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Posts posted by MandoKarla

  1. Thats one heck of a 180, from a girl that bearly knows what the world is, to the only warframe that can touch the sky.


    Jea, I enjoyed it as usual, muchly good.

    Bej, I'll read it when I can.


    I'm really sorry for not posting my next story, but college has me bogged and brain-dead, which kind of kills my urges to write. Hopefully? it will be up soon-ish. :/

  2. Dude, you did nothing wrong. I completely agree. Your key, your rules. Now, with some missions like survival and defense, I will ask to be invited, but I'll say I'm looking for such and such, and I'm gone if it comes up. Again, you did nothing wrong, and you're completely right. All the power to you.

  3. Good idea. You have my support.


    One detail though: do you think that, once you choose a reward, you should have to keep it no matter what comes up later, or that you should be able to change it if something better comes up?


    I think you should have to keep it once you choose it. I feel like it might be abused otherwise. I can't really back this up, but I'm guessing the possibility would exist. 

    Still, I think this idea is good.

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