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Posts posted by shimmyx

  1. Hello, thanks Tweep and Vaeldious for your replies, It hasn't happened since Monday night, If it happens again  I'll try to gather more data. 

    @Vaeldious If by the FPS data you mean the 'Show FPS' in options, will do next time. I have a 600/600 MB connection through optical fiber so I don't think the internet on my end would be the problem. while I was playing the game did not feel laggy at all, note that when other hosts have bad connections it feels really laggy, but as shown in the video, abilities, shots, and such were displayed just fine on my screen, no lag / delay at all.

    Again, thanks for a useful reply, will keep that in mind for the future 👍

  2. Do you realise that that only works when against Corpus? Grineer or infested don't have cancel abilities that can get you out of state. I'm reporting a bug, not looking for an immediate solution, just want the tech team to be able to see it so they can troubleshoot and get a fix deployed.


  3. As you can see on this video, I'm unable to get out of the 4th ability, im stuck as invulnerable, cannot use any ability or weapon. It randomly unstuck me after entering one of these yellow or blue enemy shells that disable your abilities I think, that unstuck me but even after i couldn't use my primary and my weapon wouldn't reload

    This also happened to me on Titania, after using the 4 ability, and some other frames were i'm basically unable to attack at all, same for Limbo, Trin, I think it's more of a 'generic' issue, rather than a frame specific.

    Also, I was not using a secondary weapon equipped at all, and sometimes if only 1 weapon, after scanning you are totally unable to go back to it no matter if you press switch Gun or switch weapon, or if you use any abilities


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