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Posts posted by _-Malicious-Melodi-_

  1. I get it, you are trying to encourage cooperation through teamwork... but the current system forces players to play in public games in order to have the same chances at prime parts. With 21.4.0, we saw a change to the bonus missions: 

    Removed the "Stealth" mission challenge from missions where you're not likely to be able to complete it:

    • Will no longer be rolled for any Infestation mission
    • Will no longer be rolled for the mission types: Defense, Survival, Interception, Excavation, Defection
    • Will no longer be rolled for public matchmaking missions, since other players are likely to go loud and alert the enemies

    More specifically within that:

    Will no longer be rolled for public matchmaking missions, since other players are likely to go loud and alert the enemies

    This shows you realize that people do not communicate nor cooperate in public missions... My point for bringing this post is it pertains to Void Relics as well. Playing a Void Relic mission with a public group is aggravating and annoying, i do not like running with public groups, However, the currently existing system penalizes players for wanting to run missions solo by limiting their chances at prime parts. Additionally, this system has spawned a plague of leeching... Players join a public mission with a useless key and leech off the keys of the other players. They get a reward for little or no cost.

    I feel as though players who play in groups and players who prefer solo should have the same opportunity as one another to proceed through the game. My 2 Suggestions to fix these problems:

    1) To better balance the game between Team play and Solo play, i suggest that if a void mission is run by 1 or 2 persons, the rewards available are 2 selections from each of their keys, for 3 or 4 people, the system would remain the same.

    2) To better balance against leeches within void relic missions, a Public run should prioritize matching relics so that the rewards provided are more akin to that of a pre-made 4 man team.

    As an additional note, the original change to prime farming turned it into a Key sink... instead of 1 person using a key to get 1 prime part for missions and dozens for endless missions, Now 4 people use keys to get 1 part each, This does not streamline farming, it makes it take 4x as much resources.

    I am open for Constructive Criticism, I know my ideas may be somewhat difficult to implement quickly, but i feel as tho there as been a very serious disconnect between solo play and squad play. Both should feel rewarding, but currently only squad play is. 

  2. 1 minute ago, taiiat said:

    no it hasn't. facts aren't something you decide are true. nor does that alone actually improve any games. we'll try it again - having a list of problems(from more people) doesn't make those problems go away.

    it's pretty clear that it's the case. the internet is a nice 'safe space' for people but facts remain the same.

    You are entitled to your opinions, but that's all they are, opinions. Community Tests Environments allow for a few hundred players to run through the content, find the bugs and all DE has to do is watch and record. They find the bugs before release and can add the patches before the mass number of bug reports hit the forums and support staff, That pulls stress off the developers and support stuff and makes the game better in the long run. Do not try to tell me a TEST environment does not HELP a game... because that is simply ignorant. 

  3. Weapon Name: Anamnesis (An-am-Nee-sis)

    Faction: Tenno - Magnetic Blades

    Description: Forged from the armor of fallen Tenno before you, The Anamnesis is truly a memory of your past and vision of your future. This Claw type weapon boasts a unique Floating Dagger design that transforms at the wielders will. Forged by the Tenno, for the Tenno, of the Tenno. Normal attacks can hit 4 times with each swing, Charge attacks hit with vicious power. Using a Slashing stance will give the weapon primarily Slash Damage, Using a stabbing stance will give the weapon primarily Puncture damage. Blocking levitates the daggers in front of the Tenno to block incoming damage. 

    Please ignore the terrible art skills


  4. 1 hour ago, taiiat said:

    what gave you the informational impression that this is needed (which would be a lack of it)?

    same old same old - every game Developer has atleast one layer of QA. finding problems doesn't mean they're fixed.
    same old same old - people that don't know how games get made.

    And what gives you the impression that its not needed? Obviously what DE is doing now is NOT working. It has been proven on multiple occasions that a properly built beta or Test environment will increase the quality of a game and its content. To say that a proper environment for testing is not needed is just as ignorant as saying Warframe is without any flaws... There are things wrong with this game that have been problems since update 3. AND on top of that, having another set of maybe 100 eyes looking at it increases the odds of finding the bugs and problems BEFORE it is released. 

    And just as another bit of information, Dont say a person doesn't know how games are made when you, yourself do not know the person you are talking to.

  5. As it has appeared that more and more broken or buggy content is being released on a regular basis without adequate testing to clean it up. The evidence for this being having to wait almost a month to get a response to a ticket i sent in with nothing to do with that content. The reason for the delay was a large volume of tickets from the Christmas Break updates.... 2 months ago. 

    As this is a problem... an NO, you CANNOT say this game is "still in beta" it lost that privilege after being released on console and being in full release for over 3 years. I am suggesting DE forms a Community Test Environment for new and upcoming content. In the week or so before a new update is released, give a selected group of individuals (it can change each time, i would also suggest sign-ups) the opportunity to run through it on a dedicated server separate from the rest of the players.This will allow for DE to receive information, feedback and reports on this new content they can respond to imminently instead of getting 10 million tickets over the week after its released. It has been shown time and time again, and DE has shown this on many occasions that players will catch bugs much sooner than the developers ever will.

    Im so tired of something coming to Warframe and being broken, buggy, overpowered, underpowered, ect. Just let us players take a crack at it before its released. Im sure most players in this game would love to test something new for DE in order to make sure its working. 

  6. 6 hours ago, osuman said:

    This is ridiculous, what about those clans that already grinded for many hours for this??

    Some clans just wanted to get the bp by grinding their way, and have no intentions of competing for high tier reward.

    Either have lower requirements from the beginning, or stick to them until the end like you did with Hema.


    Upd: For all the guys insulting me here, read the 2nd and 3rd sentence instead of focusing on the 1st. My point is De need to come up with reasonable numbers from the start, and not wait until dedicated clans get things done. ie they should account for smaller clans as well, instead of using the performance of top tier clans to come up with numbers.

    I agree that DE really needs to take the time to TEST things before releasing them to the public. I do feel that lowering the numbers was a good call however. My clan is a shadow Clan, we have 4-6 of the 12 people actually active, we would have had to had all 4 members get a total of nearly 238 rescues in one mission for just the Blueprint. Clan activity is subjective, and 50% based on a MAX number is unfair. My clan is a shadow clan with 12 members, while its accounting for 15 members and we only have 4 active.

  7. 4 minutes ago, ObviousLee said:

    so what you're saying is, you've no experience in creation, and actual code conflict resolution, yet you toss out numbers from the stance as if you do. think about that for a second.

    Identifying problems and sending in reports to the people who fix the problems, does not equate to knowing what you're talking about.

    I obviously understand the process more than you do... Storyboard > Design > Code > Test > Fix> Test > Polish... they are skiping the polish


    3 minutes ago, KaizergidorahXi said:

    I'm sorry you don't think this game is good enough for you. I think this game is very polished and well developed. You forget that your opinion is just that; YOURS. Not a fact, not everyone elses.

    Yea.... My opinion... So if you disagree so much... go away. I don't care, im entitled to state my opinion, you are entitled to yours.. however, this thread is no about "who likes the void system" its about the reasons why i dislike it and feel it needs to be changed. You are right, its my opinion, and it has just as much merit as yours... if not more.(becuase 1) im a founder, 2) i have experience in game design, 3) Im finding things wrong with it, rather that accepting it),

  8. Just now, KaizergidorahXi said:

    Dude. Perpetual beta LITERALLY MEANS "Constant state of development". Just like "Early Access".

    Which works only in the software industry... not the game industry... Players expect polished and well developed games... Perpetual Beta is only used for a development team to have an excuse to skip the polish part.

  9. 1 minute ago, NeithanDiniem said:

    That first paragraph is enough to show me that you have an incredibly limited amount of experience in the industry. It does not take less effort to fix a system that has been in use for as long as it has with the rest of the game developing around it. You are also, for the... 5th time now? failing to address that DE has other things to work on.

    Also, no, you are again wrong. Perpetual beta is purely used for them to inform players that large changes are to be expected in the game. They are not the only developers to use it by far. Again, showing your lack of experience in the field and do not have grounds to make such claims. Also just because YOU do not like it doesn't mean it is a failed release. You are one voice among 26 million.

    THAT'S THE PROBLEM... they are too focused on working on "OTHER THINGS" to fix the problems they already have. Update 20 needs to stay away for a LONG time until whats here now is fixed. 

    I am not wrong, Perpetual Beta is an excuse they use to say the game is in a "content state of development". Content needs to be Polished and working properly before more content is developed... they refused to do this.

    You are right... i don't have much experience directly with the development of the games... i however do have extensive experience in testing and seeing problems that could arise from a feature before its added. 

    1 minute ago, ObviousLee said:

    does you effectively admitting that you have no actual experience in the creation of games matter? idunno bro, you tell me

    No, i have not worked to actually develop a game... however, i have plenty of experience testing and finding problems. Which is part of creating the game... the part that DE refuses to put more resources towards. 

  10. Just now, KaizergidorahXi said:

    If you think DE doesn't test, I'd advise you to actually watch the devstreams. An example of not testing is The Isle and No Mans Sky. See the difference?

    Then explain to me why every content release comes with bugs and problems that should have been ironed out way before release, and im not talking ones that pop up from people playing, i mean the SUPER obvious ones. Like "a CTD when Alt-f4ing in Conclave" That's something they need to TEST...  The MAIN thing they dont test is Multiple player missions... they test everything solo, which is why every time i do run a mission with a friend, they host and i find a ridiculous number of problems.


    1 minute ago, ObviousLee said:

    so, what companies have you worked for? what games have you built? what projects have your name in the credits?

    Does it really matter? I have more experience with play testing games and viewing the design processes than most people realize. It doesn't take a genius or even a degree to see that DE doesn't put nearly enough effort into polishing as they should. Nor do they fix the obvious problems that have been around for so long, they focus too much on adding more content and not enough of polish... Until they fix Scorpions, they will always be an Amature development team in my eyes.



  11. Just now, (PS4)geomancer1980 said:

    That's only because the reward system was broken towards endless missions.  I'd love for you to be able to do 40 minute survivals because you enjoy them,  I just think it should cost you 8 relics to get 8 prizes.

    That's your opinion.... I disagree... The new void system is the exact opposite that they promised it would be.


    Just now, ObviousLee said:

    i'm sorry, it's all the merit and validation I felt your stated case deserved

    lemme ask you this: how much experience do you have in game creation?

    Enough to know that the development process in the beginning is rough, however, after the fact tweaking and changing, as well as fixing takes less effort. However, if DE would put 20% more effort into actually play testing and finding out of their community actually wants something a certain way, they would have 120% less work, because they wouldn't have to go back every single time to fix things. 


    1 minute ago, NeithanDiniem said:

    Again, and as Zaizer mentioned above, every company has their own workflow system, has their own project deadlines, and has their own feedback collection time set. And since you have a degree in game development, you should know that. That is taught in game project management.

    At this point... all DE has shown is they develop and toss it out, they don't test anything. They dont find out if the community likes it, they dont make sure it works with other parts of the game.. they just make the excuse that its a "BETA" and throw it to the wolves... Perpetual Beta is something they use in the software industry, not the game industry. It an excuse and it needs to change.

  12. 48 minutes ago, KaizergidorahXi said:

    Until you've tried to do exactly what they're trying to do, I don't think you should criticize so harshly. Feedback is one thing. But pretty much ordering them to comply with your wishes is something else entirely. 


    47 minutes ago, NeithanDiniem said:

    More naivete. Unless you are a game programmer that is in the employ of DE, you have no grounds to make any claims on how long it "Should" take. Also no, its incredibly easy to make things some times but can be a new form of hell to fix it afterwards considering that the "fix" is able to be interpreted differently by the community.

    For both your information... I have a degree in game development.. i KNOW by expirience what it takes to develop a game.. i know the development part can take a while, however, i know from expirence

  13. Just now, NeithanDiniem said:

    And you know how long it takes for them to develop a new addition to the system how? You are in the know with all their employee's going-on to be able to claim that it shouldn't take this long?

    I do know they have dedicated too many resources to a failed project by the name of "Storm Coast Legends" and i know as well that it takes significantly shorter to FIX something than it does to create... But, seeing as 90% of Void 2.0 is existing content that is been retrofitted to serve a new purpose... it shouldn't take any time at all to fix it. 

  14. Just now, NeithanDiniem said:

    So the basic rundown I'm seeing here is you are largely a solo player that is upset that you cannot get multiple parts per relic. That is, like I said before, Something DE is already working on. Why are you complaining if the thing you want, multiple items per relic, is in the works? You never had the ability to pick before, so the ability to pick now is entirely bonus. Having 4 to choose from at the end should remain a coop perk to maintain the encouragement to group up for fissures.

    My main complaint is that DE continues to change things in favor something that it fails to provide. Void 2.0 does NOT fix the coop issue.


    Just now, KaizergidorahXi said:

    Exactly. If you want more rewards, you have to play with more players, FOR THE TIME BEING, while DE works on this incredibly new system.

    New system? Its been around long enough for them to have fixed it... But that seems to be DE's motive... "Perpetual Beta"... that crap need to be changed, they need to polish WAY more before adding content to the game.

  15. 1 minute ago, KaizergidorahXi said:

    Forming a party to get prime parts is exactly how Void 1 worked. You find people with the same keys, and do the missions repeatedly until you get the parts.That way you have 4x the keys that you would if you did it solo. Unless you're saying you were albe to do T4I and T4D to 40 waves by yourself.

    Yes, i was able to solo Defense, Interception and Survival to 40 and even 60 on occasion. And the main thing about soloing i don't like is now i used 1 key for 1 reward or run with 3 other and use 1 key and chose between 4 rewards. 

  16. Just now, KaizergidorahXi said:

    Then again; DON'T PLAY PUB MISSIONS. If you want your best chance at getting a prime part, form a squad in recruiting chat of people with 4 Radiant relics. It's really quite simple.

    I should not be required to form a party to have a good chance of rewards.... i should be allowed to solo to get the same chance. You disagree with my saying the new system doesn't work?... i don't care that you disagree

  17. Just now, KaizergidorahXi said:

    They are cooperating by all having the same key, and trying to get the same item.

    That's a rare occasion... and never a pub mission... in Pub ones you join mid progress, there is no way to have 4 of the same key unless by sheer luck. And if you do form a team with 4 of the same relic, then its not a pub mission, its a pre made. there is a diffrence.

  18. Just now, KaizergidorahXi said:

    How is the team play "Fake"? What is REAL team play to you, if not working together to try and get a rare part?

    Real team play is a team working together to achieve a goal.... Void 2.0 is 4 people running the mission trying to get 10 reactants... they are not cooperating to complete the missions, no one communicates, no one cooperates.... 

  19. Just now, NeithanDiniem said:

    You had to farm the same number of keys as before unless you leeched, meaning that a large portion of your argument is essentially you no longer being able to benefit off of the work of others. And you would rather get a bunch of endo, some forma, a credit cache or two, and maybe 3 prime parts? And how many mirrors are you breaking to have poor enough luck for 20 relic runs with 4 people each netting you 15 forma from all 4 players?

    At least before i could efficiently solo Void runs. They need to bring back Void 1.0... i dont care if they keep 2.0 as well, but i want Void dedicated missions for rewards.... i dont want to have to run 2 missions for 1 reward anymore..... Void 1.0 survival, 40 minutes = potential for 8 prime parts... 1 key.

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