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Posts posted by AshikagaWest

  1. 11 minutes ago, (PSN)Evade_Damocles said:

    Just received my potato, couldn't even claim it always gave me an error so all i can say is be patient and it will appear at some point and time.

    On a side note, what an absolute mess. The old system was way faster and you didnt have to do anything to get the drop...just watch 30mins and you're done.

    Yeah.  Sometimes kinks need to be worked out.  Test automation FTW!

    Anyway, I'm OK with there being kinks - as long as they can get addressed.

  2. I also got the "Claimed" status on Twitch for the "Orokin Reactor Blueprint," but my in-game INBOX is missing the expected Teshin message.


    UPDATE: after being in game for 1 mission, as soon as the mission finished, the mail showed up with the drop!

    • Like 1
      • Using a Stream Controller.  Controls stop working, then start working again.  Sometimes control inputs get stuck while all inputs are ignored.
    • VISUAL: none taken - this happens in the middle of any action, and it would be hard to show the instance it starts without some form of overlay or external camera to show the controller use and the game screen at the same time
      • Just play the game
      • Happens with or without input.
      • For example, I may be standing still, then attempt an input (move, cast ability, etc) and find it just does not work.
      • Another example, I may be moving and suddenly stop moving.
      • Running the Ground (Condrix) missions, it appeared to happen often just as the Condrix was performing one of its key actions (open eye or close eye, I think)
      • Mostly seeing this in Space missions, as I run them more often
      • Going into/out-of operator or archwing does not appear to have an impact
      • Controller should keep working normally (i.e. inputs should perform their expected operations)
      • Game should not continue processing inputs that are not there (this shows up as my frame moving forward, or at a diagonal, non-stop regardless of inputs, except when I escape to the menu)
      • Controller inputs get ignored
      • Controller inputs appear to be stuck (movement continues even when no inputs are used)
      • Sometimes inputs appear to unstick, but all controller input is ignored
      • Does not happen reliably, but has been increasing in frequency.
      • Happened even before scarlet spear, but those times it felt more permanent and far less frequent
        • Could go days without hitting a bug
        • Some days, would hit the bug multiple times even with a complete restart of the system between instances
      • Now, the controller will stop working and suddenly start working again multiple times in the same Scarlet Spear mission - it FEELS as if the code is re-initializing, or resetting, the state of the controller often during the game, but not getting it right.
      • Switch into operator and back - mixed results.  Mostly does not help.  May have appeared to help occasionally.
      • Warp back to the Railjack - mixe results.  Mostly does not help.  May have appeared to help occasionally.
      • Disconnect and reconnect controller (wired).  Does not help.  Causes steam profile (e.g. custom button mappings) to be lost on the controller, although it may later be restored.
      • Void dash.  Does not help.
      • Escape to menu.  Does not help.
      • Change controller setting via menu (e.g. change one button's operation), save and apply.  Mostly does not help.  May have appeared to help occasionally.
      • Press different buttons on the controller. Does not help.
      • Switch to keyboard+mouse gameplay.  Mostly works, but does not help with lack of proficiency for the user with K+M ;-).  When movement is stuck, the K+M work to "adjust" the movement, but those controls need to account for the phantom input (i.e. I don't move in the direction requested with the keyboard).


    If there were an in-game tool to debug the state of the controller, I would use it.


    UPDATE: running the first sortie mission today, hit this and was reminded of another symptom that _may_ be related (may enter a separate bug for this).  On entering the mission, the transition finished and I started to move with the controler.  One step later, and the end of the transition played again, and then the controller stopped working.  Are there 2 (or more) threads fighting here?  I have seen a lot of symptoms like this, which make me think two threads in the game are both trying to calculate state, causing duplicate transitions and the like.....

  3. I'm posting here even though this isn't a question as this seemed like the best forum to use based on browsing the forums that are avaialble.

    Below is a guide on piloting Railjacks, and some tips for effective piloting in Scarlet Spear.  I hope this helps!


    1. The Railjack has 3 speeds: normal, boost, and drift.  Drift is by far the fastest.

    2. To boost, hold the boost key (shift) for about 1-2 seconds, until boost kicks in, then release.

    3. To drift, tap the boost key while already in boost.  TIP: if the ship just lurches, it was not yet boosting.

    4. To end the drift, tap the boost key one more time; drift will also end automatically when the boost meter empties.
       Note the following:

         - Ending boost launches the Railjack straight forward (toward the aiming recticle),
           regardless of the prior direction of motion
         - Railjack speed returns to normal (slowest)
         - Start to recharge the boost meter
         - The distance of the launch is proportional to the duration of the drift; longer drift = longer launch
         - Try not to empty the boost meter in case you need a quick manuever after the drift ends in order to handle
           incoming boarding parties

    5. Make SURE when the boost meter empties to manually turn it off, by tapping the boost button; otherwise, the boost
       meter does NOT recharge automatically

    6. Prioritize damage avoidance and taking out Ramsleds; the "Tycho Seeker Mk III" Ordinance is ideal for Ramsled
       destruction; just make sure to lock onto the target (when the 4 small arrow heads align top, right, bottom and left
       instead of pointing at 45 degree angles from there).

         * The pilot's efforts can make a huge difference in the amount of work the rest of the team spends on figthing
           boarders, putting out fires, and managing Revolite.


    1. After retrieving the satellite (automatic for the first one), get to the drop-off point ASAP using drift.  If the
       satellite takes damage and is destroyed, the mission ends.  Note that the mission will still be successful if at
       least one murex was driven away.

       *** NOTE: while towing the satellite, the pilot gun cannot be fired.  Side guns still work though.

    2. On reaching the satellite drop-off point, take the time to look for the Splintrix ships.  These carry the sentient
       boarding parties.  Take them out with the Ordinance (I recommend the "Tycho Seeker Mk III").  They usually appear
       within 2-5 seconds of arrival from either the left or ride end of the Murex.

    3. Park the Railjack inside the Murex so enemies will not easily see it.  Void Cloak can help here, but it will not
       completely prevent boarding parties, and has a time-limited duration.

    4. Get inside the Murex and drop-off your Oplink quickly.  Once other team members are in-place keeping the oplinks
       alive, get back to the Railjack right away.

    5. In the middle of the kill code upload process, there may be little to do on the Railjack, unless boarding parties
       manage to hit it.  Here are things to do during that time:

        - Take out the boarding parties and put out fires
        - Make SURE to eliminate any interference drones as they prevent boost and drift

           * The interference drones are dropped at 5 points:
           - At each of the side-gunner spots
           - In the middle between the two side-gunner spots
           - At the back of the ship, near the Forge
           - At the bottom, middle of the ship - central to where most fires break out

        - Use the side guns, ordinance, and munitions vortex to kill incoming boarding parties
        - Move the Railjack to a place where fewer enemies are likely to find it

    6. Near the end of the kill code upload, more Splintrix tend to spawn from the murex itself.  At this point, I
       recommend driving the Railjack away from the Murex and enemies.  But don't go too far - you will need to return to
       collect the Satellite for the next run.

         - Be prepared to fight off the boarding ships and other enemies
         - Feel free to pick up avionics and other drops when it is safe to do so

    *** NOTE: it cannot be emphasized enough that boarding parties are your worst enemy for this mission.  The interference
        drones that spawn make progress hard, if not impossible, and the team can spend a lot of time dealing with the
        boarders and fires.  If you DO get into this condition, do NOT pick up the satellite until after enemies are
        cleared; otherwise, you run the risk of the ship moving slowly while fighters attack the satellite, which can
        bring premature completion of the mission.

    *** NOTE: if you see "Ability Use Prevented" while piloting, this means interference drones are on the ship.  Let the
        team know!  (I know, you can't pilot and chat at the same time...)

    • Like 1
  4. I am getting this error repeatedly today - WITHOUT doing Scarlet Spear.  Did not even enter the flotilla all day.

    Sometimes I can invite 1 other player and then get an error on the second player.  Sometimes that second player can invite a third.  Sometimes I can't get any invites to work due to the Flotilla Limit Reached error.

    DE - please fix!  All the rest of matchmaking is broken.  If you must, please roll-back Scarlet Spear so the rest of the game can be played normally again!  Once this is fixed, then turn it back on.

  5. Kitgun Riven Mod challenge

    Complete an Exterminate mission with level 30 or higher enemies without being detected with an Extinguished Dragon Key equipped

    Attempt Summaries

    1. Adaro, Sedna.  First attempt encountered a Kuva Larvling and downed it, but did not perform a finisher.  At end of mission, either immediately before or after the mission completion summary displayed, a transition appeared in that part of the screen as if it were going to show me something interesting, but instead the transition just showed an oval that changed in size and then disappeared.

    2. Adaro, Sedna.  Second attempt - intentionally let an enemy see me.  Immediately obtained the "Challenge Failed" notification.  Aborted the mission intentionally.

    3. Adaro, Sedna.  Finished at 15:08 PT on 2020-03-25; mission time reported was 8min 59sec.  Third attempt - pretty much the same as the first except without the Kuva Larvling.  When the lights flickered, I avoided killing enemies for about 1-2 minutes in the hopes that preventing the larvling would make the difference.  Also double-checked the state of the challenge before extraction to ensure it did not say "challenge failed" (success - it was good at that point).


    • I have completed this challenge on past rivens without a problem.
    • Using Ivara prowl the entire mission to prevent detection.
    • Double-checked the challenge was active before extraction.
    • Both the first the third missions ended with the same transition displayed just before or after the mission completion summary.
    • Mission was a success on the first and third runs, but the riven is still veiled.
    • Riven capacity is at 65/66.


    • Ivara
    • Kuva Kohm, silenced
    • Mara Detron (not fired - holds the riven)
    • Paracesis

    Final Thoughts

    • If this happened on one run, I would ignore it and assume that perhaps something glitched or I somehow was detected without being notified, nor noticing.
    • This happened on two runs though.
    • I don't want to keep putting time into unveiling a mod that is never going to unveil.  Especially in a mission that otherwise doesn't have much/any value for me to run now.
    • If a bug fix is rolled-out, please let me know.  I will run the mission one more time then.  However, I would greatly prefer to have the results corrected (i.e. have the riven unveiled)


  6. 12 hours ago, DrivaMain said:

    The hard part is to not crash the player market and significantly reduce DE's revenue because "Hmm why do I need to spend plat on the market while I can just do this X times to get the thing I want". The most realistic thing I see what DE is gonna do is upping the drop rate and reduce the RNG gap and after that they stop at that. 


    True - the market and platinum are important.  I am glad you brought this up.

    Keeping platinum and the market viable is important.  I actually like the way platinum and the market work a lot.  Trading is one of the activities in the game that is fun with little feeling of grind, and can be done nice and slow ;-).

    Keeping the amount of time and effort required to reasonably obtain an item is the goal.  DE makes no money on players who rage quit.

    I don't know how others choose to buy and spend their platinum, but for me, I actually do it intentionally to help DE, and then happily taking advantage of the benefits that provides me (such as buying more slots and boosters when I planned to do a lot of gear leveling).  If there were that -one- item I just could not get from RNG, most of the time, I stubbornly refuse to spend plat on it.

    Keep in mind also that not all items are obtainable by trading.  Like Ivara blueprints (not her prime).

    There's a balance in here somewhere.  I'm really just arguing to limit one of the extremes that consistently worsens the WarFrame experience.

    Another thought that comes up on occasion here as well - there are so many weapons and frames in the game.  I personally would never have bothered to work on most of them (like Mark 1 Kunai!) except that Mastery Rank is locked behind them.  With that in mind - if there were a strong (not over-powered, just strong) weapon locked behind this type of RNG that were not involved in Mastery Rank progression, I could much more easily walk away from failed attempts to obtain it.  In other words - locking Mastery Rank progression behind layers of RNG leads to an intense source of grind (large amounts of effort with little or no perceived value/reward - amplified when combined with a feeling of stagnation - i.e. not learning how to get better).

    For a bit of perspective - I have friends who also play.  They all walked away about a year ago.  Railjack helped me convince them to come back recently, but I anticipate there's a good chance they will walk away again soon since there is only so much to do in Railjack, especially when using someone else's ship.  What can I tell them about the awarded avionics, intrinsics and Railjack resources?  I also know one of them uses a platinum strategy much like mine - "I've been playing this for many hours, and I would have easily spent this much $$ on a game otherwise, so I don't mind to pay DE this much".

    I really appreciate what DE has accomplished here - creating a free-to-play cooperative game that is so compelling, has so much content, and keeps growing faster than most people consume the content.  It would be awesome to see WarFrame become the de-facto game people discuss when talking about gaming, making money producing games, game system performance, immersion, and so on.


  7. Capping the amount of effort required to obtain items seems like a good solution.  Having a token-based system (heard mentioned in a stream last week) sounds really promising toward this end.

    With a token system, there could be a random chance to grab extra tokens (say 3 instead of the usual 1) as a perk.

    Once enough tokens are collected - turn in for the item.

    Randomness in games that rewards players with elusive short-term bonuses are enjoyable.  For example, boosters.  Imagine a booster that doubles ability strength for 24 hours :).  On the other hand, randomness to get decent/top-tier gear / loadouts doesn't feel so rewarding (unless you get really lucky).  Like rolling that +CC +CD +DMG riven only to get -MULTI on it too!  Ouch.  That system contributes to a community of winners-and-losers and is confusing to players trying to figure out how to build effective loadouts.  Remember the first time you went into a mission with a tough enemy only to have a high MR player one-shot it?

    Speaking of Rivens - if it were possible to nudge riven stats in a direction (e.g. add +1% to CC) - even if it took many hours of play to get a decent riven to a really strong one - I would be all over it.

  8. 8 minutes ago, Xarteros said:

    In terms of capping RNG, I agree. There's a certain point that a player NEEDS a sense of guaranteed progression, or they burn out.

    For primes, it's easy. Make a sub-market for the Void Trader or other merchant where all prime parts are available for Ducats. Vaulted parts would need to cost 2-3X more, otherwise players farming up relics for those parts would feel jibbed.

    It means every wrong part you get (sorry Forma bp!) would still contribute to your progression to the part you need, but you'd still be capable of running relics for the chance to get it straight up.

    Then they just need to cap all the other forms of RNG in the game, like Riven rerolls, Kuva Weapon rolls, Railjack parts etc. There are ways to make it all fair, still reward players with chance, but to grant players an attainable goal through grinding.

    Yeah, the ducat approach could work for primes.  And really, anything tradable is less of an issue than those things that are not tradable (or just are not commonly traded).  Ivara, Gara, and Trinity all come to mind.

  9. We all have been there.  Looking at that new Warframe, Weapon, Mod, ... and wanting so badly to get that one last part, or blueprint.  Or perhaps we're working on those last few remaining items to reach max Mastery Rank.  But RNG gets in the way.

    It goes something like this:

    • Play missions to get that relic
    • Wrong relic drops
    • Repeat
    • Finally get the relic!
    • Get into a RADSHARE (thank you recruiting channel)
    • Run the radshare
    • Don't get the part
    • Repeat from the top

    Due to the inherit nature of randomness, some players will run this cycle 1 time without any repeats and get the part - I've had it happen more than once.  While others will run it 10-20 times without success.  This contributes to the tendency of players to rush through missions.  For me personally, it is the biggest reason I rush through missions - to get through the RNG daemon's resistance as quickly as possible.

    We all know the idea that flipping a coin 20 times and getting heads every time has extremely low probability.  But then again, every outcome of that exercise has the exact same probability.  SO, it does happen - someone will flip 20 times and not get heads.  And when it happens to you as a player, the feeling of grind reaches a level that you may well decide, "I'm DONE."  I almost walked away permanently a few times due to feeling the grind was murderous (Gara comes to mind with the second grind, that took me by surprise, to get the necessary resources).

    So with all that in mind, I would like to propose "taming the RNG daemon".  Here are thoughts on how that might be accomplished:

    One solution

    • Add an item in-game (maybe call it wishing stone?)
    • That item gets assigned the part the player is working to obtain (e.g. Rubico Prime Barrel)
    • On every mission run with the wishing stone that could award the item but does not, the wishing stone gains points
    • After reaching enough points in the wishing stone, it can be traded in for that item/part
    • Acquisition of the wishing stone would not be random.  Maybe just free (why not?) or low credit cost (1000?) but limit its use - perhaps 1 per 24 hours.

    Another solution

    • Either using the wishing stone concept, or just a general "luck pool"
    • The player can enable on desire (needs to be configurable in case players do not want the rarer items over more common ones)
    • When running a mission, extra luck (i.e. probability of obtaining more rare parts) is granted
    • On obtaining a rarer item, the luck pool decreases/drains
    • This would probably work decently for relics, but could have challenges (like using up the luck to get a rare part that still isn't the one the player wants)

    Anyway, I hope to see some consideration for taming the RNG Daemon.  When it strikes, it is really punishing and discouraging.  While I generally advise others not to get too stuck on "getting that one item" without breaking for other activities in the game, I think a means to cap the effort expended on such exercises would be most welcome.

    Bottom line - having a way to reliably CAP effort and tame the RNG daemon would be most welcome.  Even if the result is a well-understood "grind".  One line of thinking feeding into this - in real life, we work for money to buy just about every item.  We work at a job so many hours, and know how much money we'll earn, and hence how much of which items that'll get us (given a reliable store/market of the item).  And if we earn extra money or give up on an item, that money earned can be used for something else - so we never feel like that work was wasted effort (i.e. pointless grind).  When we grind for a resource that has a very limited use and value in a game, and either end up with extra or give up on the intended use of that resource, the result is a feeling of significant frustration - pointless grind.  And when we randomly get _other_ resources... well - it doesn't help.

    With all the thoughts above, let me say that I am not suggesting a major overhaul - just asking to improve the player experience by capping the amount of grind required to obtain any one item/part.  Maybe consider how long, or how much effort, is expected for the "average" player to obtain an item/part, set a limit of double that number, and give players a way to avoid going beyond that limit.

    • Like 2
  10. 5 minutes ago, BL4CKN0ISE said:

    Or you could just use Energy pizzas, which is by far the fastest method, but they can become costly. The Itzal's "Penumbra" is perfect for pizzas because it instantly stops you and allows you to safely get energy for a second. You need to stack multiple pizzas if you want to be fast tho, which is why it's not my favorite method. You will go through a lot during a mission and I personally don't like farming polymer bundles. 

    Yeah - looks like the pizzas are the answer.  I didn't know I get use them from archwing mode until I tried the hotkey - since the gear wheel is not available in archwing mode.  Also, I tried putting down a pizza then jumping into the archwing, and that didn't work - the extra pulses didn't affect the archwing's energy.

    The hotkey works perfectly, even if I end up only getting one charge out of since I'm running around quickly.

  11. So Zenurik is promising, but may not be the best choice over all - depends on the circumstances.  To be very specific, I'm looking at optimizing Trinity's collection of lures for a tridolon.

    For that purpose, other focus schools have some important benefits.  With that said, that's a possibility - either for my own focus school, or for a team-mate's focus school.

    Does Zenurik recharge the archwing even when picking up the benefit in the warframe?  In other words, do I need to be in the archwing when passing through the zenurik zone?

    (Note that I am working on the mods.  It's going slowly.)

  12. I've been searching around on this one and finding a lot of general discussion on Archwings in POE in general, but no answer to this question itself.

    What means exist in the Plains of Eidolon to restore energy for the Archwing, other than waiting for it to regen, when using the Archwing Launcher?  Are there items that can be used?  Potential sources that come to mind:

    • Energy orbs
    • Trinity's Energy Vampire
    • Squad Energy Restore

    The case in mind here is using Itzal blink to move around the plains quickly and running out of energy.

    And, for those solutions that can be used, what conditions/restrictions apply?

  13. Just wanted to shout out to DE for getting UI HUD scaling working.  When I started playing, I set up my 28" monitor to 4k resolution and initially didn't wonder at all what all that tiny text meant.  In part because the early game was too easy, never once dying in the first several hours of playing - probably up to 20 hours or more.

    Looking back... ouch.

    Started playing in 1440p after a while, when it really dawned on me that reading the text was valuable, and even critical at times.

    Now I can play in 4k, with large text that's easier to read that 1080p.  YES!  Imagine, I can actually read the damage numbers rolling off enemies with ease!

    Anyway, good job.  Thank you!

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