additional warframe slots to circumvent this problem.


    Making quests repeatable for personal enjoyment is one thing, but ensuring that their rewards properly reset is an absolute must.

  4. All Launchers:

    Launcher weapons now use Sniper Ammo Pool.


    Wait wait wait...


    So the total ammo capacities for launchers are still being reduced as stated in the original post, but now the ammo type is being changed to sniper rounds as well?


    Sniper ammo drops are much rarer than rifle drops.  Plus, the amount of rounds picked up per sniper clip is half as much.


    This is like a nerf on top of a nerf.  Insult to injury. 


    Or am I understanding this wrong?

  5. Those weapons aren't supposed to be spammed constantly. They're explosives. You usually only need one or two shots to get the job done with groups of enemies. Instead of spamming them, how about using them with a small degree of tactics?


    Not only that, it seems everyone is so used to practically infinite explosive ammo that they've totally forgotten that ammo conservation is a thing. Let's also keep in mind ammo drops, which are pretty damn consistent. Pop on an Ammo Mutation mod and bam, you're set unless you literally spam without stopping, or you're standing in one place for far too long.


    So just because you play the game this way, everyone else should as well?


    I use my Angstrum for crowd control.  I DID NOT forma it 6 times, because that's just suicide.  One misplaced laggy rocket (out of like 20 fired simultaneously in a wide cone) and you're down on your arse in need of rezzing.  Instead I gave it low damage, maxed out multishot and status chance, and spam Blast rockets at large groups of enemies, making them fall over and lose a few seconds getting up.  This build uses a ton of ammo.


    So now I'm forced to abandon this playstyle because you and DE think damage-build launchers are OP?


    What's next?  Are you going to tell me that I should wear bright colors, line up shoulder-to-shoulder with my fellow tenno, strap bayonets to our Vectis rifles, and to the sound of a steady drum beat slowly march at an army of high level, cover-using, bleed-proccing, infinite-respawning Grineer clones?  Because that's the honorable thing to do?  Because that would be fair to the AI mobs in a PvE game?

  6. This is what happens when Scott devotes half his time to PvP balancing a PvE game: the most effective PvE weapons get trashed.


    The AI doesn't care how much ammo I have in my launcher -- they have infinite respawns.  If the PvP players care, then nerf it for rail conflicts only.  Leave the rest of us to enjoy the weapons we've worked hard to buy/craft/level/forma-the-hell-out-of.


    Bad move, DE, bad move.

  7. Keep crafting/buying new weapons, warframes, and pets.  Max them out.  Your mastery rank will increase from every level-up of those items.


    A fully-leveled warframe or sentinel gets you 6000 points towards Mastery Rank.  A maxed weapon gets you 3000.  Only works once per specific item, so you can't keep maxing the same thing over and over.

  8. The good: New Xini has large, concentrated, fast-moving waves; you can go through each much faster than the old Xini or even ODD.  Great XP in a short amount of time.


    The not-so-good: New Xini lacks challenge.  The waves exit from two narrow corridors and go straight for the pod.  If the players step back, they will be completely ignored by the mobs.  You can just sit and toss Penta nades or Castanas at the pod until everything dies, without worrying about being flanked.  The old Xini had no 'safe zone' for players to chill at; the infested came from all directions, even the containers behind you, and things could spiral out of control very fast.

  9. Before Damage 2.0, shotguns really shined against the Infested.  Raw damage output - not damage type - played the main role.  Large spread and high pellet count meant you could one-shot just about every creepy crawly thing that got in your face, including Ancients.  Accuracy at range was irrelevant because the Infested don't really have any ranged units.  Strun Wraith and Dual Broncos ftw.


    Then Damage 2.0 came out.  Infested became vulnerable to Slash damage (sort of makes sense), but all shotguns, for some bizarre reason, received Impact damage as their mainstay.  Impact is most useful against shielded (Corpus) targets, which typically attack from beyond the shotgun's effective range.  What's worse, once you get through the shields, impact once again becomes rather ineffective against any kind of fleshy or robotic interior.


    A couple of Slash-based shotguns did come out since Damage 2.0: the Tigris, the Drakgoon, and maybe the Pyrana (if you count secondaries). 


    The Tigris's two shot trigger and long reload time makes it only effective against two infested units at a time.  The Pyrana's fire rate, clip size, and reload time present a similar problem.  The Drakgoon is now perhaps the most effective shotgun-type weapon due to its high damage and charge-based punch-through, though its projectiles do have a noticeable travel time, thus begging the question if it can even be considered a proper shotgun.


    One other honorable mention is the Brakk.  Although Slash damage isn't its specialty, there's enough of it for single-shot takedowns of most common infested units.  It scales well with with higher-end content too.  It's been my Bronco-replacement after Damage 2.0.


    Bottom line: the weapon type that was ideal for close-range [infested] combat was made near useless by the Damage 2.0 overhaul, and hasn't recovered since.

  10. This is how DE designed these weapons.  You sacrifice the ability to zoom in with them in favor of a different attack type (as with Quanta rifles) or projectile detonation function (Penta, Canstanas).


    If i recall correctly, the separated key bindings were put in place primarily to resolve some issues with Melee 2.0.  The player now has a way of setting Attack, Block, and Channel to something other than E, Left Click, and Right-Click, depending on personal preference.

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