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Posts posted by GDSK-NXS

  1. Well, I fighted level 40 Nullifiers with level 10 gear and a Loki and I did defeated them all (at least, more than 50 enemies in one room, includin 2 of the nullifiers and 7 techs) and I won with that thing that they call "skill". But really, it was just a "hit n' run" battle, since I was taking cover, shooting from safe to the crowd, and when any of the enemies got off the bubble I just killed him, and continue to shot to the bubble.

    Things hard with this tactic:
    1) You need a huge ammo pool, since it will take a long time for you to kill the ones that exit the bubble, and the bubbl will expand, you will need even more ammo each time.
    2) Maneuvers, taking cover and rolling. (If you don't know how to actually take cover, please I recomend the use of the [H] key, wich let's you change the point of view, so you can cover in any direction -also warframes crouch more when you are not shooting- and roll, because enemy accuracy is greatly decreased from rolling tactics, if you can time your roll with a second before the shoot, you can actually dodge very well most of them).

    May the force be with you.

  2. Some people may have tell you the next already but meh, the grineers in the Steel Meridian room (Hub) don't have weapons, also it's very nice to see everything, really nice, it just needs a Parkour room, and some lagg fix if possible, but it is not really that important.

    Good job guys, keep it up :3

    Edit 1: I was forgotting, the game just crashed in the Hub. It usually crashes to me in some places but in case it's not only my fault, consider it XD

  3. As the title says, since U15 I have some troubles with the matchmaking:


    1 Case: I try to join a mission (friend only/private by invite/public) and 19 of 20 times, the conection is lost. This happens at the second "A" in "Warframe" while loading.


    2 Case: I would call it the rare one among the other two, as I am able to join and play the mission normally, but this one ONLY happens if I join a 3 tenno squad that is already in the mission. I am not able to play any mission if I'm the host, it simply goes to Case 1 every time.


    3 Case: This one is not happening right now, but may happen again if I try to play more. As I try to play a Quest in Solo the mission stops loading at the "W" and then crashes.


    Wrong Case: This one is not loading, but playing. Sometimes, I try to play a Quest OR the final round of the Tactical Alerts in Solo the game goes well, I can play like 4 minutes, but then, without a known reason, the game crashes. In tactical alert round 4 I join and then crashes everytime, in Quest it crashes loading or let's me join and then crashes.


    I think I can play fine in Solo other missions, but I may have to edit this otherwise.


    I also think the last one may need to be posted on "Mission Bugs" and not "Matchmaking Bugs", so tell me if I'm right to move it.

  4. Emmm I have an issue with the game, mostly as I am going to the planet (mission loading). The loading starts, and when the bar is going to go after the "W" (in the WARFRAME word down there) the game simply crashes without a reason, it works perfectly fine all the time but when I try to load any mission IT happens. Can I hope for a hotfix for this soon? :c

  5. I have a lot of questions about the game, as any fan of your work in warframe, but I'm going to watch the devstream as always to see if someone else ask my questions, trying to avoid multiple times the same ask from other people. Keep it up, this game has the highest hype from all the ones I have played in my life.

  6. I see some kids crying for the launchers, I think is very fine, you now can't spam it all the mission and that makes it harder, then better for a even reallistic view (we can't carry 500 rockets if we didn't even have pockets).

    But I have oe request, can you put the icon over the mission (the one with that nice alien skull fron't view) as a reward? because, I really would like to have it, and I was specting that when I finished the event, and then no emblem... but if you are going to use it later, no problem then.

  7. Lactamid, if you don't mind, I will translate you (as the "google-translate" isn't good enough for a spanish to fully understand (even then, I appreciate your help despite your lenguaje)


    Lactamid dijo: Son los 2 que no pueden hostear del mismo rango?

    Les diste permiso de hostear en laconfiguracion de clan? (Incluso si dijiste que los 4 tenian el permiso, quizas quieras volver a fijarte)

    Quizas algo acerca de los permisos (para hostear el dojo ellos mismos) se perdio en la configuracion de rango del clan.

  8. I get disconnected from every mission, except when I play alone, I think is a problem with my internet, but still, will you fix the bug on the animation of the Serro? I really like that weapon and it keeps bugged e_e

  9. They do have a "heavy armored" version, go to Codex and search at Concept Art, I think they will not release it but we can dream of an EVEn thoughter kubrow companion.

  10. I don't want to be a pain in the &#! after working so hard to release U14 on thursday (even if it taked technically one day XD) but the game is bugged as I can't log in, it keeps telling me (Well, I'm from Argentina and I don't know how to write it in english so...) "Error al iniciar sesión. Comprueba los datos." and I'm not missing in anything, even one time, that bug doesn't showed up, I was walking in my ship and then it logged out without asking anything and then kept saying the same.

  11. 40 minutes of pure pain onT4 Survival... 5 Steady Hands, +30 Rare 5 Cores, lot's of exp, some really expensive blueprints (I mean, REALLY EXPENSIVE) and what do I see at the end? nothing, just dust, I would be pleased if you just do something about that $#¡7, really pleased.

  12. Spanish:

    English: I have one question - you said that the elemental combinations were to stop the "Oh god that frozen guy is on fire!" but with the status chance (that I should say, is funny but very unreal) we have a flamethrower that doesn't ignite enemies in contact, then creatin another "Oh god, my flamethrower is not working!" so... the question: Can you put 100% status chance on weapons that do only Elemental Damage? because of a shockgun that don't shok, a flamethrower that doesn't throw flames, and so on (Toxic damage weapons, because of his OP'ness, are off the chart, as 1HIT kill in conclave with a "ichorcopter" spin attack just draining all your HP as a giant air balloon being popped

    Even with "Toxin Resistance" mod I still one-hit die with a full HP Tank Rhino so... please, balance some of this things, please?

  13. Hola, en respuesta de su interesante post, yo les ofrezco 2 opciones:

    1) Puedo agregarlos a mi clan (11 miembros, todos lacras pero regulares), o a cualquier clan en mi alianza (en caso de que otros les puedan ser mas beneficiosos) ya que contamos con 29 clanes (desde Fantasma hasta Tormenta).
    2) Puedo agregarlos en el juego y descargarme el TS3 (ya que hace tiempo no juego usandolo) para que juguemos como equipo los 3 (eso incluiria pero no se limitaria a eventos, alertas y jefes) para pasar los ratos.


    En caso de que les interese (lo cual dudo pero mejor prevenir que lamentar) soy rango 11 (nivel 30 en 6 warframes y 28 armas actualmente) y digamos que me conecto por lo menos una vez al dia, o mas si me invitan a jugar XD

  14. I have some things to say:

    First: Serro name changed to Placeholder again...
    Second: Some time ago, I won the "Machete Wraith" and last time I check it was not in my inventory, I think it was miss-sold/lost some time after the event ended, can you do something about it? no problem if you can't, but I will still miss it (a_a)

    About the new shiny things:

    ·The new armor chest-"plate" is... what can we say... too tiny, seriously, but the armor parts are too good.
    ·Bladestorm Clones? more ninja, also I wanted you to noticed that I liked the forced bleed proc, the meele counter bladestorm and the finisher teleport.
    ·The Miter buff I liked was the "shadow saw" with multishot (second shot under the first one).

    ·Red crits are additive? 5,6 crit multiplier can be 11,2 crit multiplier if the second chance is granted.
    ·The visual effect on Nova's Ultimate Power I thought it was going to be something more... visual, like a giant wave instead of some lighting bolts.
    ·Specters... now this is good, I don't think we can use them in conclave, but I would really like to see them working, just to have some fun.

  15. Sorry DE I'm no gona read all the ideas, just posting my own XD

    Okey so it's time for a infested flying unit:

    Name: Infested Slinger

    Description: The Slinger is a flaying infested unit with dragonfly-like wings, it attacks with viral needles from his tail.

    Attack: As the description says, it attacks with some kind of needles or spines from his back, inflicting Viral damage. This kind of enemy should be rare or heavy, to make it spawn rarely. It only rests in the floor after 5 shots (or so) for 4~6 seconds, making it vulnerable.
    Also it should have Infested Sinew. The rest is in your hands DE ;D

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