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Posts posted by Vorsches

  1. lol this thread is gr8 b8. I will comply m8.

    As a dedicated Loki fanbo- (ahem) user, I will grace your non-master-race ears with a reply from the very heavens themselves.

    The answer is: No one else can or does bear the title of a god while looking so damn good and being so damn good at the same (damn good) time.

  2. My gun waifu? I love pretty much every Grineer and Corpus weapon, Hind, Grakata, Gorgon, Kraken, Ignis, etc. The corpus catch my eye with the Dera, Supra, Flux, Opticor, etc. I just love pretty much any weapon that these two factions make.


    I always had a soft spot for the lovely, loud, powerful Hek (the gun of course, but chicken man is endearing in his own goofy stereotypical villain way). I can't keep this boomstick strapped to my thigh, but dammit I know I am going to put in some brownie points with Steel Meridian to get their "Hek rebalancing mod". Which suits me just fine, since I can keep my Arbiters (-I saw hate here earlier but I prefer them over the other syndicates, and "truth" be told [hehe], Burton Prime and my favourite Warframes are chillin' with them so I will be too-) and be chummy with the two syndicates that give mods for Corpus and Grineer weapons. With this in mind, I am going to enjoy beating the mods out of anyone who challenges the might of the "Steel Arbiter Cephalons" for delicious rep to put into saving up for their weapon mods (Soon my Hek... soon ;-;).

  3. I've said this before, but...

    Heavy weapons got a buff, hammers are heavy weapons...


    Patch notes:


    • Scott's evil laughter and "better nerf Trinity" sound clips are now implemented on all nerf hammer hit sounds.

    • Trinity nerfed

    • Viver nerfed

    • Excalibur nerfed

    • Warframe nerfed

    • Sarcasm added

    • Don'thurtmethisisjustajoke

    • Illuminati confirmed

    • John Prodman now spawns if players gain more than 5000 Syndicate reputation in a mission

  4. Heavy weapons got a buff, hammers are heavy weapons...


    Patch notes:


    • Scott's evil laughter and "better nerf Trinity" sound clips are now implemented on all nerf hammer hit sounds.

    • Trinity nerfed

    • Viver nerfed

    • Excalibur nerfed

    • Warframe nerfed

    • Sarcasm added

    • Don'thurtmethisisjustajoke.

  5. How are the EE editions anyhow? I heard that they had some glaring issues, so I'm a bit hesitant to jump off of the ole' Tutu trilogy.

    They are pretty much as I (and probably you too) remember them. But "cleaned up" quite a bit. If there were any "glaring issues" still present I probably overlooked or got used to them because the biggest shock for me was seeing all the redone menus! ;P
  6. Let's be bold here : Skana Prime SUCKS @$$. Plain and simple. There's a fine line between "OMFGWTFBBQ FOUNDERS HAVE OP GEAR!" and "ONE WEAPON gets a mod that makes it SUCK A LITTLE BIT LESS while NOT MAKING IT TOP TIER ANYWAY".


    But that's just logic, so f!ck it I guess, let's &!$$ on every founder for the sake of non founders. Not like they gave DE money to make the game live in the first place.

    Yeah,screw those guys and their top tier op $hit. How dare they want to make their reward for kickstarting the entire game somewhat viable.
  7. Edit: This has been resolved, thanks for the help Cyborger1 and Ace_Kayo!


    I'm not sure what caused this, but I did optimize Warframe from the launcher recently, and now my first time back in the void has glitched "splashing" animations.



    This is when I first noticed something fishy...


    So I gathered more screenshots for good measure.




    I really hope someone can either help me fix this or that this gets patched soon.

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