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Posts posted by Nokturnal

  1. IMO the Pacifism Defect mission design was worse than the terrible spawns on Infested Salvage. (Could an even number of enemies spawn by each point and at the same intervals and not get stuck please?)

    For the defect missions all ya had to do was spam heal with Trinity and wait around for more groups to spawn, crazy boring. (and for some reason Oberon's heal didn't work, making him even more useless than he already was.)

  2. You could still play hide and seek, all you have to do is just take off loot radar and animal sense. It'd just be an option.

    The only reason you'd be against other players having this is because you enjoy being masochistic and like enforcing your will on other players.

    Having unique icons for unique items is akin to Vacuum in how it would improve the flow of gameplay.

  3. The effect of them not having icons doesn't actually encourage most players to search for said items. It just causes them to not bother searching for them only picking them up if they stumble upon them.

    As far as Cache farming, it's easily the most boring farming even more boring than defense missions or those horrible infested salvage missions with the bad enemy spawn locations. Even if Caches had icons searching for all 3 caches would take a long amount of time and bore you to death as you just run passed enemies searching for them.

  4. Here, lemme show ya how easy it could be.

    <> = The icon for Syndicate Items
    C = The Icon for a Supply Cache
    A = The icon for an Ayatan Sculpture

    I'm pretty sure no one enjoys having to run around every map searching for these items especially since almost all the Icons are just white squares and why do the Ayatan Stars have huge minimap Waypoints (not just icons) while the Ayatan Sculptures have nothing. This logic makes zero sense to me.

  5. Just did the musical note room and the container spawned but when I destroyed it all I got was credits.

    Edit: The chassis spawns in the crate that spawns at the top of the room not from the 2nd crate that spawns in one of the side rooms.

  6. Been trying to do some Kuva Siphons since I got a 3 hour resource booster from log in, but the Kuva trails (the red clouds you intercept to break the braids) are invisible, are going through walls and unable to be intercepted so Kuva Siphons can't be completed currently. Been happening to me since the new Octavia patch.

  7. I'm pretty sure the host lagging can also be due to him/her having low ram or a bad video card. Had instances where the lag would get considerably worse in situations where there were more enemies on the screen. (Never have that problem with good hosts)


    That being said, I don't know what the 7.9 patch did to connections, but I'm having worse problems ever since it occurred. 


    I'm east coast oriented with a fiber optic connection with a 31mbps download speed and 27mbps upload speed, 8192MB Ram, Intel Core i7-2600k CPU @ 3.40Ghz (8 CPUs) with AMD Radeon HD 6900 Series  (Don't hate, it was on sale and have had no problems with running games at max settings)


    I've never had anyone complain about me while hosting and have connected to hosts in Singapore without problems.


    All that being said, there really needs to be adjustments to the lobby system. I've been only soloing almost every mission because I can't stand the connection problems I've been having with bad hosts.



  8. I still fail to see how it's a problem, other than the cost of the glaive itself. In fact, I think it makes sense for the Glaive and any other weapons that are "unique" to be alert/plat or just alert to keep them feeling special. Otherwise we'd have a repeat of the paris release where everyone and their mother was running around with a paris doing no damage and being useless.


    It's not up to the players to make sure every weapon is viable lol. We can only point out the flaws in weapons and hope DE fixes it. Glaive's price point was too expensive and the inability to get it via actually playing the game are some of it's flaws. (Waiting for an alert to pop doesn't involve actually playing the game) As far as it's in-game flaws/bugs, I can't comment on those due to the first 2 flaws. 


    As far as Paris is concerned, I've noticed it's a great stealth weapon, it does awesome when you're soloing most missions but bringing it into co-op where stealth is insanely hard to achieve comes down to user error. The stealth system could also use a rework so that players are properly rewarded for doing a mission stealthily, as it is now you actually are rewarded more of everything by not using stealth.


    I'm not against supporting DE, I'm also not against certain items being plat only, but I prefer plat only items to be cosmetic in value only and for the costs to be fair. The "Glaive" incident just comes off as a way for DE to bring in some more money by offering a highly sought after item that isn't just cosmetic in value for real money only. (Yea you can wait for alerts, but that's requires having no fun while you wait) Whether or not that was their intent is up to debate, but that's what it comes off as. Some people might view this practice as fair, while others might view it as one step closer to making this game require too much monetary investment to be able to enjoy everything it offers. If DE is hurting for cash, using gimmicks like these just seems to me like a bad way about going about it. I love the fact that my money is helping DE create more content but I don't want every single shiny new toy to be plat only. Which I know hasn't been done at all until the Glaive was released, but "if" the Glaive is setting a trend, I'd rather see that trend never occur. So I among others are voicing our distaste of it.


    (P.S. For people that are still attacking other people's opinions, take note how I voiced my opinion without attacking other people's opinions)



  9. I fail to see the problem if 1 out of every 10 weapons is released in this manner....


    Yea me either, but this was also an entirely new type of weapon, first throwable weapon period and first throwable melee weapon. If they released the "Glaive" as a market BP then released a better "Glaive" as alert/plat only, I'm pretty sure not so many people would be dissatisfied. Also the only content in the Friday update that was added was an item that was plat/alert only lol. Some people might not view a $10 melee weapon as being too expensive, but I do so I just refuse to buy it, thus since I want the Glaive, won't pay $10 for it and there's no way to obtain it via actually playing the game, I play new game called "Refresh Twitter"

  10.  I think, at this stage, the most positive outcome would be if DE simply handled this kind of release very differently in the future.


     If I had my pick it'd be by releasing weapons hey intend to make Alert list weapons alongside a weapon with a Market BP. This way both the Alert list AND the Market list get to grow slightly and players can still nab a new weapon that weekend. 


     Had Glaive launched with a Weapon that had a Market BP some of this backlash may have been lessened.



     The Glaive is released and the patch was a bit rough on nerves as a result - but I'm willing to be okay with that if DE makes sure to express they wont let an update leave a weekend flat again.


    Yea this weeks update was very lacking in content.


    As far as releasing alert only/plat only weapons at the same time as plat/marketBP weapons, a big problem people have brought up in this thread is they released an entirely new type of weapon for plat/alert only. It's the very first throwing weapon and the very first throwable melee weapon. People have stated they wouldn't mind skins being plat/alert only or perhaps after the Glaive was introduced as a BP purchasable in the market a new "better" Glaive was introduced afterwards for plat/alert only.


    I'm sure DE realized their mistake by now and hopefully won't make this a trend. 


    On a personal note, I feel $10 is a bit much for yet another melee weapon, so I'm waiting till the alert and since I've already maxed all the mods/frames/weapons, this involves playing a new game called "Play other games while I refreash twitter every 20-30 mins." I'm sure this will be rectified once more content is added, but in the meantime doesn't make for a fun way to play Warframe lol.

  11. luvor nano foundry forge,

    greentooth army polycount.com

    cifon/ciston hivemind mfg

    It all have been translated already :-P

    Well, except for the text in control panels. My 1280x1024 display doesn't allow for clear enough picture to read the tiny letters.)

    Plenty of this stuff are shout outs tho, so all we can do is hope they start adding more lore-relevant stuff. (and stop flipping and resizing the signs).

    Yea and Cargo Room. Just like the Grineer alphabet it seems the C's and K's can be switched up. Because the C in Control in "Robot Control Systems" is different from the C in Cargo Room (and playcount.com)

    K/C is the 2 boxes on top on one another. and C looks like an elongated lower case e.

    BTW The control panels read...


    Meant to write MFG btw. You can try to decipher the rest, but I felt it was too small to be accurate and the diagonal lines in the background don't help.


  12. Stuff


    Yea my bad, the article was referring to the European dual wielding style.


    here's a snippet of some info.


    "The usual difference between Florentine dual-wielding (sword and dagger) and Filipino-style dual wielding (any weapon will do, but preferably two of the same length) is that the former uses one hand for attack and the other for defense, while the latter uses both hands for both attack and defense at the same time."


    But you seem to be right in that normally you either use the smaller weapon in the off-hand and use 2 weapons of the same length.


    Though, DE designed all the animations to have the small weapon in the main hand and I don't think it's even necessary to change it. We'll call it "Tenno dual-wielding"


    You have a decision before you, therefore: would you prefer DE never spoke to us, or would you rather them run the risk of having hype+backlash on occasion?




    Everyone loves hype, but let's face it we have too much hype nowadays for games that when we get them aren't worth the hype. EA is a prime example. Hype is fine if you don't turn it into a marketing gimmick, aka deliver a product that noones likes after getting everyone hyped up for it.


    Obviously, a massive amount of players do not like the plat only or alert part of the Glaive. Imagine how bad it would be if it were plat only period. You have to draw a line in the sand somewhere when it comes to F2P developers, on how much you're willing to tolerate. It's totally possible for DE to be funded purely on people voluntarily buying Founder's packs, just look at the forums, they only represent a small amount of the community and almost every other poster has bought a founder pack. A good amount of which paid $50, a price of any regular game, but it seems just as many have paid $100 to $250 which is more than most people spend on WoW for a year. Sure, supporting is completely voluntary and not everyone does it but it doesn't seem to me like DE is having financial problems. If they just came out and said they were having problems (like companies who use kickstarter do) then I'm sure more of the community would step up and support them, they don't have to hype something up only to try to force us to pay for something when it's released if they're having financial problems.

  14. People saying that DE is going to hemmorhage users, people not supporting or "investing" in the game because one weapon, after what like 10+ weapons, came out without the blueprints in the market etc etc...

    All the good work, how much DE listens to the players, the constant flow of new content no matter how minor just turned meaningless (even if short term) over what? Them keeping the details of a patch close to the hip? Are we, as a playerbase, so shallow that a weapon being plat or alert after a long string of new weapons instantly makes the accomplishments of the dev team unimportant because we have to have it now without paying?



    I think it's very important for people to voice their opinions on whether or not they like this marketing scheme.


    If people feel it might negatively impact their decision to support DE, they should say so. It is beta after all, they want feedback. 


    You shouldn't be angry at what other players want or have, you should voice your opinion without caring about someone else's opinion. Let DE know how you feel, whether you be happy with something or annoyed with something. In the end, if DE cares about the majority more so than the minority, they'll make changes to try to keep as many people happy as possible.


    I see so many players basically attacking other players cause they personally don't like their opinion on DE's decision. Pretty sure we all want the same thing here guys, a good game that everyone can enjoy.


    My opinion:


    League of Legends has proven that a great game can become very financially secure through only offering Boosts and Cosmetic items to those who pay with no effect on gameplay. Other games which are geared more towards Pay to Win die off quickly due to a mass majority of the player base, even the ones who pay, to become unsatisfied with the game. Now is having the Glaive be available for plat only on release pay to win? No, of course not, but it does affect gameplay just as much as having Catalysts/Reactors only come from alerts and plat does? Yea, pretty much. It's a way to try to force players through their own desires into paying the developer, when other methods could be used. So how can I act on my opinion? By only buying cosmetic items with platinum (Colors, Sentinel Cosmetics, etc) and refusing to buy anything I feel affects gameplay. Which hopefully in turn will let DE know financially that I support only cosmetic rewards for paying and hopefully will entice them to not try anymore marketing schemes like they did with the Glaive and instead make more purely cosmetic rewards become available.



  15. Well I'll just use EA's advice and "Vote with my Wallet"


    I bought Sentinel Cosmetics cause they were purely cosmetic. 


    I refuse to buy The Glaive cause it's not purely cosmetic.


    I suggest others do the same. If they notice people aren't buying into this whole weapon marketing scheme, they won't use it ever again, but if they notice people are buying cosmetic items, more cosmetic items will be made available.



  16. This community needs to learn that just because they are in the Beta, and the Dev's take our feedback, it does NOT entitle you to everything. DE is STILL the Developer of this game, and they can make any decision they want. And you know what? Sometimes you just have to suck it up.



    Sounds like something EA would say.


    Dissatisfied consumers does lead to loss of revenue. Keeping your player base happy can and will be rewarded by customers voluntarily supporting the company. Using a marketing scheme to make some quick cash is a quick way to create a lot of dissatisfied customers who in turn, might feel less inclined to voluntarily support the company.

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