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Posts posted by JSalari

  1. I have the same issue too. I've literally never been matched with anyone on my own ship, other than free flight, but that usually has people who haven't played Railjack at all yet, which if fine and all, but not ideal if you want to do the higher level missions. Upgrading my ship feels pointless at this point since I can't even use the damn thing, and the skin I bought feels like a waste of plat. I've tried every method of launching a mission too, no luck.

  2. 1 hour ago, -AoN-CanoLathra- said:

    Are you talking about PoE/OV bounties? Or the Find all Caches Nightwave objective?

    For the first, do what peterc3 said. Start at the outer edges of the given circle, then as you find caches the circle shrinks to show the remaining ones.

    For the second, do easy missions, like Earth sabotage, and learn where all of the rare spawn points are for the tileset. Once you know where those are, it becomes easy to see an out-of-place resource pip on your minimap, which is either the cache you are looking for, a rare container, or an ayatan sculpture, all of which are useful.

    It still doesn't make it fun or engaging though. Searching for caches is dull, reducing the time investment doesn't change that. Considering Warframe is a fast paced action game, having to stop everything for a game of hide and seek is a buzzkill

  3. I've edited the original post. I'm referring to the Nightwave bounty that's titled 'Cache Hunter'.


    1 hour ago, JSalari said:

    I know I could just not do it, and most of the time I don't because they're so boring, but I'd still like to be able to earn points for Nightfall by doing something more fun and engaging than running around over and over again.



  4. The Cache Hunter bounty has to be the most, frustrating and tedious bounty in the entire game. Having to run back and forth on the same map over and over again for way too much time is neither fun nor rewarding. It's so unbelievably annoying to have to do this bounty, especially when you've found two out of the three caches, only to spend the next 30 minutes trying to find the third, and it's so well hidden that you could swear it doesn't even exist.

    It's just an overwhelmingly boring bounty, even with all the loot finding perks. I'm sure I'm not the only one who feels this way about it, I know a lot of people I've done these missions with can't stand them either. Please, just remove it from the game, or at the very least lower it to doing it one time rather than three, because the time investment required can be extremely high for such a small reward.

    I know I could just not do it, and most of the time I don't because they're so boring, but I'd still like to be able to earn points for Nightfall by doing something more fun and engaging than running around over and over again.

    EDIT: To clarify, I'm referring to the Nightwave bounty, NOT the one in the Plains, that one's fine

  5. I've been playing after the new hotfix and found that if you empty the magazine/battery, Fulmin recharges at an incredibly slow rate, about 1 bullet per second. The recharge sound is heard over and over again. It's resolved by switching between primary and secondary weapons, but not when you switch to melee.

  6. You can swap out spears, bait, lures, but for some reason you can't swap out drills/cutters, or even have multiple ones equipped. It wouldn't be so bad if one drill was the best at everything, but the Advanced Nosam Cutter isn't very effective at mining rare gems in Fortuna, and the Sunpoint Plasma drill isn't very effective in Plains of Eidolon. Being able to swap them out like you can with spears would be great since it would save time rather than unequipping when you visit a different map. Plus including quick swapping would be consistent with all the other tools since it's the odd one out.


  7. Firstly, just want to say I thoroughly enjoyed the new update, excellent work. However I have a couple of problems, one would be that 



    takes up half the screen and it's really distracting. Quite a few people I got teamed up with agreed, too.

    Secondly, in Disruptions the chatter ends up making it difficult to hear where the Demolyst is coming from. Given how important it is to stop it, it's really annoying to have to wait for someone to stop talking just so you can hunt it. It can become especially problematic at later levels

  8. 15 hours ago, Aluzhun said:


    Yeah, heaven forbid someone wouldn't want to treat the game like it's a full-time job and take breaks... 😒

    • Like 6
  9. 3 minutes ago, Voltage said:

    I just appreciate the effort to revive the Void a bit by making Relics only drop there.

    There are better ways to revive the Void tileset. This method of reviving it is akin to putting strings on a corpse, moving it like a marionette and saying "well at least it's nice to see it moving"

    • Like 4
  10. 25 minutes ago, (XB1)BULLS 0N PAR4DE said:

    I for one like that it's just in one area. No need to figure out where on the star chart you need to go to farm the relics.

    Running one location 20 times in a row isn't my idea of fun, and I'm sure many people share that sentiment.

    8 hours ago, Voltage said:

    You can complete Capture in as little as 30 seconds, and Marduk can be finished in as little as 2 minutes and 45 seconds with all caches. I understand that people don't like hard drops, but it makes it interesting when the Relics are rare (see: Axi E1 back in 2016).

    Like I said, I ran Hepit (the capture mission) 20 times in a row and didn't get a single one. The ease and/or speed of the mission isn't the problem, it's the tedium of it. Adding the relics to the bounty drops along with the nodes would at least make it so people have multiple methods of farming. Making things a rare drop in the game is absolutely fine and it can feel rewarding (got the Wolf Sledge the other day, that was cool), but this is relics we're talking about, not the Prime parts themselves. Having maxed out standing in Fortuna and in PoE, I'm not exactly thrilled to do bounties again, but personally I'd prefer them over visiting the Void and repeating the same missions types in similar tilesets

    • Like 4
  11. Can we please have more locations other than just the Void for farming Volt and Loki Prime relics? There are so many different relics in the Void drop tables that farming them is a huge pain. I ran Hepit solo (no joke) twenty times in a row and didn't get a single Lith O2 relic, it would be quicker to farm the platinum at this rate. I don't mind grinding but when the odds of finding the relic are so low, then the odds of getting a part from it is low, it just becomes miserable. Even adding it to Fortuna/Plains of Eidolon bounties would be nice so we can at least have some variety while farming

    • Like 3
  12. When using Blade Storm on Hydron and combining it with teleport, as soon as the animation ended it prevented me from using the skill again. The ability icon was greyed out and when trying to use it, it would say 'Ability in use'. It also locked me in a floating animation where I was still vulnerable and could only get out of it by switching to operator mode. Once back in my frame I still couldn't use Blade Storm and falling into a pit also didn't fix it. Along with this I could no longer aim down sight with my weapon, archgun and codex scanner, but I could with my operator amp.

    I've been able to recreate this bug on two occasions and the conditions were identical (combining blade storm and teleport and triggering the special animation).

  13. A lot of these "solutions" people are offering include either a really big time investment (and let's be clear, most players don't have that option) or paying with platinum for inflated prices... all for a bounty. These are both terrible options, who seriously wants to do these? They're not fun or engaging content-wise, they're a slog. And I say this as someone who completed the bounty immediately because I hoarded empty statues, but we shouldn't have to do that.

    Seriously, if this bounty was just to complete the bounty for a sculpture at Maroo's Bazaar then that would be absolutely fine

    • Like 1
  14. 27 minutes ago, FlusteredFerret said:

    The devs said in the last stream that they will likely change this in the next series. There have evidently been a number of complaints about this.

    Good to know, I didn't catch the last stream.

    Also, to all those defending the bounty, you have the right to, and I won't tell you you're wrong or anything since it's just your opinion and I have no right to tell you otherwise, but I just want you to ask yourself - is this a fun bounty to do? For the majority or players - including those in the mid-game/early-late-game - it won't be. I understand there are many of you that have been playing this game for years and might have a stockpile of sculptures, but even if you do, would you rather have a bounty that has you do something fun, or just go into your menu and click on menus a few times? I know veteran players are hungry for content, but this isn't a step in the right direction.

    • Like 1
  15. Having to farm for Ayatan sculptures in Oestrus is honestly one of the most miserable experiences I've had so far in my time playing the game. 5 is too just too many to farm for, and it's a tremendous amount of effort for only 3000 points. I like most of the other bounties, but this was far too demanding. Ideally a bounty should be related to taking part in the activities available, or earned naturally through play. Having to farm one node over and over again, or leaving it up to luck is not rewarding at all. Even if it was a minor tweak like requiring less sculptures, or even finding Ayatan stars. Luck based bounties just aren't very enjoyable, and when they're time gated they can become stressful.

    Of course this is all just my opinion, maybe someone can tell me if I was doing something wrong or if I could've done it more efficiently, but overall this was a very negative experience for me.

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