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Posts posted by eurotransient

  1. Honestly, I'm just completely at the end of my tether at this point with railjack. I absolutely love the game play, but it is literally impossible to get through a public match without host migration, and almost every time there's a host migration the mission glitches out (for example, the one I just ran had me destroying a radiator, but there was no exposed radiator to destroy).

    Is there ANYTHING I can do about this? I don't have host migration issues typically in other missions, but it is universally every single time right now in Railjack. I've done everything I can think of from a network point of view -- rebooted my router, made short all my ports are open, verified there's no issues with my network card (which is connected by hardwire). I even changed the network ports on my router my PC is plugged into.

    I just picked up a resource booster this morning, which at this point is going to go to complete waste because the only thing I grabbed it for is railjack resources, but all I get are mission fails because I'm forced to abort after the mission glitches out after a host migration.

    Somebody help! Is there a spell I can cast? A totem I need to assemble? An old forgotten god I need to pray to? ANYTHING??

  2. On one of the layouts/locations for the Plague Star missions, the drone in stage three has to traverse a ridge as it's making its way down a mountain. Two consecutive runs it's gotten stuck on the way down in the same spot. Here's a screenshot of the location:


    Only way I've found to proceed is to change hosts, which seems to reset the position of the drone so it can proceed to reach the boil.

  3. I'm guessing there's other reports of this, but want to add to it. Auto sprint gets canceled out using some weapons. I just experienced it with the Ninkondi Prime using the Atlantis Vulcan stance.

    I've used other weapons that didn't have this issue, but that particular stance is really elaborate with a lot of movement, so might be related.

  4. It occurred to me after doing the Lephantis fight for yesterday’s sortie that it’s actually kind of a fun battle that I never bother to do anymore. 

    Same is true for a number of other boss fights (I’m excluding the Sergeant here because let’s be honest — not much of a boss that one). Once you get their frame components, I suspect most people never bother to play them again unless they’re helping someone out or it shows up in a sortie rotation. 

    So with that in mind, I’d love to see a boss rush mode of some kind. Simaris seems like the perfect candidate to host something like this - maybe an ESO mode that grants additional efficiency based on how quickly you can take a boss down?

    Just a thought. Given the amount of effort that I’m sure goes into some of the boss fights it seems a shame that they’re left to languish for a large group of players once they’ve got the limited drops they offer. 

  5. Just now, doomer452 said:

    Ty im mr6 so really new to game and after having formad two primaries (grakata and gorgon, and yes i know they are not meta but are fun for me) ive been trying to learn about frames and their mods in general to 

    I don't sweat the meta, so you do what you like 🙂

    But yeah, in terms of base survivability, health and armor are your best bets (not all frames really benefit from increased armor, though, so don't feel compelled to stick Steel Fiber on everything by default).

    There's a few health mods you can add to boost your health in addition to the usual Vitality, like Gladiator Resolve and Vigor. That being said, at some point those become less useful in a lot of builds because they take up valuable slots that can be used to enhance or even augment abilities.

    The Healing section on the Health entry of the wiki has a nice breakdown of various Warframe abilities that can be used to heal, but it's worth remembering you don't alwaysa need to have a healing ability to survive -- like with the aforementioned Rhino, if they can't hurt you while Iron Skin is active, then there's nothing to heal.

  6. 1 minute ago, doomer452 said:

    How do higher level players survive with mostly ability focused mods on their frames? Is it really all about movement to avoid damage, high dps to kill enemies beofre they attack, or are there health regen mods/gear aside from armor + vitality mods? 

    Movement and high DPS definitely help a lot -- hard for enemies to kill you if there are no enemies.

    In terms of survivability there are a lot of warframe abilities that help with that -- sometimes in obvious ways, like Rhino's Iron Skin, but also in sometimes less clear ways, like say for example Mag's Magnetize (which sucks in enemy bullets before they can get to you) or Nyx's Chaos (which confuses all the enemies so they attack each other instead of you).

    As for health regen, there are Arcanes that can heal you, increase armor, etc. Not sure how far along you are in the game, but if you're early you probably won't see Arcanes for quite awhile unless you decide to buy them from other players with plat -- which, if you're early game I wouldn't suggest doing as you'll need that plat for warframe and weapon slots.

  7. 1 minute ago, ShadeowTalon said:

    Found that out after I posted that. Still trying to see what I could be missing, with the frames suddenly being squishy.  Perhaps I did change something on my end and not know it. Either way it is annoying trying to figure it out 😄

    I certainly don't see any issues with the builds you posted, but it's hard to compare between your MR3 account and this one -- on your MR3 I presume you're still very early in the game, and frankly even with low level stuff in Earth and Venus, nothing is ever particularly difficult and even the weakest frames can feel quite tanky.

    As for doing a like for like comparison, unless you can run Sanctuary Onslaught w/ your MR3 account, we can't really do a solid comparison there, but SO is meant to be relatively tough so it's not horribly unusual to go down there if you're not very experienced with it. 

    If it is a dragon key glitch like the person above me mentioned, I think you'd still see it in your stats when you go into the mission -- is your health super low i.e. lower than what it should be?

    Anyways, I'd actually be curious to see the vids when they finish rendering, so hope you share them here. 



    8 minutes ago, Lunatyk17 said:

    I'm pretty sure it's host having bad connection
    because I only see something like this happen when I have 9k ping (matchmaking works purrfect don't change it DE)
    @eurotransient your gif.. we can clearly see that you are lagging when dron "blinks"

    Hard to tell in the gif, but I have the framerate and ping bar in the photo and the ping is at about 100ms. This happened on about five straight runs. The gif doesn't convey it greatly, but trust me, something is very off.

  9. 23 minutes ago, [DE]Megan said:


    Hildryn's Main Blueprint is being moved from Vox Solaris' Offering Rank of Shadow (Rank 5) to Agent (Rank 2).

    This is coming in a near Hotfx - thank you for your feedback!

    This is beautiful, thank you!

    Probably a long shot, but I'd love to see Gyromag Systems (and those other parts) moved down a tier, too. Still haven't managed to get the Gyromag I need to rank up to the point I can just buy them with standing. Either that or something to improve the drop rate for those. I know it's just bad RNG for me but it's been going on long enough that it's actually be frustrating given there isn't really another path to getting those parts.

    • Like 2
  10. There's a good reddit thread going on with the suggestion that weekly challenges shouldn't expire during the course of the season. Dole out those challenges on a weekly basis, but at least let people catch up to a challenge they either didn't have time for or couldn't do.

    I think the "Daily" system can be left in as is, expiring after three days, but as is, someone who has to miss out on a week's worth of challenges for life reasons (vacation, work, whatever) is going to come away feeling uncertain about how far they can progress (despite the promises of 65% completion to get to rank 30).

    I do think that the Elite challenges should be difficult, but as implemented there's a little inconsistency in it -- I'm not sure killing 100 Eximus Enemies is really that elite, it's just a time consuming thing that happens as you play. The friend/clan requirements are a cool idea to try and encourage people to play nice with others, but it's such an easy system to game by becoming friends for the sole purpose of getting the challenge done and then never talking to or playing with that person again, but it also puts the onus on people to bother doing all that if really want they want to do is just play in their own little bubble.

    Another idea is you could let people pick their challenges -- almost like the daily tribute system when you get multiple logins. On the first login of the weekly reset, present a variety of challenges to people and let them choose the ones that suit how they like to play. Do it in tiers so they have to pick a specific quantity in each tier so everyone is able to earn the same weekly standing, but at least they can look at that and go "you know what, I'm not doing a 60 minute run anywhere, I'll take the (hypothetical) 'Complete A Level 30+ Capture in Under 2 Minutes Solo' challenge).

    Finally, in terms of the rewards, I would suggest taking wolf cred packs out of the standing ranks and instead dole them out with each rank as you progress. It's 300 wolf cred in total, so every time you rank up you get 10 wolf cred. (I'm assuming a system like this is already in place for the prestige levels.) Obviously that would mean replacing those rank rewards with something else, but it would really help feel like you're actually earning something with each rank in terms of the wolf cred store -- and I think making that feel more valuable is going to be extremely important to the success of this, as it's the one reward type that people have some agency over.

    • Like 2
  11. Hi all,

    I confess I'm not sure if this is a bug or if it's working as intended, but given that Harrow's Lasting Covenant is supposed to add time to Covenant with headshots, I've noticed that the head seeking projectiles that fire off from headshots when using Pax Seeker on a kitgun do not appear to count towards that time buff.

    Again, maybe that's intentional, but if so it does kind of devalue Pax Seeker on Lasting Covenant builds.


  12. Hi all,

    Just curious -- I usually name all my stuff in the game after pop culture stuff. Tried to name my zaw "Rashomon" (after the Akira Kurosawa film) and got a warning that profanity isn't allowed.

    Apologies if I'm missing something, but I'm searching everywhere and can't figure out what I'm missing.

    Anyone care to enlighten me? Not worried about it, I can pick another name, but now I'm genuinely curious what the profane meaning could be.

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