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Posts posted by bibmobello

  1. 12 hours ago, Merkranire said:

    Having played more Helldiver’s 2, if there’s going to be inspiration drawn, I’d like a mode where friendly fire is on.

    It changed the decision-making process so much and is fun to coordinate and laugh over mistakes, and adds some surprising depth to the game. I’d be all over a modifier or something for Warframe that enabled it; better hope players know how to complete the mission without obliterating their teammates or the objective in their careless rampaging

    Bro, here people cry for stupid explosive weapons nerf or for Path of steel  being too hard. Their fan base will never accept changes to make this game (relatively)hard. 

    WF game was thought to be like hellDiver at the beginning, with limited revives and blah blah blah... They preferred to turn everything into the game of today, probably because it preferred by many, i don't know.

    Overall friendly fire with weapons like the Branma or some abilities  could be a suicide from the beginning. 

  2. They are(fortunately) 2 completely different games.

    1) WF is more a gocha game than a real extraction shooter.

    2) They threw up so much stuff it's impossible to balance the game at the actual state of the game.

    3) No end game.

    4) It's a the end of his cycle of life. 

    5) It's free.


    1) HD2 is new and its missions are not very various.

    2) It's HUD it's pretty confusing.

    3) It requires strategy due to friendly fire.

    4) You can't spam abilities like being in god mode.

    5) Graphically it's by far superior.


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  3. Grind is a derogatory word to describe an extreme repetitive series of actions to achieve an objective. Some people may enjoy it finding it relaxing(Even slot machines are relaxing...), personally i stopped to play warframe many years ago because it's just grinding without anything else. I can tolerate grinding to time gap some objectives or levels in a game but if the main purpose of a game is just grinding stuff then i pass, I just play the quests.
    I played even destiny and uninstalled after a bunch of hours, i think its grinding it's even worse than WF because it's a paid game  but the PvP keeps the game alive.

  4. On 2017-04-30 at 8:51 PM, Zherot said:

    I'm just wondering, i have been playing and i don't actually feel the need to get to the "endgame" which is rare because most MMO's are all about the "endgame" which is truly what is killing MMO's, people don't have fun leveling and not having all their abilities, not being able to do the latest content, they are basically locked out of the "fun".

    This game is not an MMO and there is no endgame at all.  A lot of people(Including me) continued to play thinking it was another kind game but it just a simple looter shooter with tons of (boring) minigames. This means just grinding and collecting stuff if you are searching for game with a decent gameplay and a proper endgame there are better alternatives.  I know it's an old thread but maybe it will help new players to understand this is not the game they were looking for...

  5. 2 minutes ago, schilds said:

    As I said, the game is not balanced* around endless missions. It is balanced* for a full set of rotations for missions at levels immediately accessible through navigation. So, level 100.

    There's no point arguing with me over this, go argue with DE.


    * again, I use that term loosely, because the game is not really balanced at all :-P.

    But they are making progress!If people write helpful tips instead to complain about nerfes...

  6. 5 minutes ago, schilds said:

    At the levels the game is balanced around (somewhere around 100) Vazarin is not required to stay alive and you can play more efficiently if you use another school.

    Balanced till level 100 what? They are called endless missions for a reason and seriously i don't see any reasons to play this game under such level. Even during lich you can have level 160 enemies. If we want to be precise the game is (tested)balanced around the ML28 and the enemies you can spawn in the simulacrum = level 170.

    So i find pretty funny people writing stupid things without even be able to play this game. Last time i still remember a ML28 guy complaining about a level 5 lich being hard. he had to invite me to show i can kill him in 1,2 hits ...

  7. 7 minutes ago, (PS4)Hikuro-93 said:

    Report such comments, let moderation handle them if they are truly toxic troll comments.

    Leaving the power to erase comments on the hands of the OP (in case that was the actual siggestion), however, is a big no-no since it opens up the possibility for a discussion thread to be censored against whatever OP doesn't agree with. No matter if constructive or not.

    Do we have to continue here?? Oberon even with +300% on arb will be dead when inaros is still alive and you can spam vazarin without any energy issue and  Phoenix renewal is good till oberon don't die or people don't die every seconds.... Now i am speaking about 2+ hours arb  because i don't even consider something lower than that, do i have to make a squad of inaros with vazarin post a video and then you show yours with oberon? Against corpus obviously.

    We can close the Off topic here.

  8. 5 minutes ago, Jiminez_Burial said:

    And you're ignoring the pre-amble to that comment?  Yes that particular comment isn't constructive (and I never specified that comment because I gave up on bothering with the thread before it was posted) but what the hell did you expect with the way you ignored valid counterpoints?

    A valid counterpoint is when you give a demonstration of your theories. if i give you a practical example but another guy just writes : "no it's not",  it's not a counterpoint, it's just a childish behaviour good only to pollute a post directed to the developer.

    Now i can tolerate this behavior on external sites like 4chan or reddit but on an official forum it's totally unacceptable.

  9. 4 minutes ago, Jiminez_Burial said:

    I guess they allow comments to help weed out the bad ideas.  And people having an opinion other than yours and being annoyed when you act like yours is fact all the while not really addressing the points they make does not automatically make them "toxic trolls".

    So when someone writes: "i am only here to laugh at the OP" is it a constructive and mature comment? have a good day, bye...

    I would like to know the age of the people writing such idiocies...

    • Like 1
  10. Just now, NekroArts said:

    It will heal as long as they had touch the buff. Vazarin you either run to them or they run to you, but since most of the game-play has no true communication it's mostly the former.

    It's pretty boring to repeat the same things over and over again... If you are healing 4 people the energy cost is stupidly impossible to sustain and probably you will be already dead.

  11. Just now, Tangent-Valley said:

    Eh. I mean, Vazarin has to Void Dash through all your allies as they jump around like caffeinated children at a Chuck-E-Cheese, but if being an Ultra Active Healer for your squad is you thing, go for it. (Also, if you're running out of energy constantly, that's a sign to check your Build, and adjust accordingly.)

    Just saying what's what, that's all. By your own logic you could say nearly 80% of the Frames are "Useless" and complain all day, but in the end, it all comes down to personal preference. (Like, why use Inaros when a Chroma exist? Or a Nidus? Grendel? Etc.)

    Blah blah blah... i am saying with vazarin most of old healers are totally useless but if you like their fashion.

  12. Just now, NekroArts said:

    Assuming everyone stays together, everyone coordinates with each other, and the situation doesn't call to use a different focus.

    Same for oberon,  it will not heal you if you stay in the other room ...

    • Like 1
  13. 3 minutes ago, Tangent-Valley said:

    Because Oberon isn't a Solo Frame (excluding Eidolons). He's a Team player, and Supports the rest of the team to allow DPS Frames to wreck shop and go a few hundred more levels in than they normally might be able too.

    Also, he's a Cheat Support in Arbitrations. Phoenix Renewal, bro.

    Maybe it's not clear to you that vazarin can health allies as well while oberon can't sustain  the stupid energy cost to maintain healthy all the allies in a squad. Same for Wisp, giving free health and speed forever practically with zero energy. Phoenix renewal is funny but probably if some serious player starts to die at high level you will die in less than 30 seconds.

  14. Seriously i don't understand why i should use oberon or even trinity(excluding eidolon maybe) when i can just take inaros with vazarin surviving easily with a target till level 300 while oberon probably died 2 hours before.

    • Like 1
  15. On 2019-11-17 at 4:28 PM, Zrakamir said:

    Yes Warframe is great but conclave is not fun and thats makes me sad, would love this game but conclave is the worst pvp that i ever play on an shooter ..

    Instead the conclave can be one of the funny PVp in history but stupid broken mechanics ruined it. it's useless to play against an ignis or one shot spin and slam attacks. For example a glaive+navigator it's a risky move and  it can't kill anything while spamming maiming spin attacks or slam attacks kill everything. The ignis is still broken, it's not hard to understand that but i don't have any idea why DE don't remove them.

    It's not so hard to watch their stats and see they are pretty broken. Just remove them is you are not able to proper balance a game.

    A stupid dual kama or boltos spin attack can one shot even a valkir, now add that  some "strong" players even use macros and you can just quit..

  16. After many years I am trying to play the conclave (again)  and i must admit it' really fun but it's a waste that  you don't balance it!

    For example it's pretty stupid some melee slam or spin  attacks can one kill one frame while a glaive+navigator can't!

    Same melee weapons have a stupid range on spin attacks!

    or allowing the use of the ignis in the conclave it's really stupid!


    • Like 2
  17. DE finally had the decent idea to increase the power of the (melee) weapons(and rare stances) in accordance to their MR. Now the redeemer prime is MR 10.  it's seem powerful with a riven,  now take a MR 14 melee weapons, take  the Venka prime for example and continue to waste time on your redeemer prime till it will have 0 disposition, or just take a  zaw and think about the recent  increased damage and what you can attach to a  zaw(something with +200.000 damage with 10 meters radius)...

  18. 5 hours ago, Xzorn said:


    I don't recall saying anything about CL. I said Ivara scales well simply because she's stealth and Lanka scales 2,000+ because it's Lanka.

    I've taken majority of the frame roster past lvl 300 Solo. It has nothing to do with broken mechanics. Players are just far beyond the content level DE tries to keep us at. I found Disruption to be a snore with Ivara in fact. You literally just stand around. Wait for the Demo. Spam sleep arrow, shoot and repeat. Enemies don't bother you and there's no reason to kill them so this Toxic aura, Nully, ect thing would be your own fault for killing enemies and rotating the spawns. The same thing applies to Interception missions.

    You say they will be removed and yet they keep adding those mechanics. They did so with Vauban just recently. DE will never learn.

    During  disruption With ivara you are fkdup when you have  the energy drain penalty or energy leechers. Sincerely i never tried a squad full of expert ivaras i think should be fun because every time with pub squad is a total mess. I never used the lanka so much because i use mainly navigator and the riven disposition does not allow to have a decent -flight speed and now weapons with ivara bonuses can reach insane damage faster and higher although a lanka at 12X +ivara should deal the same damage it had the glaive before the nerf.

  19. On 2019-11-24 at 11:09 PM, Xzorn said:


    She still scales quite high simply because she's a stealth frame. Helps she also has numerous multipliers but level cap? Nah.

    There are still frames that can hit lvl 2,000 - 5,000 range under perfect storm conditions. ie Zephyr vs Corpus. Limbo Vs Infested, ect.

    I know without buffs Lanka on it's own can scale to lvl 2,000 Corpus so ideally Ivara with her modifiers can push more.

    EDIT:  I do hope they update Artemis Bow. After the bow rework I find it hard to justify. I've been converted to the Daikyu dark side since DE seems to hate Dread. When you compare Artemis to Daikyu or Lenz; it's pretty hard to reason it's energy costs.

    It useless to say what frame can reach level 9.999 because few insane people play 16 hours in a row using broken mechanics. They removed covert lethality finisher and they are starting to remove broken mechanics(better now than nothing). It's not hard to understand that Octavia is pretty broken, considering she press just on button and nothing else and she will be nerfed soon or later, same for saryn, press only 1 button but  till level 100 because after that she has no survivability.

    It's even more useless to watch old videos with old missions because the new missions on jupiter or destruction on lua are pretty hard. Now try octavia or saryn during arbitration disruption on lua and then try ivara. With ivara at least you have to aim and she is able to kill a level 200 demolyst, octavia and saryn can't.

    Survival on jupiter is  hard because enemies are pretty aggressive,  full of toxic aura, with nullifiers jumping everywhere, mines and stupid traps, try to reach level 9999(or just  level 200) there.

  20. 2 hours ago, zhellon said:

    Briefly about how is counting damage. The first line - damage. Line 3-number of kills. Can be on level 300 statistics and will more plausible, but in normal content it is important only number of killings. Statistics show false things, otherwise I don't know how one can have 1000% accuracy.

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    Another point, I don't think Ivara needs nuck mechanics.

    You have over 100% accuracy when you hit multiple targets with one bullet, if you hit 10 enemies with 1 bullet you have 1000% then you have an average at the end of the mission. Statistics can give false informations but when in every mission on eso or during arbitrations you get over 90% with ML 28 players saryn or mesa or volt or equinox.... The statistic are totally wrong against grineers because you can only compare the damage if you have 4 CP, you can ask yourself why... Because you can just shot an enemy 10 times to reduce the armor and at the end dealing more damage on ferrite for example while another guy  using viral and slash  can kill it faster but it will deal much less damage. If they remove overkills or at least they give a reason to exist should be better for everyone but they will never do that because it's an incentive to buy or roll rivens to show your friend your results....

  21. On 2019-11-27 at 8:45 AM, zakaryx said:

    Personally I think this problem should be solved with teamwork. Play Ivara and give out cloak bubbles.


    Play trinity/oberon/octavia/gara/ember with augment/nezha with augment/Nidus/ash with augment/Hildryn/titania/frost/Whoever I'm forgetting.

    Every one of those frames has abilities that either negate or severely reduce damage by a large portion. Back when I started playing warframe there was a reason why almost every squad had a trinity in it to help the team actually finish the mission. Revives were daily instead of per mission so having someone actually die was a HUGE disadvantage for actually completing things.



    If you're talking about solo play then I guess you're out of luck.



    Play nekros with augment and literally punch the soul back into someone.

    Double edit*

    Play Equinox in night form and give all enemies a negative damage multiplier while healing your teammates.

    Nowadays you don't need oberon or trinity at all but for defensive  mission considering you have wisp giving free health and speed to everyone practically at zero energy cost. you can just spam 2 and she is an invincible tank.

  22. 1 minute ago, GrimSinner said:

    And yet your challenge earlier was:

    10 minutes in Mot or ESO will not be level 300+ enemies.  So you're just flexing single target overkill damage to top low level damage stats.  

    That was only to show the damage at the end. if we are killing the same enemies we should deal the same damage to them  being level 10 or 300...

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