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Posts posted by j0shh4nxd


    The issue with a team wide AoE smokescreen is that it is completely involuntary, atleast if it was a cloud of smoke then other players have some say in it. Also, say you are relying on team aggro say when defending an objective or a rescue target, team wide involuntary invisibility might not be beneficial.

    Also changing how smokescreen functions would annoy many ash users.

    On the shuriken, I remember seeing a post that suggested that ash threw ninja tacks on the ground infront of him. Maybe that could double as an enemy debuff and team buff? Have it damage enemies that step on it, then it could have any debuff (slow, bleed proc, stun, stagger etc), or you could even have explosive tacks with blast proc. For team buff (to incorporate your ide), you could make it so that the tacks stick on warframes feet, giving you the ability to "stick" to walls or extended wall run?

    With regards to bladestorm, the stealth bonus would be lovely. But some sort off debuff on marked enemies would also be welcome!


    For smokescreen it isn't invisibility...I was more going for lower visibility for enemies...this prevents the problem with like what you said aggro...the enemies are completely aware that you are still there but have a harder time detecting you and such

    And yes I'm aware that it would annoy Ash users...but that is expected with any kind of change


    Just out of interest, as a devout Ash user, what are your opinions about the suggested Ash buffs (quoted above).

    With regard to the smokescreen one, o was under the impression that it would be a small cloud that allies have to actively pass through to get the buff (like wormhole).

    I too am a big fan of Ash, I go through stages of using him religiously for everything. But then I use another frame that just makes Ash feel less than adequate and I feel bad for the frame.

    I personally am not a big fan of shuriken and I would rather have it taken out

    1st ability= team buff to like stick onto walls...? Sorta like how in Naruto they focus chakra onto their feet so that they could like stand upside down and such

    teleport= free aim teleport always at 15 in game meters, when targetting an enemy a maximum of 50 meters.

    smokescreen= I'd rather have smokescreen be a large AOE affected by duration and range mods...Enemies would have 75% lower visibility...and be susceptible to friendly fire...Ash and his teammates will have the 400% melee buff and take 50% reduced damage while inside the smokescreen (not invisibility).

    bladestorm= be affected by the hit counter and cause enemies to be in a state of confusion and/or fear

  3. Edit, as for comparisons with Loki, Loki's skillset specializes in manipulation, which is as a whole more effective, however most people are scrubs and run loki as a slave to the 2 key, and therefore are not using his full potential. Comparing him to ash in this respect is like saying Banshee is worse than Excalibur because Radial Javelin hits harder than Soundquake.


    Finally someone who understands... Being invisible forever doesn't mean you're good -_-


    Imo just learn to use him...he's fine...not amazing but he's fine

    I use Ash for everything (besides defense) 

    The way you help the team with Ash...do as much damage as possible (you will get outshined by Nova...but who cares?) and revive....teammante is across the map? teleport and revive then get a lot of thank yous

  4. 1= useless...I think they need to get rid of this skill -_- we have kunais...hikous...despairs...

    2= Bread and butter...its cheaper than lokis and has the little stun which can stop some fire 

    3= mobility to melee...I've actually have been using teleport a lot more lately to move to enemies across the map

    4= Sit back and relax and then rage quit because you didn't kill anything lol I personally don't use BS either...Rage + life strike + Smokescreen is sufficient enough for survival....


    Yes Loki is better...but I mean you play games to have fun and do what you want...If you want to be a cool looking assassin frame then do it...If you want to be troll switching positions and annoying the hell out of heavy grineers then do it...I've seen terrible Lokis and Ashs and I've seen amazing Lokis and Ashs...It's just how you play them and how you want to help the team.

  5. I'm not entirely sure why you mention charge...? I guess you meant channeling....

    If I were you...for one thing no crit mods for sure...Dual Ethers have a laughable crit chance

    Use damage mods (pressure point, spoiled strike)

    Just use fury for boost in speed

    and elementals...

    and the above post that said to use berserker...don't use it...Ash's smokescreen does not grant crits, it grants a 400% melee buff...numbers are just yellow but they are not crits..and if anyone tells you crits in smokescreen/invisibility comes out as red that is also false.


    Berserker is basically used on high crit chance weapons like the Dual Ichors/Zorens 

    Basically, when you crit you have a 24 second attack speed boost...

  6. Am I the only one that believes Shuriken should be taken out of his skill set? We have Kunais, hikous, and despair...o_o

    Instead, why not have an ability/buff that lets Ash and his teammates have the ability to walk/stand on walls, ceilings, it's like Naruto when they focused chakra in their feets to walk on water, stay upside down, etc


    Smokescreen: Never really understood how smokescreen makes one invisible...I like the idea of smoke persisting, the smoke should be affected by duration and range mods, once its casted their should be a stun not affected by duration mods. The smoke hides Ash and renders him and his teammates ALMOST invisible because it lowers the enemys' visibility dramatically, Ash still has his 400% melee buff, teammates have a 150% melee buff, Ash and his teammates also have a 25% damage increase to their guns, enemies will be susceptible to friendly fire. Enemies will also be under "high alert" basically they will flip balls if they hear a sound and will focus on where the sound came from, this can give people the ability to manipulate the field(this is assuming SS is maxed)


    Teleport: That flip stun needs to go away -_- Ash needs to teleport behind the enemy (if it is a friendly it doesn't matter) and I like the idea of him being invisible and having a melee buff right after (except when teleporting to a friendly) It'd be nice if it was free aim but it's not really necessary.


    Blade Storm: Instead of making it like a nuke, make it something similar to Valkyr's hysteria? During this time, The player will target enemies, Ash will teleport to the targeted area and to enemies Ash will do 600 base damage and do 200% of his melee weapon damage, he will also be invincible during the duration AND if Ash uses this ability in the presence of an assassination target he will mark the boss and the boss will take 20% more damage (this is hoping that DE makes bosses more challenging)


    Those are my useless 2 cents x)

  7. They changed the damage multiplier to 400%


    for a melee weapon:

    1 Dual Ichors, 2 fang prime, 3 dual zoren, 4 dakra prime, 5 dual ether 


    For Charge

    1 Orthos Prime (I like the speed) 2 Galatine (it's a toss up between Gala and orthos prime...again I prefer speed) 3. Kestrel, 4 Glaive,


    that's my 2 cents 

  8. A lot of people don't really enjoy frost anymore because of the snowglobe change


    Honestly, just choose what you like...if you like Nova...then use Nova...but there are a lot of Novas out there x)

    Nyx is great...I just found her to be boring after just pressing 3 all the time

    I would stay away from Valkyr...

    Can't really judge saryn

    From what I hear and from what I've seen Ember is nice

    I love mag...her pull...and bullet attractor....and shield polarize is super nice

    I personally love Ash, Loki and Vauban

  9. Four forma

    3 V polarities

    1 dash polarity


    Point strike 3/5

    vital sense max

    split chamber max

    serration max

    heavy caliber 8/10

    speed trigger max


    elemental combo


    grineer radiation (electricity + fire)

    corpus magnetic (Ice+ electricity)

    void/infested corrosive (electricity+ toxin)


    People say that a maxed heavy caliber renders bows useless...but I disagree strongly...I'm not able to snipe but I can still shoot at medium range...and if you don't want to give up that accuracy just lower heavy caliber

  10. You don't really so any difference in accuracy at Heavy Caliber at rank 4...unless you are firing from extreme distances...quite honestly I would get heavy caliber to like 6? 

    But here's a build for the dread...four formas so it'll take time but you'll dude a huge amount of damage


    Point strike, serration, split chamber, vital sense, heavy caliber, speed trigger


    The last two slots just do an elemental combo

  11. Ash



    Dual Ethers


    I just feel like I look sick with this set up x)

    Yeah I think it's true that the WF community goes for the "best" not really what they want...but there are people who like rhino just cause he can bulldoze his way through most content x)

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