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  1. I completed a riven mod challenge and after mission ends, there is no unveiling animation, instead, I got a Riven mod with no stats and MR0 as requirement. DE please help!
  2. Just got Hildryn prime today, and after one game I immediately noticed something off when I'm trying to aim. Due to the how fat the hildryn is, it blocks up to 1/3 screen space when not aiming depends on what FOV you use. Screenshots took with a 1440p, 16:9 monitor. FOV=52: FOV=90: FOV=90, Aiming: https://imgur.com/mCeK1O0 a normal frame FOV=90: a normal frame FOV=90, Aiming: As we can see in the images above, half of the screen are blocked when aiming with hildryn. Can we have a option to shift the 3rd person camera position by a limited amount each direction to fit the different screen aspect ratio, resolution, and FOV setting. or raise the camera to the same height to where the head top is. DE please fix :)
  3. Just had this happen again, got a defense mission in undercroft and the defense target is not spawning. The problem with this is if I turn off crossplay, I can only MM with people had it off, which is less than 5% of the players. Essentially I'm forced into turn it on if I want to MM properly. DE please fix
  4. It would be good if we can have a option to select which host type to join/not join since certain console types have poor performance and high chance of causing host migration failure, hence drastically slow down the mission(e.g. stuck on railjack loading for long time) and lost of mission reward and progress when doing endless mission. i had it happen at least 10 times ever since this crossplay was a thing. This should still allow console player to join PC host, and allow them to play together, while save the frustration when your 1 hour grind just vanished when the host decided to leave and you lost all your progress.
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