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Posts posted by Indoril_Elfingrad

  1. Just now, Buff00n said:

    I'm not sure what you mean.  If you're just looking for a song with a strong bass line that stands on its own, I have a list of those ready for whenever they let you customize the Helminth Resonator.  If you're looking for something else then I need specific songs to try.

    That was what I meant. I'm sorry if I wasn't very clear. I have a hard time explaining sometimes. 
    I'm personally a huge bass lover, and I've been trying to no avail to make a song that uses bass that can like, work independently. 

    If that doesn't work either though, uh, I didn't see this in the "Songs I can't do" list, so um, have you tried to make Vanilla Twilight by Owl City? 

  2. I think it's Friday, so I'll put this out there. 

    I was hoping you'd be able to make a song that's heavily reliant on bass rather than Percussion and the Melody. I know, that's not a lot to go off of, so I'm sorry if this isn't your usual type of request. 

    If that's off the table, I'd like to request one of the Portal songs. Any one of them. Namely, Still Alive, Want You Gone or Cara Mia Addio. Please. 

    And thank you for the hard work! Your stuff is always so cool to listen to. 

  3. The Arca Plasmor. A beautiful gun with amazing sounds and effects. I love using that gun. But in the current Warframe, the only frames who can get it to deal damage is Chroma. That gun is barely capable of 100+ gameplay and it's disappointing. The weapon needs a buff. Fighting enemies is like hitting them with a nerf gun. And don't state that lower levels exist. That doesn't matter in power. The stug can handle lower levels. Please DE. Buff the Plasmor. 

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  4. So, I didn't know where discussion about Hunters goes, therefore I put it into General. But, I wanted to talk about them a little. Especially Zanuka. These 3 Hunters need some love, buffs and changes. They're integral parts of the game but have such a low spawn chance, coupled with barely any actual threat to the players. Their drops are rarely worth the wait and they don't really have a place in the story. Zanuka has a little hidden mission but that is incredibly quick and boring, not requiring any actual effort from the players. In my opinion, I think the Hunters need their own quests and stories, tying them into the lore. They also need increased strength, larger ability variation and a more reliable spawn rate, making them worthy of the "Hunter" Title, along with making them more than just a passing nuisance. Zanuka's quest needs more substance, and should require the players to do a lot more than a "Collect the boxes and leave" quest. Maybe a little mini-game to Escape the restrictions, consequences for failure, Maybe even hidden rewards, opportunities to steal resources from Corpus stock, research on Alad's schemes and you could even tie it into a quest. (From here, it's just an idea of mine.) You could start a quest involving Zanuka that requires you to lose to him, being captured, finding Alad's secrets and salvaging all his caught Warframes. This could tie into obtaining the blueprint for a new Warframe and also allow for expanding Zanuka's drops and adding a reason for it to have the different Frame parts in it's drop table.

  5. I can't confirm if this is a "bug" per se, but ever since Old Blood Came out, Every update made my game performance plummet. I waited for a few weeks and it'd sort itself out though. It started again after Empyrean's drop and can barely play the game on the lowest of Low settings. I was able to play fine before the update though. 

  6. DE, I wanna say, the way profanity is detected in a Clan name needs to be reworked to something more dynamic. I recently tried to make a clan called "House of Ballads" as a tribute to KoA but, It wasn't allowed because "I cannot have Profanity" in my clan name. Issue here is, there is absolutely no profanity. "Ballads" are a form of music and "Ball" is a toy. Kinda disappointing that I need to purposefully make a typo in my clan name to use it.

  7. So, I wasn't sure where to post this. Therefore it's in General but, After the Rising Tide Update, we got Universal Blink. Now as we all know, some people like to play with a controller. However, Archwings don't have a blink button on controller. And, it's also not something we can assign in Options. DE, I was kinda looking forward to it. Hope you didn't forget about controllers.

  8. So, after the recent update, there seems to be some issues with the Coildrive AI on Vallis. They just, run into random things or make odd turns and get stuck. This also happens for the Bounty Coildrives and the traps. I've also come across them spawning behind the Fortuna Elevator and getting stuck on the pipes. It's made it impossible to clear the bounties and the Nightwave Challenge is remaining. NW refreshes in a day. DE, Please do something about this soon. I missed out on WoSS stuff last time. 

  9. That actually makes a lot of sense. I'll update the post once I've come up with something. Maybe increase the Speed a little or get rid of it entirely. Might rethink the passive completely too. I'll stick with the base idea of Storm Call. Make some changes with movement. Actually when thinking up the entire ability I had doubts about making her stationary as well.

  10. Aegis:

    A frame based off of Aegis from Greek Mythology. Sometimes seen as a Shield with Medusa's head strapped on and sometimes a type of pelt. I made this up with a tank in mind, They're my favorite thing to play. It definitely could use more work and I'd be happy if anyone wants to give some advice or Criticism. Hope it's as cool as I imagined it.

    Armor: 200 (Maxed)
    Health: 750 (Maxed)
    Shields: 0
    Energy: 225 
    Sprint Speed: 1.15

    Gains more armor as her health reduces but loses movement speed. 100 armor for every 100 health lost. 
    Maxes out at +400 armor and -0.30, Giving a total of 600 armor and 0.85 Sprint Speed.

    Abilities(Better Names Pending):
    Aegis lets out a deafening roar of energy that inflicts fear in enemies. Causing them to run away from her and hide.

    Mirror Body:
    Aegis shines with energy, Creating a reflection of the target enemy on her. This resets enemy aggression, allowing her to pass without being attacked.

    Stone Gaze:
    The face in Aegis' chest burst with a cone of light, turning enemies in it's area to stone. Petrified enemies are permanently in that form. 

    Storm Call:
    Aegis' armor splits and vibrates for the duration of the ability. Under the ability's duration, Aegis will be unable to move but a storm forms around her, that slows enemies and strikes them with Lightning. Damage taken by Aegis is converted into charges. After the ability ends, The charges are released in a large explosion. Enemies that are not killed by the explosion are blinded for 5s.

    A greek inspired armored woman's body covered by snakes made of Energy that originate from a face merged in her chest. Her face is blank and covered by a helmet. The fur(?) in the helmet is made of energy and shines brighter as her armor increases.   

  11. So, I managed to get Atlas Prime and am absolutely enjoying him. But, Issue is, I'm confused on how the "rubble" works with his abilities, what makes them spawn and was also looking for any tips for playing him seriously. Also, is the Arca Titron a Good weapon to use with his Landslide?

    Thanks guys.

  12. When I bring out my Shawzin and then open the chat menu, for some reason, the game locks. I can continue to chat but I can't switch between tabs or exot out of any of the two things. The Shawzin also remains unresponsive.

  13. So, I recently got a recovered Nightwave challenge, The "Fully Socket 3 Ayatan Sculptures" one and it seems to be Bugged. I had 1 sculpture filled already so I only needed 2 more. I had gotten 1 Vaya Sculpture in a mission. But, when I filled it, The challenge did not recognize it and remained the same. So, to test it out, I borrowed two Ayr Sculptures from a clan mate and still, nothing. I'm kinda dissapointed. I'm only 1k standing away from the next rank. 

  14. Thank You guys for all the responses. I finally beat him with carefully timed Void Modes and a full squad. I know Limbo isn't great for bosses. He's just the only frame I can play well.  And, also because I don't actually have a lot of other frames. Only two others. It's quite stupid isn't it? I haven't put much effort into Warframe in the recent months. Thank you. I'm glad I've finally got past that thing. 

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