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Posts posted by avinity8

  1. As others pointed out, even if they extended the field for shared exp, it still wouldn't fix the loot scared all over the place. Since even in other games where drops are shared, you still have to be within a certain range/distance of the person who picks it up for you too to pick it up.


    Basically, Door Heroes are just sad people to play solo mode, so they go co-op and solo but when things get tough they feel safe, to have others to fall back on.... pathetic.


    Go solo if that's what you like.


    Lately I been '/ignore' some door heroes so I don't have to be bothered with them in the future.



    ooo crap I think I've done this a couple times, sorry guys, I just thought, hey I got a penta now, lay land mines for the next group I'm sorry

    At least you have repented for your wrong doings  =D


    They are door heroing in T3 def ? are you serious ? lol

    Not sure, but I do believe T3 Def is where it all originate from.


    People running from pod to go meet the mobs before they come through the door. Use to cause wave stales too. Like spending an extra 30 seconds or so looking for that last mob, despite no lag.

  2. Here's how it works In descending order of usefulness


    Minmaxed overleveld potatolords

    Regular Players






    That idiot who shoots windows and wastes life support



    My dog








    Host Migration





    Door Heroes.


    Elaborate on the mentioning of Africa...

  3. I actually came here to make a thread bout this, glad I saw this because... NO to Door Heroes.


    Been farming oxiums on kappa and so many damn John Rambo's. Mostly people w/mastery rank 10+


    Just soloing off in their own spots, worst part about this is that they don't even bother to mark the oxi. So everyone else who wants them are stuck on a scavenger hunt. When all people have to do is group up so the mobs group up thus the drops are grouped, thus saving time, thus being able to do more missions faster, does farm more exp, drops, thus common sense...


    This game has a solo mode, more people should use it if they desire to be John Rambo's and Door Heroes. Especially during an event like this one.

  4. Seriously...


    I'm doing a hostage mission atm. Haven't done one and a while. On volt to speed things up and the damn hostage doesn't get the speed boost, Lol


    We're all miles away at extract and she basically still jogging near the beginning with that damn pistol that doesnt do anything....



    Please fix this, so that the speed boost works on the hostage or explain why it doesn't/wouldn't. 


    We're there to save her and she's enjoying the scenery -_-

     The problem is that we as players have no stake in it . There's no story on a reward at the end of grinding 3 on infested maps or 5 on grineer vs corpus maps . the way the invasions are build now  is literately grinding  flour for bread . 





    DE needs to hire a dedicated writer to fill in the gaps.....

    I'd write for them if they wanted, Lol  Just wish it gets done.


    I hardly do them, save a Reactor/Catalyst is up, normally I'm just doing whatever I want! >:3

    +1 and orokin cells and/or morphics in my case, since I don't play much, lately...


    There should be some benefits to staying "loyal" to a faction. Like added rewards or whatever.

    When they first started the war thing I had thought that's what they were gonna do. Then come to find out, people could switch sides all willy nilly.


    They need to make fraction sides concrete. Makes it more important, since we as the players will be stuck with the decision we made. Its not so much about restrictions but more so in choices and not having your cake and eating it too.

  6. I just got it again myself after hotfix 11.7.3. Had it first 3days after u11 came out, for like mth? Been ok for a few wks til again, that hotfix.

    Been spending last days looking for a new game, cuz solo play is boring. Beta or not this bug is utter foolishness and laziness on their part.

  7. Recent hotfix, 11.7.3, gave me the bug again. I have all frames now and solo is boring so I likely wont be playing no more til this is fixed. Renew my titan extractors everyday for res prolly but I didnt dign up for solo play.

  8. Noooo!!!  I have the Strict Nat/ Firewall port bug again now because of this hotfix. Please please change something back. Can't play co-op or trade anymore again. Something you guys did a month ago fixed it but today it's broke again :\

  9. I think it should be automatic (because of trolls or something).


    For Example, if you use healing skills or help the others killing things, you will get TEAM points, if you use X abilities, you get SKILL points, and so on.

    Trolls would just stand in a corner and spam skills for these rep pts then -_-


    Like LoL it should be given by others.

  10. Nice read.


    Yea, they need to work on the grind factor. It's like they want to mimic the grindfest of Korean MMORPG. But without the worth, lore, combat features those MMOs bring, etc.


    You can easily find a decent writer on sites like Fanfiction to write up quick stories that can help immerse the community into the story?! They post a couple paragraphs here and there after invasion nodes are defended and do a self pat on the back....


    Lore isn't hard to write up. Whoever is in charge of the lore for Warframe is laughing his/her assss off to the bank every week to do little to nothing. Seriously, the amount of work in the lore is laughable. Amateurs put out more story than this game has and for the amount of time this game has been out. Also isn't this game like a remake, spin-off of Dark Sector? or w/e game DE worked on previously? Shouldn't must of the hard work in Lore be done yet?!


    We need more info on lotus and the Lotus Org. Info on Grineer top bosses. Military theme, so there should be Generals right? We got a sneak peek at the Corpus top guys during the Alad V thing. But then no more....


    Solar System is played out now. Lets go to the Corpus and Grineer home worlds, etc.

  11. o_O


    Just did the alert for the catalyst. Then logged out to surf the web. other than that I haven't played since the other night. This is a first and I like the idea


    When i tried out LoL fora week or so, I noticed they had a system like this, is a nice way to show recognition to fellow players.


    But I didn't see it when I did the catalyst alert (full team) earlier.  Hope they fix it so avatars show up. So if you don't remember players name, you can for sure remember a frame doing a good job.


    Like; "Wow That was a good Banshee" or "That Oberon did nice healing." "Nice bastille from that vauban." etc etc.

  12. Very nice ideas.


    I will address each idea within the quote box and number them also.


    Grineer Saboteur- This Unit can emit a visual scrambler or whatever that can make other grineer see invisible warframes but it has a range. / bad vs Loki/Ash/ or anyone with a shade sentinel on, cant see through walls so you can still stealth.


    1 - I like this concept,but not for mobs. I think one particular mob should have this tech for suretho. Like visors to see invisible frames. It would be op if a mob enabled all other mobs to do this tho. Just leave it to one enemy type.



    Grineer Fireman- has resistance to fire and carries an axe and a fire extinguisher/ ice dmg? /bad vs ember


    2 - Smart. You would think after all the encounter they done had with Tenno they would start making counter tech to deal with them. I would love a mob like this and would for some strange reason like to see my frame get hosed down :D



    Grineer Juggernaut- Melee heavies that rely on charging(knockback or knockdown?)/?Alloy aroma



    3 - Nice. Like to see Rhino and Valkyr go up vs these guys. Also gives a change in melee types attacking the cyropods, etc. These are a nice idea.




    Grineer Medic- Gives healing pulses to grineer units, attacks with some kind of acrid?/ like an ancient healer



    4 - For a military like faction I am surprise they dont already have medics. Out of all ideas I think i like this one. I would like to deal with the challenege of ridding the medic from the other side.


    I play Hawkens, a pvp mech game. One of the mechs (out of 15) is a tech (healer) and a good tech is an annoying tech, Lol We always focus on that damn tech healing enemies that are soooo close to death.


    I would like that rage inducing feature in this game too :D  Grineers need medics!!!




    Grineer Radio Unit- Calls Backup- in a room if this unit sees you it will call backup in 10 seconds it would double the units pouring in the room it must have however be within a few meters around you so you wont get overwhelmed by the additional reinforcements



    5 - There's something like this, they walk to the consoles to trigger alarms to call for backup. We dont really need to waste data for this mob type for this purpose. Imo.




    Grineer Engineer- Makes Small Contraptions that fire darts and/or lobs plasma grenades.


    6 - Corpus have a guy like this, wouldnt hurt for Grineer, tho this guy could be on the bottom of the list. I like the earlier types more.




    Corpus Space-Walker- Units that just came in from outside the spaceship fixing the outer hull and stuff, can float around and use the Spectra 


    7 - They have mobs like this on Phobos? and had them in the Cicero event. Would like to see more of them. Aiming for them while they fly around.



    Corpus Shielded Moa- Has A riot shield and can bash your head in but no ranged weapon, just the karate baton moas use when they ave no weapons.. :)


    8 - Lol




    Corpus Stealth - these units will be invisible only if they stand still, nef anyo's troopers??


    9 - I want this! Would make the game more/challenging imo.




    Corpus Heavy Scavenger- they just got more greedier, stops carriers from looting, within a certain range of course.


    10 - Interesting.


    so yeah, please if you like/dislike please post some feedbacks and suggestions or insult me or whatever, sorry for my english though

  13. well i'm bored that all my clanmates want to leave at 30 min in survivals runs and when you're playing on solo the spawn of enemies its so little that you can't never reach that time


    so if you are interested doing this survivals runs PM in game i'll be online all the day =)


    I can go 33+ mins on vauban, solo on Appollodorus. Haven't tried soloing other survivals yet, like much higher lvl planets. But Apollo is easy to hit 30+ solo. Just go to where you see the enemies coming from in mass.


    I usually last like 25-30 mins tho, since Vauban isn't so tanky and sometimes Ilag up with the damn Napalmers burning everything up, Lol


    Otherwise, I'm pretty sure I could hit 40+ mins. I will try later, for personal goal. So far 33mins is my best record. I will try for 35 then move on to higher level survivals.

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