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Posts posted by Desard

  1. The way I would like to see the focus system (and what I have alluded to in the OP) is  a way of giving players the ability to gain small incremental bonuses for time invested as well as change more over-arching aspects of the game (like the examples I gave).

  2. The focus system has not yet been released because DE (Steve and Scott mainly) are having trouble finding a system that doesn't conflict with the mod system or feel like a regress to the Warframe days of old with the frame skill trees.

    There is plenty of info if you are willing to find it and the solution is to the system not being implemented already because of this not the system being released and being broken like the syndicate system.

  3. Where as I agree to some extent about the syndicate mods the devs have already expressed concern about implementing focus related items that feel too much like mods.


    I totally disagree with reputation gain increases, its like throwing a bucket of gasoline on a fire to put it out.

    The system is broken and all the Vivergate shenanigans are all symptoms of that.





    The problem with syndicates.
    Affinity based progression.
    Players will always seek the fastest route.
    Unrewarding rewards.
    Does not benefit veteran player.
    Separate progression from reward.
    Make it more rewarding.
    Bring mastery rank into the system.
    Gate progression with time as opposed to grinding.
    Base rank progression on the number of syndicate missions successfully completed instead of rep level.
    1 “win” per complete mission with bonuses based on 1st , 2nd and 3rd mission of the day for that faction ie, 1st = 4 wins 2nd = 3 wins 3rd = 2 wins and after that 1 win per mission.
    Instead of receiving 3 daily missions with rep rewards based on rank give 1 random mission (random tile set including Orokin derelik and Orokin Towers with random enemies including corrupted and infested at appropriate levels for rank) for each faction based on rank that resets as soon as it is completed.
    Rank 1 needs 20 wins. 2 days of 4 missions per day
    Rank 2 needs 40 wins. 6 days of 4 missions per day
    Rank 3 needs 60 wins. 12 days of 4 missions per day
    Rank 4 needs 80 wins. 20 days of 4 missions per day
    Rank 5.needs 100 wins. 30 days of 4 missions per day
    Rank 1 to rank 5 should take 30 days of 4 missions a day per faction, but can be speeded up by doing more missions. (missions are random taking the factor of “best mission” out of the equation).
    This means you can still have sacrifices and the system means that players have a way to “Grind” if they wish but in a much more controlled manner.
    Reputation points are converted into “Favour”, favour is a currency that is unique to each faction and is earned by playing a factions mission and by having a sigil of that faction (representing).
    Favour can be gained and lost.
    You can also go into negative favour.
    Favour can be converted to a factions ally faction but you lose 50% favour in the conversion.
    For each mastery rank you have you gain a sigil slot (having 1 at zero mastery)
    The sigil you wear is not counted for this that is how you represent a faction.
    Each sigil slot can be filled by a sigil of any of the factions, each rank gives increasing favour and you can equip as many factions sigils as you wish. eg.
    rank   1 sigil gives    50 favour (+25 for allies, -25 for opposed and -50 for enemy)
    rank   2 sigil gives    75 favour (+37 for allies, -37 for opposed and -75 for enemy)
    rank   3 sigil gives   100 favour (+50 for allies, -50 for opposed and -100 for enemy)
    rank   4 sigil gives   200 favour (+100 for allies, -100 for opposed and -200 for enemy)
    rank   5 sigil gives 300 favour (+150 for allies, -150 for opposed and -300 for enemy)
    rank   6 sigil gives 400 favour (+200 for allies, -200 for opposed and -400 for enemy)
    rank   7 sigil gives 500 favour (+250 for allies, -250 for opposed and -5000 for enemy)
    rank   8 sigil gives 1000 favour (+500 for allies, -500 for opposed and -1000 for enemy)
    rank   9 sigil gives 1500 favour (+750 for allies, -750 for opposed and -1500 for enemy)
    rank 10 sigil gives 2500 favour (+1250 for allies, -1250 for opposed and -2500 for enemy)
    While representing a faction (wearing a cosmetic sigil) you get a 2x bonus to any favour earned for that faction its allies but also its opposition and enemy.
    All sigils stack together to give you a final score for finishing a mission.
    The mission the faction was for will also give a 2x bonus (including allies, opposition and enemy.
    These 2 bonuses are additive NOT multiplicative.
    ie. 100 with 2x bonus is 200 with next 2x bonus is 300 NOT (100 x2=200) x2 = 400.
    You may use (after purchase) multiple sigils of the same faction (but only one sigil of each rank per faction).
    Each player will be given a one time starting favour (once reaching rank 1) of 1000 x their mastery rank for each syndicate (a thank you for the vets).
    Example 1.
    A mastery rank 5 player wants to gain favour for Steel Meridian quickly.
    He has 6 slots.
    Slot 1 - Rank 1 Steel Meridian
    Slot 2 - Rank 2 Steel Meridian
    Slot 3 - Rank 3 Steel Meridian
    Slot 4 - Rank 4 Steel Meridian
    Slot 5 - Rank 5 Steel Meridian
    Slot 6 - Rank 6 Steel Meridian
    +1125 Steel Meridian, +562 Red Veil, -562 New Loka, and -1125 The Perrin Sequence,
    He is also representing Steel Meridian so gets a 2 bonus making it
    +2500 Steel Meridian, +1125 Red Veil, -1125 New Loka, and -2500 The Perrin Sequence,
    for standard missions and
    +2812 Steel Meridian, +1406 Red Veil, -1406 New Loka, and -2812 The Perrin Sequence,
    for syndicate missions for Steel Meridian.
    Example 2.
    A mastery rank 17 player wants to gain favour for 3 faction at the same time.
    He has 18 Slots
    Slot  1 -  Rank 10 Steel Meridian 6200
    Slot  2 -  Rank  9 Steel Meridian
    Slot  3 -  Rank  8 Steel Meridian
    Slot  4 -  Rank  7 Steel Meridian
    Slot  5 -  Rank  6 Steel Meridian
    Slot  6 -  Rank  5 Steel Meridian
    Slot  7 -  Rank 10 Cephalon Suda 6200
    Slot  8 -  Rank  9 Cephalon Suda
    Slot  9 -  Rank  8 Cephalon Suda
    Slot 10 - Rank  7 Cephalon Suda
    Slot 11-  Rank  6 Cephalon Suda
    Slot 12-  Rank  5 Cephalon Suda
    Slot 13 - Rank 10 Arbiters of Hexis 6200
    Slot 14 - Rank  9 Arbiters of Hexis
    Slot 15 - Rank  8 Arbiters of Hexis
    Slot 16 - Rank  7 Arbiters of Hexis
    Slot 17 - Rank  6 Arbiters of Hexis
    Slot 18 - Rank  5 Arbiters of Hexis
    +6200 Steel Meridian, +3100 Red Veil, -3100 New Loka, and -6200 The Perrin Sequence,
    +6200 Cephalon Suda,+3100 Arbiters of Hexis, -3100 Red Veil, -6200 New Loka,
    +6200 Arbiters of Hexis, +3100 Cephalon Suda, -3100 The Perrin Sequence, -6200 Red Veil,
    +6200 Steel Meridian.
    +9300 Cephalon Suda.
    +9300 Arbiters of Hexis.
    -6200 Red Veil.
    -9300 New Loka.
    -9300 The Perrin Sequence.
    He is also representing Steel Meridian so gets a 2x bonus making it
    +12400 Steel Meridian.
    +9300 Cephalon Suda.
    +9300 Arbiters of Hexis.
    -3100 Red Veil.
    -12400 New Loka.
    -15500 The Perrin Sequence.
    for standard missions and
    +15500 Steel Meridian.
    +9300 Cephalon Suda.
    +9300 Arbiters of Hexis.
    0 Red Veil.
    -15500 New Loka.
    -21700 The Perrin Sequence.
    for syndicate missions for Steel Meridian.
    This means that low - mid mastery players (2-8) can still earn good amounts of favour by gaining rank and using less of the higher ranked sigils, but higher mastery players can earn that bit extra and be more versatile with their sigils, a reward for being a vet.
    This also ties into the focus system.
    A focus is an item that can be attached to a weapon, warframe or companion.
    Once attached it can be removed but is destroyed in the process.
    Focus items are bought from the market for platinum or the blueprint can be bought for credits.
    Each focus has a skill line that gives small bonuses to your tenno.
    Each syndicate also has a focus item and skill tree that give small syndicate related bonuses.
    A focus can only be attached to a max rank warframe/weapon/companion.
    All affinity earned while a focus is equipped is put towards that focus skill line.
    Each skill line has 5 skill choices, these skill choices are split into 5 ranks.
    To access the next rank you must have earned access to it and chosen a skill from the previous rank.
    Once all 5 skill choices are made any affinity put into that focus skill line will go to accruing a bonus to a stats maximum.
    Each Tenno Order and Syndicate has a specific stat that refers to them.
    Each time you fill the bar up you will be rewarded a point in that stat and the bar will reset.
    Remember these are not base figures but max figures, they are not affected by mods.
    So a player that works hard may have 50 extra HP which is nice but it isnt going to make him OP.
    = Zenurik - Power +1
    - Naramon - Shield +1
    V Madurai - Stamina +1
    D Vazarin - Health +1
    F Unairu - Armor +!
    To equip a skill you must slot it into a mastery slot.
    You get 1 slot per mastery rank starting at 1 slot at mastery zero.
    To change a skill choice costs credits and there is a 24hr cooldown.
    Once a skill line choice is made it cannot be changed.
    You may only use a Syndicate Focus if you are at max rank with a syndicate
    Blueprints for syndicate focuses are available from the syndicate vendor.
    Steel Meridian - Primary Affinity +10 after every mission per point.
    Cephalon Suda - Secondary Affinity +10 after every mission per point.
    Arbiters of Hexis - warframe Affinity +10 after every mission per point.
    Red Veil - Melee Affinity +10 after every mission per point.
    New Loka - Companion Affinity +10 after every mission  per point.
    The Perrin Sequence - Credits +10 after every mission per point.
    Examples of skill line choices are.
    Zenerik - 10% positive attribute on corrupted mod OR 10% less negative attribute on corrupted mod
    Cephalon - 10% chance of not using a void key on mission completion OR 10% chance of getting a random key on mission completion.
    Red Veil - 20% chance of not getting stalker deathmark on boss kill OR 20% chance of stalker being half of normal level on appearance.
  5. The problem you have (and this is by no means a Warframe only problem, it persists in all non-sandbox mmo style games) is that if you look to PVE only content for your "End game" then you end up on a gear treadmill.

    There is very little you can do to avoid it.

    All content no matter how hard ends up being "farmed" and you as a developer have to release more "harder" content to overcome that, this then gives better gear that is then used to "farm" the "harder" content creating a perpetual content black hole.

    A solution to this is the PVP factor, it introduces a human element of unpredictability and as long as it is not the sole focus of DE i cannot see it as a bad thing (and i am not a huge fan of PVP in most games).

    The more systems DE introduce and the bigger variety of content there is then the more players you keep happy, the trick is balance and that is something that DE sometimes get very right and sometimes very wrong.

    As long as PVP is not the prime target when DE wield the buff/nerf hammers then i for one will be very much content.

  6. warGeeks are a small clan arising from talkGeek.net, a multi gaming community.

    We are now recruiting members of all skill levels to join us on Warframe and other titles.


    We as a community are around 300 members of various levels of activity and are supported by a core of members that have been playing games online together for over 5 years.


    We have at the moment around 50 gamers that regularly play games together and talk together on our TS3 Server


    I myself am a mastery level 13 player that has been with Warframe since just after the beginning of closed beta.

    I have every weapon and Warframe in the game and have played every event so i would consider i have the knowledge to lead this clan.


    The clan is still very young and has at the moment only a handful of members but if you like playing with other like minded people then feel free to message me for our TS3 details or grab me in game/Steam (same name).


    Our dojo is in the original style and has completed all research projects.


    If you are already in a clan and would like some more players to hang out with then feel free to ask for our TS3 details and you can come hang with us.


    Good luck tenno and good hunting.


    - Des


    talkGeek Community page

  7. warGeeks are a small clan arising from talkGeek.net, a multi gaming community.

    We are now recruiting members of all skill levels to join us on Warframe and other titles.


    We as a community are around 300 members of various levels of activity and are supported by a core of members that have been playing games online together for over 5 years.


    We have at the moment around 50 gamers that regularly play games together and talk together on our TS3 Server


    I myself am a mastery level 13 player that has been with Warframe since just after the beginning of closed beta.

    I have every weapon and Warframe in the game and have played every event so i would consider i have the knowledge to lead this clan.


    The clan is still very young and has at the moment only a handful of members but if you like playing with other like minded people then feel free to message me for our TS3 details or grab me in game/Steam (same name).


    Our dojo is in the original style and has completed all research projects.


    If you are already in a clan and would like some more players to hang out with then feel free to ask for our TS3 details and you can come hang with us.


    Good luck tenno and good hunting.


    - Des


    talkGeek Community page

  8. Looking to buy

    Affinity Amp
    Contagious Spread
    Coolant Leak
    Dead Eye
    EMP Aura
    Electrical Resistance
    Fever Strike
    Fire Resistance
    Frost Insulation
    Jagged Edge
    Laser Deflection
    Loot Detector
    Pathogen Rounds
    Pistol Amp
    Shotgun Amp
    Sprint Boost
    Toxin Resistance

    Paying in platinum only!
    PM me in game or reply here to negotiate a price.

    Also looking for Primed chamber if you have it and want to trade i can make you a serious offer PM me.

  9. I need 1 more Orthos prime blade to have every weapon in the game, my OCD made me.

    But can i get it!!!!

    i have since the void drop changes ran 47 T3 capture and other than a few forma bp's iv only had S#&$ty bronco barrels.

    I cant take it any more i even spent well over £100 on key packs and got nothing (except alot of every key except T3 caps).

    My clan abandoned me for BF4 so i joined another but they seem to be in the same boat.


    If anyone would like to trade a T3 cap run for a run of any other key i will happily oblige them.


    Other than that i would like a team of 3 other Tenno to grind survival until we get T3 cap keys and then run all 4.

    Anyone that's interested give me a shout in game.


    Many thanks in advance!

  10. Please help me fellow Tenno, i have to no avail been trying to complete my weapon collection which is shy of only one thing, the Orthos prime.

    I have run numerous T3 Captures to no success.


    I will give anyone who can take me on a T3 void capture mission with there own key and an Orthos prime blade is the reward, 10 keys of there choice (excluding T3 capture).


    I will take them on all the runs and help them to my fullest ability.


    I will be online from 10AM GMT until 10PM GMT tomorrow/today 3rd November.


    Contact me via forum PM, in game PM or post in this topic.


    Many thanks in advance.

  11. When using the mod UI straight from the arsenal it saves whatever mod list parameters you set for it (sort by name, rank etc) but when using the "upgrade" UI from equipment in the arsenal it is set to default to "sort by polarity".


    Now im sure that in some special situations you would want it like this but most of the time you are searching for a specific mod and the way the mod system is now set out it is a lot harder to find specific mods.


    Can we please either have it default to "sort by name" or have it save our last choice as default.

  12. Iv been playing around with it on the soma and there is a sweet spot enemy level wise where you can now kill things with 1 shot that took 2 before sometimes and thus it might be worth it but if you are using it to tackle stuff that is level 100+ then it is total junk.

    Its got to be very special conditions that make it even worth thinking about.

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