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Posts posted by Kingsmount

  1. 1 hour ago, EinheriarJudith said:

    while also doubling down on the ones that already have high duration. i can see this if you also remove said mods but putting this on top of the current modding is just power creep.

    Like I said,  there are diminishing returns.  Not literal, but practical diminishing returns.  It isn't a concern.

    Weapons have been power creeping for years, to the extent that they're usually the only way to deal with enemies that actually matter,  while abilities tend to just have gotten worse over time.  Power creep is not a concern. Worst case scenario you can go an extra 5 minutes or have a couple new frames able to reach 30 minutes into a survival instead of just the same few meta frames that can go 12 hours.

  2. 38 minutes ago, EinheriarJudith said:

    All except this. i do believe the other suggestions should be baked in.

    gotta leave something for modding.

    A 50% improvement to the base isn't going to negate modding...  If anything it makes a number of abilities actually worth modding in the first place.  It just makes a lot of abilities feel less crippled and useless without it,  or having to use less mods to make them feel less useless.

  3. 1 hour ago, Chaemyerelis said:


    Well one of the biggest issues is that the drones remove her blood alter and when that happens you'll have to rely on a really good weapon or run for the hills. Another issue I've had was that one blood alter wasn't enough as I recall being deleted in a blood alter and I had a tanky build with the two umbral mods for armor, QT and the stagger debuff mod. admittedly I didn't have a level 3 arcane guardian at that point so perhaps I'll try again.


    Yeah,  health gain doesn't mean much when everything one-shots you, and Garuda isn't very tanky.  Which is why all my suggestion include ways of her getting damage reduction.

    A brawler that can't brawl,  a glass cannon without really having a cannon in comparison to other cannon frames.  Her blood orb is awkward as hell to work with, and for the same results as you'd get by just tapping heavy attack to do a heavy slam, but with no set up or charging required.

    I feel the only thing she has going for her is infinite energy, but without really having a use for it,  and the bleed procs on her 4 though that's also awkward to use with the charge up to effect a meaningful area, and the long animations.   Her dread mirror is just an awful defensive ability that is both unreliable,  and not significantly better than just the melee block mechanics.


    Imagine for a second if Garuda can use her 1 to execute enemies pinned by her 2.  And whenever she executes an enemy she gets a durational damage resistance scaling up to 40%, but stacks up to 95%.  Every execute refreshes the overall duration.  Would still work with that invulnerability augment,  since that's only 5 seconds,  the damage resistance would be useful in between.

    She'd be so much more playable and enjoyable.

  4. *Commentary presented as though a hypothetical update.

    A series of changes that should be universal across all frames.

    • Universal Vacuum.

    - Reason.  What game in their right mind has picking up drops as part of the gameplay, yet doesn't have universal vacuum?  It feels horrible whatever game it may be, let alone a fast paced game like Warframe.  Keep existing vacuum mods as just further increase to the universal range.

    • Universal Vitality and Redirection. The effects of vitality and redirection become innate.  The vitality mod is replaced with a 10-100% bonus instead,  and adds .1-1% life steal on all outgoing damage.  Redirection is replaced with 10-100% shield capacity, and adds Shield Gating every 25% shields to a minimum of every 500.

    - Reason.  Vitality feels mandatory, and it doesn't even help that much since enemy damage scaling is as bad as the armor scaling,  but it does help most one-shots become two-shots.  It just feels like wasted space while also being important. 

    • Universal Energy Siphon.  No change to existing mod.

    - Reason.  Energy gain is an incredible pain and horrendously limiting in early game, while older players barely have issues with it.   Universal energy siphon would help smooth the scales,  it'd be a mild benefit that wouldn't effect later game players,  while it'd be a big help to newer players.  

    • Universal Duration and Range.   50% to both.

    - Reason.  The design of abilities by default makes 99% of abilities feel like their ranges and/or durations are unusable by default,  way too low.  Increasing the base values across the board would help make them feel so much more usable without having to invest.  And at a certain point,  more range and duration don't matter so it's not like you're raising the ceiling too high either,  just the floor,  due to diminishing returns.  Not necessarily in how it applies,  but in practical use.  So sure, you might be able to more easily stack to higher numbers now but the frames that are already making a lot of use of all that range or duration aren't hurting for more,  however it will mean that you can free up a bit of space by replacing one of the range or duration mods for something else to help survive better.

    • Universal Alloys- +100 base armor.

    - Reason.  Armor is pretty important,  but as-is, a lot of frames straight up cannot benefit from using percentile armor mods.  A flat universal +100 armor would keep the relative tankiness of all frames compared to one another,  but it will also help other frames benefit if they want to use a % Armor mod,  and by default let them be ever so slightly tankier.

    • Universal Reserves- +50 base energy.

    - Reason.  Energy feels too limiting by default,  and a similar problem occurs as does with armor.  

    • Like 1
  5. 20 minutes ago, .Unreality said:


    Also Warframe damage and tankiness will inevitably falloff. CC has no falloff, if it works at level 1 then it will work at level 1000.


    Except for the fact that at high levels you run into far more nullifiers and parasites that can completely cripple anyone that relies on abilities,  while many dps frames can deal with them more effectively by making them dead,  and buff frames still have their buffs up if they didn't fall or get pounced by a nullifier, in order to click M1 / Melee to make things dead.

    • Like 1
  6. I've had some thoughts on her. 


    • Garuda should be able to use her 1 (Dread Mirror) on a creature pinned by 2 (Blood Altar),  to execute them.  If not outright,  then if they are under the threshold as normal, the only difference being that they can't die while pinned by the 2 meaning you eliminate the blindingly obvious problem where nothing is ever going to be within the threshold that you'd ever get to use her 1 to execute anything.  Adding a synergy where executing a blood altar grants a heal would be nice (Since it'd end the healing aura zone).

    It'd also be nice if her 1 executions counted as a Mercy Kill,  and could execute Thralls (Secret Mercy) as well,  just as a fun semi reliable way pull it off and integrating the new mercy mechanics into play.  Likewise it'd be nice if you could mercy kill an enemy pinned by blood altar.

    Giving her damage reduction when she executes enemies would be INCREDIBLY HELPFUL and both mechanically and thematically appropriate. Like I can't even begin. A number of frames get to have damage reduction, but garuda is ignored and frequently called a glass cannon, except her "Cannon" takes an hour to pull off, is easily disrupted, and nukes a small area for the same damage and area that you can get if you just do a heavy slam attack.

    So let her use 1 to execute enemies pinned with 2, and for executing an enemy you get damage reduction. (This is the primary reason for me commenting, and the main point I want to get across.  The one golden tweak above all else that I desperately want to see implemented.)

    I feel like just this simple and obvious tweak would make her feel so much more engaging to play and make her abilities make more sense.  Otherwise it kinda feels like... ah,  not great design as-is.




    • Another concern is how awkward her 4 can be.  Because of the jump the targeting retical can leave an enemy,  so it doesn't effect them by the time your animation is over.  Making it mark enemies while the reticle is up and then fire at marked enemies would be great.   It could still work as it does now,  but enemies in line of sight get marked regardless if you lose line of sight,  while it still works normally as it does now otherwise (Targeting enemies within the cone, but not within line of sight, in addition to enemies that were "marked" while you were aiming).  Just a quality of life perk... Considering it takes so darn long to cast as is.   It'd also be nice if tapping 4 would quickly fire off talons in that small cone without the long animations.



    • A separate concern, but It'd also be nice if it didn't take so much effort to invest in creating a blood orb bomb,  Just pressing Q or M1 gives you equivalent damage without having to awkwardly build up a stack.  Making it charge significantly faster would go a long way. 

    ... Dread Mirror is both a horrible and unreliable defensive ability,  and an incredibly situational and unreliable offensive ability.

    You might as well just be using a melee weapon,  the mirror protection is only marginally better than melee blocking.

    It's just never worth using.   And I mean never. It's always more viable to do anything else, that doesn't take so long to work.  Especially with the heavy attack rework (Which I love by the way,  I feel like I'm finally having fun for once.),  a heavy slam attack has the same area of effect as Garuda's blood bomb (Which is tiny by the way),  but with NO awkward charging and cast times,  just tap Heavy and nuke the same area for the same high damages as a sufficiently charged and stacked blood bomb.   

    One way to fix this is if the blood bomb had a much greater base range and worked without line of sight.  The explosion range is so small as it stands,  the only way to make it worth using is if it were a proper nuke ability.  Just,  unlike other nuke abilities in the game it would take stacking up and a long cast animation/charge time to fire,  instead of a press x to win button.   

    Or keep the ranges as is,  but make it far easier to use.






    • Bloodletting. Such an awkward ability.  Energy on demand in exchange for getting one-shot by anything in the game, let alone stray status procs.   It scales (Very awkwardly) with efficiency,  yet with efficiency there is little reason to use it. It's barely even convenient the more you think about it.    It should scale with Strength instead, and then it's your choice if you want to stack efficiency on top of it.  Maybe it could scale with both Efficiency and Strength, allowing hybrids.

    It also feels like it needs to have an additional use.   Such as create blood-clones of herself using the sacrificed HP, the clone having the HP you sacrificed.  It doesn't have to be a clone either, how cool would it be if it was a Garuda specific custom new minion/pet.   Blood golem,  skeleton-wight, bladed spider, lots of cool thematically appropriate options.   Tapping bloodletting again continues to add health to the same minion.  Holding creates a separate new minion, then tapping divides the health between them.  Alternatively it could be limited to two,  tapping is always 1 type of minion while holding is always a second type of minion.   Tapping could be an anchored immobile talon-spider that fires talons at enemies like a bow to impale enemies.  Holding could be a large blood golem (Or normal sized skeleton-looking thing.  Perhaps a "Skeleton" that instead of the skeletal structure, was the vascular structure. Seems fitting.) that follows you,  covering your back (A much appreciated synergy with Dread Mirror covering her front).  If cast within range of an anchored spider,  it'd instead remain in the area of the spider.



  7. • Garuda should be able to use her 1 (Dread Mirror) on a creature pinned by 2 (Blood Altar),  to execute them.  If not outright,  then if they are under the threshold as normal, the only difference being that they can't die while pinned by the 2 meaning you eliminate the blindingly obvious problem where nothing is ever going to be within the threshold that you'd ever get to use her 1 to execute anything.  Adding a synergy where executing a blood altar grants a heal would be nice (Since it'd end the healing aura zone).

    It'd also be nice if her 1 executions counted as a Mercy Kill,  and could execute Thralls (Secret Mercy) as well,  just as a fun semi reliable way pull it off and integrating the new mercy mechanics into play.  Likewise it'd be nice if you could mercy kill an enemy pinned by blood altar.

    Giving her damage reduction when she executes enemies would be INCREDIBLY HELPFUL and both mechanically and thematically appropriate. Like I can't even begin. A number of frames get to have damage reduction, but garuda is ignored and frequently called a glass cannon, except her "Cannon" takes an hour to pull off, is easily disrupted, and nukes a small area for the same damage and area that you can get if you just do a heavy slam attack.

    So let her use 1 to execute enemies pinned with 2, and for executing an enemy you get damage reduction.(This is the primary reason for me commenting, and the main point I want to get across.  The one golden tweak above all else that I desperately want to see implemented.)

    I feel like just this simple and obvious tweak would make her feel so much more engaging to play and make her abilities make more sense.  Otherwise it kinda feels like... ah,  not great design as-is.




    • Another concern is how awkward her 4 can be.  Because of the jump the targeting retical can leave an enemy,  so it doesn't effect them by the time your animation is over.  Making it mark enemies while the reticle is up and then fire at marked enemies would be great.   It could still work as it does now,  but enemies in line of sight get marked regardless if you lose line of sight,  while it still works normally as it does now otherwise (Targeting enemies within the cone, but not within line of sight, in addition to enemies that were "marked" while you were aiming).  Just a quality of life perk... Considering it takes so darn long to cast as is.   It'd also be nice if tapping 4 would quickly fire off talons in that small cone without the long animations.



    • A separate concern, but It'd also be nice if it didn't take so much effort to invest in creating a blood orb bomb,  Just pressing Q or M1 gives you equivalent damage without having to awkwardly build up a stack.  Making it charge significantly faster would go a long way. 

    ... Dread Mirror is both a horrible and unreliable defensive ability,  and an incredibly situational and unreliable offensive ability.

    You might as well just be using a melee weapon,  the mirror protection is only marginally better than melee blocking.

    It's just never worth using.   And I mean never.  Especially with the heavy attack rework (Which I love by the way,  I feel like I'm finally having fun for once.),  a heavy slam attack has the same area of effect as Garuda's blood bomb (Which is tiny by the way),  but with NO awkward charging and cast times,  just tap Heavy and nuke the same area for the same high damages as a sufficiently charged and stacked blood bomb.   

    One way to fix this is if the blood bomb had a much greater base range and worked without line of sight.  The explosion range is so small as it stands,  the only way to make it worth using is if it were a proper nuke ability.  Just,  unlike other nuke abilities in the game it would take stacking up and a long cast animation/charge time to fire,  instead of a press x to win button.   

    Or keep the ranges as is,  but make it far easier to use.





    • Bloodletting. Such an awkward ability.  Energy on demand in exchange for getting one-shot by anything in the game, let alone stray status procs.   It scales (Very awkwardly) with efficiency,  yet with efficiency there is little reason to use it. It's barely even convenient the more you think about it.    It should scale with Strength instead, and then it's your choice if you want to stack efficiency on top of it.  Maybe it could scale with both Efficiency and Strength, allowing hybrids.

    It also feels like it needs to have an additional use.   Such as create blood-clones of herself using the sacrificed HP, the clone having the HP you sacrificed.  It doesn't have to be a clone either, how cool would it be if it was a Garuda specific custom new minion/pet.   Blood golem,  skeleton-wight, bladed spider, lots of cool thematically appropriate options.   Tapping bloodletting again continues to add health to the same minion.  Holding creates a separate new minion, then tapping divides the health between them.  Alternatively it could be limited to two,  tapping is always 1 type of minion while holding is always a second type of minion.   Tapping could be an anchored immobile talon-spider that fires talons at enemies like a bow to impale enemies.  Holding could be a large blood golem (Or normal sized skeleton-looking thing.  Perhaps a "Skeleton" that instead of the skeletal structure, was the vascular structure. Seems fitting.) that follows you,  covering your back (A much appreciated synergy with Dread Mirror covering her front).  If cast within range of an anchored spider,  it'd instead remain in the area of the spider.

  8. The number of people who would leave because of the timegates,  would probably leave because of the massive grind as well.  

    I don't know why DE feels the need to make it so difficult.  It's not even monetized like weapons, frames, or landing crafts are.  The only thing they might get out of this, other than salty players,  is what?  Booster sales?

    • Like 1
  9. Bandaid augments shouldn't be a thing.

    At least so long as augments are mods,  I wish augments were a separate system added to the Abilities UI where you add augments directly to the abilities themselves.  No wasting or demanding mod space away from your build.  Most frames can't spare the mod space even for augments you really want, let alone bandaid augments or convenience/novelty augments.

  10. 4 minutes ago, Gweredith said:

    I can send you a bucket to collect your tears in so I can feast on them while enjoying a less cancerous game where plebs are made to actually play the game.

    I've literally never even seen anyone use a Zenistar in-game. 

    So you're complaining that some people used something on their own, that you didn't like.

    Meanwhile every game of ESO has 1-4 Saryns.


    It's like evangelicals complaining that some people aren't vanilla in their own bedrooms.  Though thankfully 99% of them stopped or faded away in the past 10 years.

  11. I wish you could buy an All-Booster 30-day bundle, at a reduced price in the 10-15$ equivalent range,  to put it on the level of what you pay in other games for subscriptions.  30 days of playing the game the way they balance it to be played at.  (With boosters is obviously how everything is balanced for.  The game feels much more enjoyable and balanced when you have them.)


    As a bonus,  more people would actually spend plat for such a bundle.  I don't know anybody who buys boosters in the first place.  But on top of that,  a lot more people buying it for the boosters in general.  I'd rather buy it directly though, without plat from this site,  though it should still be available in the market for equivalent plat.

  12. 21 hours ago, Podge said:


    Why not both? arca titron charge gets used on either a slam, or a heavy attack if it hits. cause really, what is a heavy attack, if not a slam that hits a dude instead of the ground?

    Because the point is I only use heavy attacks.   A heavy attack already oneshots most level 100 things.


    But I changed my mind.   Expending on a heavy attack would be even better,  since I don't usually let it charge anyway as I spam slams because it's fun a/f.  Just a murder bunny hopping around causing explosions.

    So actually yeah,  having all that murder charging the normal heavy attack would be insane for the occasional enemies that need the extra murderating and would in fact make that umbral forma I feel like I kinda wasted worth it.  (Ever since I learned that the Fragor has a free +30 base combo I've felt cheated and like I made a bad choice.  I was too caught up in having had the most fun I had in a long time with the new found heavy slam spam tactics combining with Wisp's breach surges)

  13. No thanks.  I used my first Umbral Forma on the Arca Titron and focusing on slam attacks has been the most fun I've ever had in Warframe.


    But to the overall message other than that,  yeah.


    I'd love to see them do something to Broken Scepter to make it not a piece of garbage despite being one of the most thematically/cannonically important weapons behind the Paracesis. 

  14. 8 minutes ago, ixidron92 said:

    I'm sorry, but no matter how good they make breach surge, it's never gonna be able to compete with max strength reservoirs. By yourself, you can get to 1790 extra hp, 179hp/s and 179% firing speed. Do you realize how insane that is?

    I definitely didn't imply that it competes, however it's just so much more fun-  Meanwhile the rest of the thread (my comments) has been going on about how her other 3 abilities can't stack up to just concentrating on Reservoirs and clicking M1 like everyone else.

    It's unfortunate.


    I remember back when they showed the beta version of breach surge where it would make reservoirs do the surge and it'd deal damage, making reservoir essentially tactical remote detonated mines, which was awesome. If they reverted back to that idea, breach surge might be actually useful.

    Yeah,  I was REALLY looking forward to that functionality.

    However Breach Surge is her second best ability as it is.  

    What I would do is keep Breach Surge as it is now,  but add that functionality to her 4 in some way.   Whether it be my suggestion of the sun beam causing reservoirs to "Bloom",  or if activating her 4 straight up causes all active reservoirs to release a destructive wave on activation and whenever the sunbeam passes over it.

    Alternatively,  each reservoir could have their own lesser beam that locks on to the closest enemy to it.

    Just something.


  15. update:

    I will point out that I didn't offer suggestions on Breach Surge because I felt like it was probably much better than I gave it credit for, I just couldn't make use of it since I went negative range to maximize Reservoirs.   My only comment was missing what was originally shown,  and I folded the functionality of what was originally shown into my suggestion for Sol Gate (With the sunbeam causing reservoirs to "Bloom" into aoe dot effects).

    Since last night I've been experimenting with a hybrid build that has a little bit of everything.  130% Efficiency, 145% Range,  and as much power and duration as I could fit after that.


    Breach Surge is definitely a solid ability, and this is a much more fun and engaging playstyle than pumping reservoir to the max at the expense of everything else.

    But yeah, my comments on her 2 and 4 still stand.  Not that I really made a comment on 3 to begin with.

    I also think I understand the dev's thought process.   I don't think they meant her 2 to actually be a movement ability,  that was just an afterthought.   It's just a distraction and an area extension to breach surge.

    However,  that functionality remains with my suggestion, while making the ability far more satisfying and useful. 

    And whether or not sol gate gets exalted, I'd really love to see my suggestion on making sol gate cause reservoirs to bloom.

    • Like 1
  16. 1 hour ago, TehGrief said:

    I personally do not enjoy using the Shock Mote, I honestly believe it counters the synergy of her other abilities - but that may just be me. 

    This would be solved by letting us manually disable buffs, by clicking on the buff,  and giving us a shortcut to engage the cursor (or for consoles,  activate a selector that cycles between the active buffs). 


    Alternatively,  imagine if all multipurpose abilities (Wisp's reservoirs, Ivara's arrows, Vauban's mines) could be customized.   From the Arsenal choose a loadout of effects to swap in or out.   Don't like Wisp's shock?  Vauban's boost pad?  Swap it out for something else.

  17. 22 minutes ago, Colyeses said:

     I want a hardcore caster Warframe, the archmagus under the frames,

    Literally my biggest dream for a warframe.  

    I play warframe for the abilities.  If I wanted to play with weapons I'd play other games that do weapons better,  I've always wanted a hardcore caster type frame so I gravitate to what frames get the closest to satisfying that.   I felt like Wisp had a lot of potential to get close.   But she's just a weapon buffer. (Though I'm having fun with her anyway)

    Octavia comes the closest in my experience so far.   Especially since her Mallet pops nullifiers,  which a caster frame will definitely need some method of countering the anti-ability stuff in the game.

    • Like 1

    2 hours ago, Colyeses said:

    Exalted abilities are mostly just a sidestep to the overall issue, because it just tethers it to the weapon system. It IS a solution, certainly, but I don't think it's the optimal solution, that's all. I'd be more in favour of a more gameplay-oriented fix, but there's not enough room in her kit for that. I won't argue that her 4 is atrocious though, but it's par for the course for Warframe damage abilities.

    Sure, problem is warframe damage abilities are junk unless exalted, have a scaling gimmick, and/or have massive areas of effect.   

    But we shouldn't hold back frames just because other abilities are bad too when the tools exist to fix it and make it enjoyable, at least for another 2-5 years before they do an Abilities Rework in the vein of the Melee Rework.

    Abilities need to be more worth using.  Weapons do the same or much much greater damage with just a click, while abilities require a lot of energy, and a lot of focus on frame mods that would otherwise go to making you not die to stray bullets while you just use weapons.   (Octavia felt awful until I was able to spike her duration and range as high as I could, leaving no room left to work with).

    Not to mention the game frequently shuts down ability users while weapon users are fine.  You HAVE to use weapons for all the enemies that matter,  abilities just clear the fodder.  Meanwhile ability users also have to deal with parasites, leeches, nullifiers, and magnets.

    2 hours ago, Colyeses said:

    Also one of the two primary reasons why Warframes are in such an awful position. Mesa and Saryn are the reason that Sol Gate is terrible, precisely because DE wants to avoid a repeat of those two. It's a pain, but Mesa is pretty broken, and we shouldn't be putting more frames on her spot.

    I disagree,  ability frames should be brought up closer to those levels so you have more options.  Mesa's and Saryns are peak but they still only match weapon metas outside of particular situations like ESO.  But even on Onslaught I've outdamaged admittedly not the best Saryns just using an Arca Plasmor on first level frames.

    Slap an arca on any frame and they become equivalent to most ability frames.

    2 hours ago, Colyeses said:

    Yes, but if you consider DE's limited resources, you have to consider what needs the polish the most, and I can say with 100% confidence that Wisp is on the tail-end 10% of the line. She is an incredibly well designed, fun and very strong Warframe. It's good to provide feedback for her, but don't expect any changes any time soon, because there are a LOT of frames that need the help far more than she does.

    I never expect any suggestion, one of mine or otherwise, to go anywhere anyway.  

    • Like 1

    6 hours ago, Colyeses said:

    It IS a tricky ability, but it combos really well with her 3. When you cast Breach Surge, the decoy casts it as well. It's not a good movement ability at all, that much is definitely true, but it is still a good decoy and a good way to extend the effectiveness of Breach Surge. It would lose that if it became a Moira fade. 

    It wouldn't though,  my suggestion kept a decoy.  You're effectively just trading spots with how it works now,  except you wouldn't only go in a straight line if you don't want to while being infinitely more controllable and useful as a movement ability.  Same functionality, only more so,  the only tweak is flipping the perspective in your mind on how you'd go about using that combo.

    6 hours ago, Colyeses said:

    Breach Surge is not to be underestimated. It is an insanely harsh damage booster that uniquely scales well with precision weapons like bows and snipers. These sparks have a base damage multiplier of 2, which is augmented by power strength. With even a little bit, you could have an end-of-the-line damage multiplier of 3 or higher. That's a lot! Plus, it has decent base range and CCs enemies caught in it, and it doubles its range when cast on a Reservoir, another reason not to diminish their number. The Will-O-Wisp also copies your Breach Surge casts, allowing you to affect a larger area.

    However it's very awkward to use.   When I first started playing Wisp I had a hard time even noticing what it does, if it was even doing anything. 

    This is compounded by the fact that the most optimal build is negative range,  so be overall more effective you have to basically murder the usability of breach surge.   However,  building so you don't murder breach surge hurts other parts of her kit and isn't worth using in comparison to building just for 1.   For reasons largely given with my comments on #4...  But in short,  why put so much effort, energy, and build focus just to let her rival clicking M1 to do damage instead?   Especially when her 1 buffs clicking M1.


    But yeah,  you'll notice I didn't have much to say on the ability,  because I understand it can be a good ability,  but I can't speak to that so I just didn't say much at all.  And you'll notice my comment on how I wish it acted more like how it was originally shown was folded into my suggestion on 4 a bit.


    6 hours ago, Colyeses said:

    This goes for almost all Warframe abilities. While weapons keep powercreeping out, doing more damage, faster, with less effort, Warframes are very strictly tied down. This is likely due to Saryn and Mesa, and the crippling damage they've done to the balancing of this game. This is not a Sol Gate issue, this is a Warframe-in-general issue, and it's something the devs really need to figure out for themselves. We're seeing them dip their toes into it with the gameplay of Gauss' Redline and Ember's new Immolate, but they're still being extremely cautious. 

    Yes,  I said as much with  "Exalted abilities are one of the only ways to make damage dealing abilities relevant unless it has a scaling effect and/or massive aoe range (Gara, Octavia, Saryn, Equinox)".

    SolGate issue or not,  it IS an issue, and it effects solgate.  And the fix is easy, just letting us use weapon mods on it.

    It's already practically an exalted weapon as it is,  just a somewhat wide beam gun mechanically and using up your ability to use weapons.  So just let us add weapon mods to it.

    6 hours ago, Colyeses said:

    That said, without any kind of mutilating rework, I don't think Sol Gate has any room to add gameplay to counterbalance making it as relevant as a weapon. It's sad, but it's a tradeoff for having a frame that has an insane survivability booster, a number of massive DPS boosters, AND good CC. 

    Mesa exists.

    Great survivability, reasonable buff, good CC, and some of the best damage in the game.

    As it stands,  Wisp is only usable thanks to her 1 being strong.  But it's not strong in ways that make her feel particularly fun or engaging to play,  and her 2-4 feel mostly unusable as it stands.

    6 hours ago, Colyeses said:

    Wisp is probably the most impactful Warframe release in the past two or three years, and one of their strongest designs yet. It's not perfect, but I'd say it's leagues above almost all of the roster.

    A diamond still needs polishing and shaping before it really shines.

    • Like 1
  20. Reservoirs:  Is there any particular reason we have to place three separate reservoirs instead of a single reservoir with the three effects?  Not that it's the worst thing in the world, it's just... I don't really see a practical reason for it.  It's just wasting time making it an even more static ability than it inherently is by default of being a placeable in a highly mobile game.  Condense them into 1 and just limit it to 3 or 4 reservoirs active.

    Not a huge problem but I might as well say it.

    Wil-O-Wisp:  Very awkward ability.

    Imagine if instead, you leave a decoy where you were and you instead become ethereal (Like a Limbo) and gain a high speed boost + fly speed, triggering her passive,  to maneuver free-form for 1 second (possibly effected by power duration.  An augment could make the decoy act like a specter and have a separate duration.).   Being ethereal you can't damage things unless with an ability,  but it's just a movement ability.

    Imagine Moira from Overwatch.    It's a very satisfying method of doing a "Teleport" effect, and this method fits Wisp perfectly. while making the ability infinitely more user-friendly and useful.

    Breach Surge: I really wish this wasn't changed from what was first shown to us... I was so hyped when I first saw it and was thrilled to imagine all the scenarios it would be useful to place Totems to effectively shape an area of effect, and remotely help defend points...

    As is,  it's just kind of... there.   There's also not a lot of feedback to understand what you're even doing unless you know what to look for and read external wikis.

    Sol Gate:  Pretty bad,  in the BEST case scenario you're dedicating your build and comboing all you've got and spending all your energy just to do what you could do by just pressing M1 with most half decent weapons.

    So make it an M1.

    Exalted Solgate. Exalted abilities are one of the only ways to make damage dealing abilities relevant unless it has a scaling effect and/or massive aoe range (Gara, Octavia, Saryn, Equinox)  M

    1 fires the beam. M2 empowers the beam, like when you hold m1 as it works currently, but it wouldn't fire at all if you aren't holding M1 now.

    Special:  If your sunbeam touches a Reservoir,  the pod blooms open causing a miniature sun to appear above it, causing radial aoe damage for 5-10 seconds effected by duration, in say 15-20 meter ranges.



    Wisp would be so much more fun to play and her 4 would be useful for once,  and you'd finally have a reason not to dump range to just go Reservoir buffing m1 spam.  



    I will point out that I didn't offer suggestions on Breach Surge because I felt like it was probably much better than I gave it credit for, I just couldn't make use of it since I went negative range to maximize Reservoirs.   My only comment was missing what was originally shown,  and I folded the functionality of what was originally shown into my suggestion for Sol Gate (With the sunbeam causing reservoirs to "Bloom" into aoe dot effects).

    Since last night I've been experimenting with a hybrid build that has a little bit of everything.  130% Efficiency, 145% Range,  and as much power and duration as I could fit after that.


    Breach Surge is definitely a solid ability, and this is a much more fun and engaging playstyle than pumping reservoir to the max at the expense of everything else.

    But yeah, my comments on her 2 and 4 still stand.  Not that I really made a comment on 3 to begin with.

    I also think I understand the dev's thought process.   I don't think they meant her 2 to actually be a movement ability,  that was just an afterthought.   It's just a distraction and an area extension to breach surge.

    However,  that functionality remains with my suggestion, while making the ability far more satisfying and useful. 

    And whether or not sol gate gets exalted, I'd really love to see my suggestion on making sol gate cause reservoirs to bloom.


    Breach Surge is also indirectly buffed by the melee rework I think.  Heavy Attacks get carried over by the Sparks to really spread the damage around.

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  21. DE thinks it's okay for players to have massive bad luck streaks,  whatever the context, yes.


    Took me 4 weeks of grinding to finally get Khora's systems.  I had all the other parts to make six Khoras,  and then after finding one and building her got 4 systems within a few days of casually doing SO.

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  22. It legitimately might be why more and more people are actually migrating to Destiny 2.  

    Warframe trends towards focusing more on shooting instead of, I don't know,  the actual warframes

    Warframes that are ability focused get slapped around by terribly designed parasitic and leech enemies, magnets (How do they even work!?), and nullifiers.  Then on top of that, all the enemies that matter being immune to abilities left and right.


    Meanwhile weapons are just as powerful as most abilities, the only abilities that rival weapons being things like Octavia's Mallet, Equinox, Saryn, Gara's awkward glass, ect.

    A single click of M1 on most weapons outperforms most abilities without having to blow energy and deal with immunities or energy dependence.


    The optimal way to play is with frames that don't rely on abilities so much,  or rather,  frames that tank or buff weapons.   Outside of certain situations like ESO where the handful of nukable frames are meta.



    So if Warframe is devaluing what makes it unique to emphasis what is less unique,  people will migrate to other games that do that thing better: Destiny 2 does have very satisfying shooter mechanics with abilities being a sideshow.



    DE also doesn't know how to do difficulty.  

    Slapping immunities and more health on something or making it turn off your gameplay mechanics doesn't equal difficulty,  it's just bad design.

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