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Posts posted by PorpitaPorpita

  1. Yareli is almost half of my 1500+ hour playtime and I CAN'T WAIT for the skin! I love the feeling of riding around on Merulina, but the frilly elements of her design have never been my favorite. I'm living for this new skin, and honestly, that's what deluxes are about - adding variety and a different flavor that's not there with the base skins. So I'm happy!

  2. I would agree with this! The personal quarters and main room in particular feels noticeably dark to me, but everything feels just a little too dark. I don't think it's a situation that turning up my brightness would help with, because it would affect the rest of the game. Wondering if there'd be a possibility of some kind of way to increase the light within our orbiters?

    • Like 1
  3. I agree with this completely! I think DE really needs to take a look at orbiter capacity and consider retooling it a little. Right now, it just feels too limiting to what we can do with our Orbiters. I think they should at the very least separate capacity by room, since some of the rooms use the same pool, despite being separated by a door.

    Please consider increasing or removing capacity limits! I'm almost at max, and there's still so much more I wanted to do.

  4. Hello!

    I've discovered a problem in which the standing in Residual Arcane areas no longer trigger Theorem Arcanes while standing on Merulina. I believe this wasn't always the case, as I tested it a good while ago and it functioned properly, but it no longer works, at least as far as I can tell.

    I realize this is a very specific and somewhat niche set of circumstances, but I hope it's addressed at some point, because part of my build relies on it. 

    Thanks so much!


  5. I think there definitely needs to be some kind of change, because as she was in the showcase, there's not really any reason to play her over any other DPS Warframe. There's no particularly unique mechanics, no special flow, no... anything, really. It feels like she'd just fall into the pile with the other recent and relatively unused frames like Gyre and Caliban.

    • Like 3
  6. Fully agree with Dagath needing a rideable Kaithe to actually get the most out of her concept. 

    Also disagree (for the hundredth time) about Yareli being bad. It's way more fun to me to ride around on Merulina than it is to bullet jump around a map. I just find it smoother, more entertaining, and a more enjoyable experience. I wish Kaithe enjoyers would be able to get the same chance :(

    • Like 8
  7. 6 minutes ago, RichardKam said:

    I play Yareli as well but you have to admit there are problems with merulina.

    1. As other people pointed out, tilesets are not designed for k-drive. Yes, you can go really fast, congratulation. But that does not change the fact they were not k-drive arena. Yes, I can learn how to ride merulina in regular tilesets, but what is the point? The skill set is limited to Yareli, one single frame, alone. I won't invest my time on such thing.

    If this game allows me to summon k-drive anytime in regular missions, and merulina has some extra benefits on top of it for Yareli, then learning and using k-drive to go fast in regular tilesets would have meaning. But right now it works the opposite: it does not encourage people to use merulina, it actually discourage people from using Yareli. 

    2. You cannot use subsume abilities and are limited to secondary when using merulina. Maybe it was the animation problem or something, but it is a huge turn off. Warframe is all about arsenal diversity and powercreep, and merulina is the opposite of everything.

    3. You cannot mod merulina. I don't know why you cannot use k-drive mod on it, but this makes merulina even less than a regular k-drive, which is not something very useful by itself already. Even Sevagoth allows you to mod your shadow.

    Being unique is nice and all, but just being unique does not mean it is useful. I actually subsume terrify over merulina in one of my general purpose build, and only use merulina - merulina guardian - gloom build for tanky stuff.

    Back to Kaithe. Can you imagine the horror when you were flying in kuva fortress and the horse kept pushing you forward and got you stuck in the ceiling corner? Or when you were forced to dismount every 10 seconds because the door was too low? Is it going to limit your arsenal and ability again? And does it worth the effort?

    It really is worth the effort, to me at least. I can beat everyone to extraction with the exception of Titania, and I almost always get the most damage on the squad by fae. I have nothing but red crits and Yareli performs better than any Warframe I have ever played. None of this is an exaggeration, but more importantly than all of that, it's fun. There's a rhythm to it, and skill. It has its quirks, but I find those quirks more enjoyable than standard Warframe gameplay. Some people might end up feeling the same way about Kaithe gameplay and it seems a shame to rob them of that. 

    • Like 2
  8. 18 minutes ago, Pakaku said:

    Sounds more like the problem is just how boring an "attack-beam" ability is, regardless of how it looks.

    A Kaithe would be awful without some serious overhaul, which on the other hand would benefit the summonable Kaithes... But that doesn't seem to be planned, so Dagath would have been better off without the horse themes, if that's what it really all comes down to.

    Have you tested the Kaithe in a Captura tileset? Because all of the people that I've seen who have (myself included) think it's completely playable and fine as is. Maybe a tiny learning curve, but that's also fine.

    • Like 1
  9. 59 minutes ago, BionicFreak said:

    Yes. Yes, I do want that.

    Edit, I actually just went into Captura mode and tested riding a Kaithe in different tilesets, and you'd be surprised with the outcome:

    There were no issues, aside from a few spots inside infested tilesets, which happen to be the same spots that impede Yareli's Merulina. Other than that, even small little vents don't stop players when riding Kaithes!


    After further testing, I can say that there is NO reason why DE shouldn't have already given Dagath an Exalted Kaithe.

    This was my exact experience!!

    • Like 1
  10. 10 minutes ago, BionicFreak said:

    I couldn't agree more. So many of the people on these forums just want another bland Warframe that does what every other Warframe does. I just want more unique Warframes that offer entirely original playstyles, even if those playstyles take some time to learn through trial and error. I honestly wasn't even a fan of Warframe until 2016, when Titania was added. She was the first Warframe that actually felt fun to use.

    It always makes me happy when they add strange and different Warframes to the game. I feel the opposite when they add a Warframe that is not much different at all from previous Warframes... Unfortunately, Dagath's abilities look to be that way. Just recycled older abilities with a touch-up. I'm sure she's gonna be super OP, but that's not what I look for in a Warframe. I want something NEW, not simply a better version of an old thing.

    It seems like such a wasted opportunity for something new and interesting. 😕  They have Kaithes and a Kaithe frame... why not just combine them?

    Yareli really changed the game for me, and my wife has been hoping that Dagath would be her Yareli 😭 I'd love for us to be able to ride through missions together, side by side. 

    • Like 1
  11. 58 minutes ago, Waeleto said:

    Oh i'm sorry, Do you want another stupid mount that's not made for the mission tilesets ? do you want another yareli/merulina situation ? 

    Merulina is good when you know how to use it. It's REALLY fast. 

    It's SO frustrating to see people who never even took the time to learn how to ride Merulina insult it so hard, when it's 100% just takes practice. This is why we don't get super unique frames anymore, because people throw a fit when they can't handle something and ruin it for everyone else.

    • Like 4
  12. 1 hour ago, BionicFreak said:

    A proper point to make, DE does need to improve Kaithe-riding, but maybe they shouldn't have released a "Headless HORSE(wo)man" Warframe until doing so?

    That being said, plenty of people still hate Yareli because they think K-Drives are too hard to operate. I, on the other hand, absolutely love playing as Yareli and using her K-Drive. It's some of the most fun I've had playing Warframe recently.

    At the end of the day, my point is that DE shouldn't have made a Warframe based on the Headless Horseman (you know, the dude that RIDES a horse) without actually giving the Warframe an Exalted Horse to ride.

    I fully agree with everything you've said. I think any new movement ability is a learned-over-time skill, and one that has a curve. The problem with Merulina is that people just won't put the time into learning how to ride it. Once you DO know how to ride it well, it's SO fast in normal missions.

    Please please, PLEASE reconsider Dagath not having a Kaithe, DE. If people don't like riding a Kaithe, they'll have 53 other Warframes to choose from. 

    17 minutes ago, (XBOX)C11H22O11 said:

    Her 4 has horses so not exactly horseless, indoors Kaithe would be pretty bad there's not even enough space for it in most tilesets

    A lot of people have tested out in Captura, and it does work in indoor tilesets!

    • Like 3
  13. 5 minutes ago, OxiumHeart said:

    Even that would be better than nothing. Even if it was just a burst of forward movement, you'd get the feel of riding out with a herd of ghost horses, which is pretty metal...

    Still not as ideal as being able to ride a Kaithe around, but it'd be movement at least. It seems pretty comparable to Hydroid's wave, but it'd unfortunately probably have too long of a cooldown to be used in the same way 😕 

  14. 1 minute ago, PsiWarp said:

    I'm holding onto the hope that there's a conveniently not demonstrated hold-cast to her Rakhali's Cavalry to let Dagath ride with the stampede.

    Wyrd Scythes (her 1) is near melee range until they fly off, and would work well with a Kaithe movement style.

    Yessss, this would be so cool

  15. 1 minute ago, Pakaku said:

    I still don't see why I need a mobility ability when I can just crouch-jump

    Duviri and Kaithes also left me with a terrible impression, so the less I have to be reminded of Duviri, the better

    As a Yareli main, mobility makes ALL the difference in making different frames feel different from one another. It's just such a unique experience that really improves the diversity in the gameplay. Playing Titania, Gauss, Yareli, etc, for example, all make the game feel new and fresh in a way I personally love. 

    If you're not a fan of Duviri or Kaithes, you don't have to use the Kaithe on Dagath (should she get one), just like some people build for Yareli without Merulina.

    • Like 3
  16. 47 minutes ago, BionicFreak said:

    I was really hoping for Dagath to have an exalted Kaithe that can be spawned ANYWHERE... Needless to say, I am extremely disappointed that she does not have an exalted Kaithe...

    Also, the rest of her abilities are kinda lame.

    10000000000% this

    • Like 4
  17. I'm so, so disappointed that there's no way for Dagath to ride Kaithes in regular missions. Before you say that would be impossible - many people, including myself, have tested it in Captura and it works just fine. It might require developing your movement skills, but so do Merulina, as well as Titania's movement. Not only is there no Kaithe riding for her, as many people hoped there would be, there's no mobility abilities at all, which seems like such a missed opportunity on a frame that's based on Kaithes. 

    Please, please, please consider allowing Dagath to access the Kaithe from her gear wheel in all missions as a passive, or fold it into one of her abilties. It would really mean the world. 

    Thank you for your time 🙏 

    EDIT: Adding that making it a passive of being able to access it from the gear wheel in any mission would mean the people who don't want to use Kaithes like that wouldn't have to. It'd make everyone happy. 

    • Like 2
  18. I've been a Yareli main since day one of Yareli, and I'm a huge fan of this look! I think people forget that pretty much all deluxe skins are a different aesthetic from the rest of a frame's skins (including the base skin). Take Octavia Deluxe for example, very different from other Octavia skins! I'm sure the rest of the Yareli skins in the future will be the whole 'cutesy' thing people are obsessed with reducing her to. 

    As for this one, I can't wait!

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