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  1. People commenting on no buffs to Gas are probably forgetting that Stealth Gas happened a long time ago, and more recently Gas was also buffed ferociously by oversight and they nerfed it back into dust. Gas is (aside from the pointlessness of Puncture and Impact) the most problematic damage type in the game. They're very wary of buffing Gas and it'll probably remain a niche, quasi-irrelevant thing forever. Now, this is more addressed to DE, it baffles me you want to rework and balance damage types, but every new weapon and Warframe is just a slash machine (see: Dante and Noctua, Dagath and Dorrclave etc...). Will you consider retroactively changing certain weapons' (and even certain abilities') damage spreads to fit the reworked damage? As it stands, if non-meta elements become more necessary, then those damage types will be pretty scarce in arsenals (in both weapons and Warframes). For weapons it'd be as simple as redistributing damage to different status or adding new base elements thematically. For Warframes, a handful of underused frames could see the light of day with minor tweaks such as Equinox's Maim aura dealing adaptive damage according to factions, without the need to fully rework them. Also please merge the Bane/Smite/... Rock-Paper-Scissors (as one previous comment called them) faction mods into one. Just give everyone a nice endo refund or something, literally no one will miss having to cycle between the existing 5 (?) faction mods. Yes the investment into Primed mods will leave people who maxed them out with a bad taste in their mouths, but it's hardly a hill anyone will die over. Either make the different faction mods have different effects (that could even be indirectly useful against the "wrong" faction), or merge them into one for each weapon class. Lastly, I beg you: do not nerf the current effective builds and tactics to make the buffs look better. Buff what's weak and leave what's strong alone. Otherwise, we'll see a workshop on buffing Slash and Viral in 2 years time. Consider truly leveling the playing field, Elec/Cold/Magnetic/Radiation/Blast/Gas/Impact/Puncture all need love but leave the rest where they're currently at. Looking forward to hearing further about this.
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