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Posts posted by Vorsches

  1. If anyone else remembers the pre damage 2.0 ether weapons then you'll probably remember that they used to ignore armour via serrated blade damage.

    So I crafted the ether sword and dual ether for nostalgia's sake and while fighting some Grineer I remembered how badass these felt when you cut through armoured enemies like butter. I thought that a neat buff for them could be added to return the armour ignore mechanic they had previously, considering that they are some sort of energy as well as that now they are generally outclassed by most weapons. Overall it seems like a neat gimmick to set this family of weaponry aside from its cookie cutter brethren.

    Since I'm being a dreamer maybe I'll ask if anyone wants to see the ether daggers make a return like the machete did. So would you like to see these in game?

  2. I feel like a geezer now...

    "You damn kids! In my day we didn't have tutorials, and when you put all the elements on a gun you could make a Grineer frozen while on fire while shocked! To run a mission we had to crawl uphill through vents getting in and out of missions!"

    Edit: "Whe-Where you goin' kiddo?! I haven't even told you how we had to grind for days to get prime parts cause trade didn't exist!"

    Just have fun out there, and look both ways for Fomorians before crossing the galaxy.

  3. My son prefers Excaliber. Would that make Arbiters a better choice due to mutual frame preference or are Red Veil augments simply so boss that you recommend that syndicate even though Excaliber is a non-favored frame? Thanks!

    This is a more personal choice, it is ultimately up to you to choose your syndicate (which is usually based on whether you think they are interesting/cool and have your Warframe/weapon preferences as well). Being a member of the Arbiters of Hexis myself, I have a bias. I would suggest going with them so you can be father/son in arms and have a good common ground based in a syndicate with some powerful tactical Warframes as favourites. But the "unbiased me" says that Red veil has some good choices of loot to pick through, and if you guys go Star Wars on each other and walk separate paths as father/son you have an opportunity to tease each other because Red Veil and the Arbiters of Hexis are full out hostile to each other.
  4. Volt is perfect in nearly every situation. He has strong shields, and versatile skills. Good choice!

    Volts abilities have some neat perks that go with them. For the sake of brevity, I won't mention ALL of them, but if you are interested you may wish to check the Warframe wiki as well.

    -Shock is a powerful chaining stun with good damage that automatically leaps from where it impacts to an enemy if they are in range. This allows you to either target enemies directly, or bounce it off anything close to the enemy to have it damage them.

    -Speed may be a little overwhelming at first, but in addition to great mobility your melee attacks will be faster as well.

    -Electric shield is one of the best personal defence abilities in the game. Enemy bullets cannot cross through it, and it gives your ranged attacks some extra power by adding electrical damage and doubling critical damage. If you get a weapon with a limited range, you can extend that infinitely by shooting through the shield.

    -Overload is a good ability as well. It's especially powerful when there are electronics in the room you are using it in (look for lights and other mechanical props in the area to extend range and add more damage.

    My only warning is be careful against higher level Grineer, some have armour that is resistant to electrical damage, so your abilities may be less effective against them. (Some examples: Grineer Elite Lancers, Grineer Bombards, and Grineer Napalms are less affected by electrical damage.)

    Edit: Hmm, this turned out to be less brief than I claimed it would be, but I hope it helped you!

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