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Posts posted by MystesYuji

  1. As of the easter update, people could clearly see the effect of leveling up their respective frame skills may it be range, duration or damage by hovering their mouse over a skill card. However, when I tried doing the same thing with my sentinel precepts but it doesn't show it at all.

    I would love it if you guys would fix this in the next update/hotfix :D

  2. I for one am greatly dissapointed with the starting warframes. you should be able to choose your starting frame from the entire list.

    hell all i want is rhino...have since ive seen the beginning videos. but no i have to get to rank 2 (which feels like its taking forever) and level a warframe i have no interest in on top of that.

    in other words i cant really enjoy the game to my fullest until i waste time ranking up aspects of another warframe?

    The starters are not half bad and considerably strong enough if you put good mods, invested time in getting better weapons and grinding credits.

    For you, that wall blocking the way is hard to cross but if you truly want to achieve Rhino without paying, then at least work hard on it.

    Be thankful that they at least gave us a way to get the frames without paying plat unlike those many other Pay to win games that do not offer such conveniences. :)

    And I disagree with the suggestion of changing the starters cause as of now, the starting warframes are already good enough and many of those who just came will get frustrated about it. It's also hard to implement as they need to change the system and find a way for those who didn't get a chance to pick for the new system (If they somehow want to).

  3. I am using a Mag warframe and I have noticed this when I executed a crush near them and once I execute the crush, they escape it by executing their move wherein they hit the ground, produce some blinding light and knock you back.

    It's quite a nuissance that my skill's intention was to kill the heavy and 100 energy just got wasted cause the said enemy got escaped through that.

    Mind that my Crush skill was executed first just before the heavy used his knockback move. It was also clear that the effect of the Crush is already taking effect on him just before he escapes through the bug.

    Not entirely sure if this is an AI bug or an animation bug so I apologize if ever I put this in the wrong section, feel free to move it if ever :D

  4. After updating and logging in, I get alot of visual problems like the whole screen is color black and I only see my Health and Shield status at the upper right and the narrator in the tutorial on the left side

    I tried to alter some visual options in the menu and even tried to repatch and reinstall Direct X 11, still it didn't worked, the same problem existed. I don't know how to fix it but I hope you fix this soon

    I am using Windows 7 Ultimate and my Graphics Card is 9500 GT

    Even at the logon screen, when I move my mouse, it leaves behind trails of itself and it never fades away.

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