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Posts posted by Garland137

  1. I was thinking about this, and the problem is that a lot of frames don't have any elemental association.  What I think is that every frame should have a unique passive ability unique to their powers.  Examples:

    --Frost has 50% resistance to cold status, so the slowing effects of something like a cold eximus only slows him half as much.  He's still slowed, but not as much as the other frames.  Think of it like snow shoes or something; he moves faster than someone just wearing boots, but it's still not as fast as walking on dry ground.

    --Ember isn't knocked back by the rings of fire from fire eximuses.  Instead, she stops in her tracks and either blocks or somehow redirects the flames around her.  Still takes damage to shields and such.

    --Loki has reduced confusion when teleported by a Grineer Commander.  Since Switch Teleport is one of his powers, he shouldn't be as confused as other frames when a Commander teleports him.  He's used to it, so he shouldn't be confused for as long.


    Or we could go the Mesa route, and just have every frame have favoured weapons they do a little better with.  Machetes and Dual Swords for Hydroid, Staves for Loki, claws for Valk, heavies for Oberon etc.  Personally, I'd like something more involved like above, but it's easier for some frames than others.  I'm struggling to think of anything good for Limbo, whose powers don't really have representation in current enemies or environmental hazards.

  2. 1. Don't use VOIP or grossly avoid it. (both in game and 3rd party)

    I hate encountering players who only communicate with voice.  I can never understand them; it's always a quiet garble.  Short of muting all sound effects and playing in a closet and cranking the volume up, I'll never be able to hear people clearly.

  3. So we sell prime parts to Baro to get his exclusive currency, but what does he do with them?  Does he build the prime weapons for himself?  Does he resell the parts to other merchants, like Darvo?  Or does he do something else entirely, like use them to build furniture?  Personally, I think Baro has a nightstand somewhere built out of Latron stocks.

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