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Posts posted by Vulk

  1. I love the ZAW and the fact that we can make our own melee weapons. 
    Since Kitguns got an update where we can now craft primary variants of them i started thinking. Can we make something for the ZAW's too. 
    I noticed that we still lack parts to make Sword and shields, glaive, whips and so on. That's one thing but there is another idea i had. 
    Why not Dual Zaws ? Craft a Dagger type zaw, craft a sword type zaw then maybe craft a link item to combine em. At the end youll have a Sword and dagger zaw. 
    This could go for Dual daggers, Dual swords.
    Another idea i have is to craft gunblades. Since we have Fortuna kitguns why not craft a pistol frame from Fortuna then craft a blade part from Cetus and combine em. Youll have reason to go to both open worlds to create something.
    I just wish to see the melee crafting a bit more expanded to more weapon types.

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  2. I had this idea in my head for an assault type missions. 
    Basecly its you and your teammates running trough a battlefield or a normal mission zone killing people and at the end there is a random elite boss (Not the original bosses like alad v or any other end planet bosses) or something, after you kill him you get reward Mod
    It doesnt end here After you kill like the 1st boss you get a choise keep going forward trough another battlefield with mobs that are scaled up in difficulty and a diffrent boss or go to extraction. 
    For those who keep going it will be like a defence mission, but in thit case youll attack and kill bosses that increase in difficulty and lvl and for those who leave well they leave nothing more to say they get the reward and their done.
    The rewards can scale aswell like kill the first two bosses you get tier 1 reward the 2nd two bosses t2 rewards and so on. 
    Still the rewards from this "Assault" will be like in defence Mod or something and these buffed chars can be like Captains that are buffed types of the normal mobs or a stalker like mob. I was thinking cause not all people like to spend time in a defence mission they rather attack. So why not make a mod where you fight like mini bosses and hordes of enemys while they scale at the same rate and move up trough the lvl's (waves) zones however you wanna call. They can even add the Maps where grineer ship is crashed in a corpus ship to move from 1 faction to another

  3. New type of missions "Assault"
    here is my suggestion I had this idea in my head for an assault type missions. 
    Basecly its you and your teammates running trough a battlefield or a normal mission zone killing people and at the end there is a random elite boss (Not the original bosses like alad v or any other end planet bosses) or something, after you kill him you get reward Mod
    It doesnt end here After you kill like the 1st boss you get a choise keep going forward trough another battlefield with mobs that are scaled up in difficulty and a diffrent boss or go to extraction. 
    For those who keep going it will be like a defence mission, but in thit case youll attack and kill bosses that increase in difficulty and lvl and for those who leave well they leave nothing more to say they get the reward and their done.
    The rewards can scale aswell like kill the first two bosses you get tier 1 reward the 2nd two bosses t2 rewards and so on. 
    Still the rewards from this "Assault" will be like in defence Mod or something and these buffed chars can be like Captains that are buffed types of the normal mobs or a stalker like mob. I was thinking cause not all people like to spend time in a defence mission they rather attack. So why not make a mod where you fight like mini bosses and hordes of enemys while they scale at the same rate and move up trough the lvl's (waves) zones however you wanna call. They can even add the Maps where grineer ship is crashed in a corpus ship to move from 1 faction to another

    Sorry its kinda messed up line up from my copy paste the original post can be found on   


  4. What i think he meant is, why playing the Assassinate missions when you got this mission wich seems easier in my eyes since they aren't real bosses

    Still the rewards from this "Assault" will be like in defence Mod or something and these buffed chars can be like Captains that are buffed types of the normal mobs or a stalker like mob. I was thinking cause not all people like to spend time in a defence mission they rather attack. So why not make a mod where you fight like mini bosses and hordes of enemys while they scale at the same rate and move up trough the lvl's (waves) zones however you wanna call. They can even add the Maps where grineer ship is crashed in a corpus ship to move from 1 faction to another

  5. I had this idea in my head for an assault type missions. 
    Basecly its you and your teammates running trough a battlefield or a normal mission zone killing people and at the end there is a random elite boss (Not the original bosses like alad v or any other end planet bosses) or something, after you kill him you get reward Mod
    It doesnt end here After you kill like the 1st boss you get a choise keep going forward trough another battlefield with mobs that are scaled up in difficulty and a diffrent boss or go to extraction. 
    For those who keep going it will be like a defence mission, but in thit case youll attack and kill bosses that increase in difficulty and lvl and for those who leave well they leave nothing more to say they get the reward and their done.
    The rewards can scale aswell like kill the first two bosses you get tier 1 reward the 2nd two bosses t2 rewards and so on. 

    I want to say sorry if my grammar is bad im not from an english speaking nation, But i would really like if DE takes a look at this idea

  6. Questions
    1st: Are there gonna be any overall skins of the frames and are you gonna add more rewards in the derelic missions? (after you obtain nekros its kinda pointless going there)
    2nd: Can you make stronger enemies? Most of them are not challenging at all now.
    3rd: Will you add more giand bosses?
    4th: Are there gonna be new factions in the future? I would like to see stalker like faction of rogue tennos.

    5th: Will there be another prime frame and who will it be ?
    6th: Will there be 8 player missions in which two teams of 4 will have objective that effects the other one ?
    7th: J2000 golem can you make it immune to Rhino stomp? it just gets too easy.

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