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Posts posted by -WARP-Huntress

  1. With all due respect to DE's sound team... Warframe's soundtrack just seems to have been a very very low priority from the start. The music that IS in the game is kind of forgettable and uninspired, and orchestral scores for games are so over-done.




    Xaero over at Project-WARP is an incredibly talented, creative musician who has been playing Warframe forever and has put what seems to me much more thought and passion into the music he's created, not to mention much more variety for the different missions and tilesets. If you haven't checked it out yet please do, and if the devs aren't aware of this or even considering it... they should be.

  2. We have had our dojo for a long time and some of the rooms are the old design, but are integral to the dojo's structure or are required rooms for our clan's tier. Are there any plans to allow us to update the design of the room to the modern one without having to demolish and rebuild?


    Also... A weapon test range would be awesome. I don't know why that isn't a thing already. Part of this game's draw is how many weapons there are and how they're constantly being added, but there's no way to try them out before you spend money or resources on them.

  3. I don't know if feedback is the place for suggestions but I came up with a relatively easy to implement idea to make using the same weapon over and over more useful. Relatively easy based on the current game system and balancing, I don't know about the code and all that.


    So weapons have 8 mod slots. After you've polarized a weapon 8 times you can have polarized each slot.

    On the 9th time you polarize the weapon, you can be given the option to instead of polarizing again, give the weapon a unique name.

    And on the 10TH time, you are given the option to permanently fuse a mod into the weapon. The weapon gains the bonus from that mod, at whatever the mod's level is, and keeps it from level 0 to 30 from then on. The weapon cannot accept that type of mod anymore, BUT this opens up possibilities for adding additional mods to your weapon that you wouldn't have before because of your priorities for mods on that weapon.


    Example: Skana name changed to Grineer Slayer at polarization 9. At polarization 10, you fuse a Smite Grineer mod which is at its max level with Grineer Slayer. Grineer Slayer resets to level 0, but now has a perminent +30% damage to Grineer.


    NOW... You're probably thinking most people will just fuse the base damage mod into all their weapons for this, and that's fine. First of all, it takes FOREVER to get your Pressure Point and Serration and Hornet's Strike to max level.

    Secondly: This makes continuing to play the game and looking for mods more applicable, because you LOSE the mod you fuse into your weapon, therefore you'll have to go and find and level it up again to use in other weapons, especially if you're using a base damage mod to fuse.


    This also solves the thing people were asking about on some of the livestreams, about giving special visual effects to polarized weapons. If you fuse in one of the elemental damage mods, then your weapon has permanent electricity or fire or ice effects, so that's that.

  4. JackStalka joined today and we had an awesome rp session. You should join us too! (By "you" I mean you as in anyone who's reading this. Not anyone specifically."


    _ZAR_ we use the dojo and clan chat for RP a lot so we're really looking for people who are a bit more dedicated right now. If you're really attached to your own clan and dojo you should probably just wait until clan alliances and alliance chat are implemented for smaller clans.

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