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Posts posted by JohnWick

  1. Can you fix helius scaning everything from all over the place , and can you make a cooldown or something for the rails so we can actually play on them , I hate the chain effect when one battle is over and some other allance is attacking right away and deploying time just isn't enought.

    Thank you in advance!

  2. Well yesterday i managed to get my mastery points enought high to start the mastery test - 15 .I saw it was a free running test and i wasnt concerned at all but as soon as i shoot the ball it explodes so much that my FPS drops to 10 and there is no way to do that this way.I tried to lower the settings and run the game at 60 frames but as soon as I shoot the ball it goes down to 10 FPS and I cant manage to complete the test.So could please De group do something about this ,  I would really appreciate it :) THX

  3. I don't agree with banshee and volt, it is not that hard to get them and with this there will automatically loose a challenge to get all the warframes... Also as seeing as there is no clear way to change the mind of people, there should be a custom skin for old banshee players before this update, exclusive basically. Nobody will agree with this unless you already have them but that just my opinion, mainly because it felt specail to play with banshee and volt, because nobody else had them!!! Sorry DE but this is one thing that I hate that you did, I could see new warframes being put in there, but banshee and volt dont belong there.

    Yes totally agree with you.This will be the update for the lazy players.And no DE pls dont put vauban in there 

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