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Posts posted by TGDM

  1. News update: "DevPost Roundup: July 2, 2016"



    A weekly round-up of the more noteworthy DevPosts on the Official Forums. This week’s roundup features the recap of Prime Time #124, more information on the upcoming Specters of the Rail update, details on the Mag Prime Vault unsealing, as well as some changes and bug fixes.

    Check the site for last week's recap!

  2. The Forma update: "System Tenno's Ignore List Is Too Full"




    From posting on the official forums, soliciting in trade chat, and through the use of tools such as Warframe.Market for the purpose of trading, a local system Tenno has accelerated the process of finding new players to add to their ignore list. Digital Extremes has not yet announced any plans on expanding the ignore list's current capacity, leaving the lone Tenno with the hard choice of becoming vulnerable to the past or defenseless against the future.

    Check the site for the rest of the (satirical) story!

  3. News update: "DevPost Roundup: June 25, 2016"



    A weekly round-up of the more noteworthy DevPosts on the Official Forums. This week’s roundup features the recap of Prime Time #123, more information on Specters of the Rail’s ETA, further adjustments to Volt’s Speed, as well as some changes and bug fixes.

    Check the site for last week's recap!

  4. The Forma update: "Resurgence of Players Flood Warframe Servers in 2035"




    KRONIA RELAY, SATURN—It has been nearly 50 years since the last Warframe account had received an automated ban. Once one of the most popular Sci-Fi Third-Person Shooters available on the market, Warframe had seen a steady decline in users in the years following the game’s official launch out of “Beta” in 2018. A blogger from the time period by the name of Tedrick Gallman had researched the subject at length but did not receive recognition for the works until recent years when scholars confirmed its historical accuracy. Most notable for the attention to detail on seemingly mundane occurrences, his works are now considered an unquestionable authority on the matter of automatic suspensions within Warframe’s user base.

    Check the site for the rest of the (satirical) story!

  5. News update: "DevPost Roundup: June 18, 2016"



    A weekly round-up of the more noteworthy DevPosts on the Official Forums. This week's roundup features the recap of Prime Time #122, an overview of the now live Lunaro game mode and rules, insight on Rathuum's placement on Sedna, as well as some changes and bug fixes.

    Check the site for last week's recap!

  6. The Forma update: "Warframe Community Struggling to Maintain Outrage after Every Update"




    After a rapid fire set of updates and hotfixes in recent months, long time fans of Warframe are reportedly struggling to find new things become outraged over in each new update. The heated passions that fueled a burning discussion have dwindled down to lukewarm embers incapable of casting a shadow on the errors of every single update.

    Check the site for the rest of the (satirical) story!

  7. 1 hour ago, [DE]Drew said:

    For clarity, 
    If you get platinum from someone who then has a chargeback, you will not get banned because of them. 

    Could you please update the PSA regarding this?

    I've asked a couple of times for an update to clarify this specific concern. It comes up quite often and ends up scaring some players. That and it would be helpful to explicitly mention that DE retains logs of trades so players can feel safe knowing that scammers can and will be held accountable.

    • Like 1
  8. Tried searching through this thread and didn't see it;

    I scored at least 5 goals in the Lunaro match I was in and did not get credit for the "Focused Goal!" challenge which requires you to score 4x goals in a match. I had joined a match already in progress. Trying to set up a group now to text the extent of this.

  9. News update: "DevPost Roundup: June 11, 2016"



    A weekly round-up of the more noteworthy DevPosts on the Official Forums. This week’s roundup features the recap of Prime Time #121, a brief dev workshop on Volt, talk of new archwing keybindings, the status of Devstream #76, as well as some changes and bug fixes.

    Check the site for last week's recap!

  10. The Forma update: "System Tenno Underwhelmed by Shadow Stalker Assassination Attempt"




    In light of the recent changes to modding capacity in Hotfix 18.13.2, Tenno have been reporting decreased activity from the infamous Shadow Stalker. Rumored for years to have an increased spawn chance when players have low level or otherwise limited loadouts, the increase to base modding capacity relative to Mastery Rank has seemingly resulted in the Stalker taking greater care of picking his targets. Though far less active, the rogue warframe hell-bent on assassinating the Tenno one by one has reportedly been having trouble striking down his foes. A local system Tenno shares their experiences with a recent encounter against Hunhow's shadowy agent.

    Check the site for the rest of the (satirical) story!

  11. Editorial update: "Analysis of Warframe's Crafting System: Crafting Times"



    Many Free-To-Play (F2P) games rely heavily on time investment when it comes to giving players a sense of progression and purpose to continue playing over a span of months rather than hours. This is accomplished in a variety of ways within Warframe: progression systems for players to level up and become more powerful the longer they play, collection systems designed around the idea of chance acquisition, and gameplay which feels rewarding. This month we'll be taking a look at Warframe's Foundry system which is one of the connecting points between progression and collection. Specifically, this editorial will be taking a look at crafting times for items.

    This article broaches the topic of how Warframe's Foundry fits in with a F2P model and specifically how crafting times could be adjusted for new player retention. It also covers a bit of information on how much it costs to buy all of the equipment on the Market, the upcoming Market changes (Devstream 73, 74), and upcoming changes to Mastery Rank requirements (Devstream 59). Ultimately all three of these systems are intertwined and it is important to move each of these pieces in mind of the others.

    Check the link for the full article!

  12. 34 minutes ago, [DE]Rebecca said:

    Electric Shield:

    - Volt can now place up to 6 Shields (was 4).

    Short and sweet - just some awareness for everyone that we are indeed still reviewing your feedback on the changes.

    Is there any information you can share with us in regards to use/activate actions? Many players have complained about the new shield causing problems with picking up objective objects (Power Cells and whatnot), reviving allies, hacking terminals... etc.

  13. News update: "DevPost Roundup: June 4, 2016"



    A weekly round-up of the more noteworthy DevPosts on the Official Forums. This week’s roundup features the recap of Prime Time #120, further Dev Workshops regarding recent and upcoming changes, updates on the XB1 Purchasing Problems, some meta forum changes, as well as some changes and bug fixes.

    Check the site for last week's recap!

  14. The Forma update: "Warframe Community Outraged by Recent Enemy Changes"




    The recent Update 18.13 brought with it a great deal of controversy last week as Digital Extremes delivered the long-awaited reworks for Mag, Volt, and all warframe passive skills. Seemingly as a last minute addition, Rebecca Ford (Live Ops & Community Producer) posted a Dev Workshop on the official forums to go over some additional changes coming with U18.13. The fans recoiled in horror as some of their favorite gameplay elements were obliterated without so much as a warning.

    Check the site for the rest of the (satirical) story!

  15. I was hosting when this happened. For some reason everyone got dropped during the decode stage and then managed to reconnect and we continued on with the raid. When stage 2 completion and transition to stage 3 began, the rest of the group got mission completion and I was all alone in stage 3. Not sure what happened there.

  16. What started off as simple testing to confirm some last mechanics last night led to some more serious discoveries on the mechanics behind Disruptor Drones (the equivalent of Grineer Nullifiers). I'm not 100% certain if these mechanics are intentional or not, but I'm leaning on the side of reason and assuming that they are bugged. If this is the intention then I guess I'll repost as a suggestion to change :V

    Anyways. This post will showcase 2 different bugged mechanics:

    1. Hitscan weapons are being blocked and can pass through shields

    2. Disruptor Drone damage reduction buff can reduce damage to 0

    Bug Report #1: Shield Blocking Mechanics

    If you've been playing TLOR lately you may have noticed the Disruptor Drone mechanics change a few times in the last few months. At one point they provided a completely invincible shield to all allies inside from any non-projectile weapons, then they went back to only blocking abilities, and now they're back to blocking once again.

    Here's an example of the invincibility provided by the Disruptor Drone shield:

    However, if you're using a projectile-based weapon (such as a bow or weapons like the Boltor, Lanka, etc), you'll be able to damage through the shield. Here's an example:

    On top of that, I managed to test another nuance I had noticed in the trials: Enemies that were not in the shield but were behind the shield would still be affected by hitscan weapons. Here's a demo of them being invulnerable an then becoming vulnerable:

    DE has bounced back and forth a few times on blocking hitscan weapons with these shields. Best case scenario this is an undocumented change. Again. Or again again, really.

    Changing loadouts is certainly something players can account for once they are aware. However, when these Drones spawn en masse as they often do in the Nightmare The Law of Retribution Trial, players run into the issue of not being able to hit enemies even though they take the risky approach of going inside of the bubble to drop an enemy when multiple DDrones are around due to the shields stacking multiple layers of impenetrable protection. And, even if you manage to get past that issue, you'll run into...

    Bug Report #2: DDrones Stacking Damage Reduction

    Now this bug was a bit more of a headache to encounter. The first bug reported in this thread showcases pure invulnerability to certain weapons. This next bug will showcase effective immunity against certain weapons. But first, just to be clear, let's establish how the DDrones are vulnerable:

    Here's the 'weakspot' as shown from below:

    And here's the 'weakspot' as viewed from a level field / above:

    Here's a video demonstration of the damage dealt to 2x DDrone and then 1x DDrone to show the buff falling off:

    And here's a video showing the damage dealt to 1x DDrone affected by 19 other DDrones to show the almost complete lack of damage:

    I proceeded to test this a bit further to get as much information as I could. While the damage reduction is not additive, it is substantial. Using a fully modded Rakta Cernos to test, the damage reduction went as thus:

    1x DDrone :: 11624 damage

    2x DDrone :: 9299 damage

    3x DDrone :: 7433 damage

    4x DDrone :: 5947 damage

    5x DDrone :: 4758 damage

    6x DDrone :: 3796 damage

    20x DDrone :: 163 damage

    The Rakta Cernos build was this:


    vs. lvl 100 DDrones for this test. If you're using a weapon like the Twin Grakatas modded for Viral damage you'll quite possibly see 0 damage being reported as done.

    This damage reduction stacking is very problematic for Nightmare The Law of Retribution when a bundle of DDrones spawn in a corner (as they are known to do). I'm not sure if it would be easier to fix the spawning algorithm to make sure no more than 2 stack up at any given time or if a cap to the buff could be added (or a third option not listed). It would be appreciated to see this changed, though.

    EDIT: And as a follow up to anyone that may have seen this already... Radiation damage will effectively reduce the buff by disrupting the friendly/unfriendly target assignments. It's similar to Ancient Healers in that way.

  17. 12 hours ago, Vesper3 said:

    Will you be allowing other Tenno to contribute to articles like, say, the Forma? 

    I'm not looking for guest writers at this time but it's something I have in mind for the future. The site isn't really well known at this point and I'm still taking the time to establish a tone and voice for it all.

  18. News update: "DevPost Roundup: May 28, 2016"



    A weekly round-up of the more noteworthy DevPosts on the Official Forums. This week’s roundup features the recap of Prime Time #119, feedback megathreads for the reworks, updates on the XB1 purchasing issues, news about Update 18.13 for PC, as well as some changes and bug fixes.

    Check the site for last week's recap!

    And just as a reminder: The Devstream #75 recap is up (scroll up a bit in this thread for the link)

  19. The Forma update: "System Tenno Fashionably Late to Nitain Alert"




    A local System Tenno set out with the intention to complete a simple Nitain Alert earlier today but found themselves caught up in the world of high Warframe fashion. Onlookers remain skeptical if the System Tenno's stylistic choices reflect their own tastes well enough but are now intent on finding newer, fresher looks themselves.

    Check the site for the rest of the (satirical) story!

  20. On the topic of Valkyr and Excalibur's melee-based ultimate abilities (as well as others such as Wukong), are there any plans to fix the way combo counters work?

    i.e. Body Count clearly isn't transferring over, but at the same time you essentially lose whatever combo counter you had before activating the skill. It feels odd going from 100+ hits with your Skana into a 0 counter with Exalted Blade, for example.

  21. On the Devstream where you were showcasing Volt's rework, I think Scott mentioned something about wanting to find a more interesting way to handle Volt's duration for the arc-trap effect rather than just using Duration. Any chance of getting additional details on that? Also:

    1. Will Volt's shield now be subject to scaling on range? It looked larger in the rework preview than in the current live version.
    2. Will Volt's Speed be recastable or can you only drop another "opt in" point once the duration ends? I imagine this could be a major dealbreaker for a lot of players if the speed opt-in cannot be moved / replaced until the full duration is over.
    3. Will Mag's Shield Polarize be affected by Range and Duration the same way Molecular Prime is?
    4. Will Oberon's passive re-apply to targets after moving in and out of range or is it a one-and-done activation?


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