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Posts posted by AshlynniiBrackets

  1. Holy mother of recklessness, Batman. And I mean reckless... or at least very "knee-jerk".

    Warframe Line-Of-Sight (Derogatory). That's the big thing I'm seeing here yet again, this game's Line-of-Sight system(s) are almost non-functional, if not outright detrimental to even basic non-nuke abilities much of the time because of its code wonkiness. There's two (or more?) different types of LoS, but they're both a complete mess that is so jank at best that it tends to knee-cap abilities that have the check applied to them without being built with them in mind from the start (I haven't seen anybody complain about Dark Verse's LoS compared to the new Tragedy LoS), and the things that they're applied to are inconsistent. People have mentioned a multitude of other "nuke-frames" that never got LoS checks for their premiere abilities despite their infamy. If DE ever works on another "wide-spread fix" after the multi-year effort of fixing Sticky Corners, then the multitude of LoS systems need to be worked on, because not being able to hit an enemy because only one of their feet is blocked from my camera by another enemy's gib is asinine.

    And from what I can tell, this pass didn't even fix the issue that Chroma + Hunter Adrenaline/Rage + Arcane Grace users were complaining about to begin with, being that Overguard blocks their activation due to them being based on taking health damage, so an enthusiastic rando Dante casting their Overguard could easily screw over builds that aren't even that niche. The problem isn't Dante himself, the problem is how Overguard interacts with health-damage-based things. Nerfing how much Overguard Dante gives to his teammates doesn't fix that, and they still applied the nerf to Dante's self-Overguard. It's Overguard that needs tweaking, not Dante's application of it. What use is a Support ability that can't properly support?

    • Like 4
  2. Does anybody know where the room with a possible Voca spawn can be opened/entered?


    Large view of particular room.


    Closest to where I could hear the Voca the clearest, on the raised hand. See the minimap for the large amount of items seemingly right above me.

    I tried using the computer found in the room, which didn't do anything. I also tried looking around in other areas of the map for a some kind of overlapping entrance, but I couldn't find anything.

    Many thanks in advance!

    • Like 2
  3. (Originally posted on Reddit as "Orokin Derelict Shower Thought." I am the original creator of the post. Most will be copy-pasted from the original post save for the first line.)

    I have also grown to dub it "Orokin Derelict the way of the Kuva Fortress."

    Hm... What if Orokin Derelict but Kuva Fortress?

    Alright, now for actual words. The Orokin Derelict is one of the oldest and dated content islands (Still requires consumable keys to enter, cannot be pubbed). People would normally drop it after clearing out each node once (Save for farming Nekros from Lephantis), but it's also an important location due to being the de facto best location for farming mutagen samples. DE either deflects, i.e. "it's raining mutagen in the OD!", or nobody can find an idea for more common integration without shoehorning it in clumsily. Everyone wants to get rid of the keys, yes, but what are people going to do after that? It'll be dropped after people complete Hema anyways, especially since farming mutagen is still a massive slog, unlike players constantly drowning in fieldron samples and detonite ampules due to them dropping from normal enemies of their respective factions on all planets unlike mutagen samples.

    There's even plenty of reasons for vets to visit newbie planets, such as Kuva Lich territory, fissures, and Arbitrations, but the OD doesn't get those either. The only thing the OD gets are Maroo Ayatan missions, but those tend to get overshadowed by Arbitrations. So what should we do with the Orokin Derelict?

    It's a derelict, sooooo... Why not have it float through space like the base of operations for a certain other faction?

    Presenting: Migratory Orokin Derelict! Gone are the boring-ass keys of yesteryear, and in shall be the migration and planet-affliction style of the Kuva Fortress. Similar to the Kuva Siphons sent down by the Fortress in order to add Kuva Siphon and Flood modifiers to missions, the Orokin Derelict would afflict the planet with malignant hives in order to add Mutagen Cyst and Blight modifiers to missions. Instead of camping around a single siphon like for kuva, there would be multiple hives that would summon tumor nodes. Instead of having static tumor nodes like a normal Hive mission, each Hive would instead summon tumor nodes that would need to be destroyed in a certain amount of time (possibly only vulnerable to a specific element each in the more-difficult Mutagen Blight missions), lest the Hive mature and pop into a powerful Infested unit and fail that particular Hive. There could either be only one hive per mission or multiple hives like in a normal hive mission.

    The OD could also have more missions and mission types, such as Disruption, and gain the capability for fissures. The OD would fly opposite of the Kuva Fortress, and can also afflict the same planets that the Fortress currently is if they align.

    It would be raining mutagen from the OD in the literal sense, though it would share more similarities to a Tyranid swarm from a Hive Fleet than to that one scene from Singing in the Rain.


    • Like 1
  4. 1 hour ago, NightmareT12 said:

    Sure, no problem.

    Regarding imgur, I use uBlock origin on Firefox and have never got an ad there. Might wanna take a look at a few of those if you don't use an adblocker already.

    Also ask your buddy if he sees the same thing (I'll give it a shot when I have free time myself).

    I got my buddy with me, and he saw my Iron Skin's weirdness as well. While he only has Rhino Prime, his iron skin still looks different: His is much shinier and is a whole-body coat, along with following the colors he had chosen, while mine was grainy, asymmetrical, and was white/silver despite my accent, emissives, and energy all being black. He also took note of how my iron skin tended to clip over my syandana (Pyra Prime). I have video, but trying to post things to Imgur is borderline unusable, even with multiple adblocks on (Including uBlock/uBlock Origin). If I was able to show you the file, I would.

    I'm not sure if this will work, but these are from Discord links.

  5. 2 hours ago, NightmareT12 said:

    Could also be that DE changed the VFX without documentation, since I believe the texture surcface is slightly different to the Prime.

    Are you able to see other Rhino's with the standard VFX right now? Like, inviting a fellow friend with base Rhino and seeing standard VFX?

    I haven't been able to. I'll need to check with my buddy (if he still has his normal Rhino), and I'll try to get back with you. Could you leave a comment here for me to reply to? Also, I don't really use Imgur due to the ads that I can't find any way to block.

  6. Also posted to Reddit here, including video and information within a comment from me.

    I have been having this strange issue for a long white. I had first documented this back in this post, and have never gotten a proper explanation, even gotten contradictory ones. No matter my energy or accent color (from bright red to pitch black to bright purple, etc.), my iron skin is a silver/white color, and despite playing normal Rhino and not prime Rhino, it has a shimmery, grainy, all-body texture as opposed to the jagged, clumped texture of normal iron skin. One person told me that it was due to using an augment, but I do not have any Rhino augments in my build.

    I am not sure where to look in regards to solving this. I'm not sure if any other players see this (this occurs in both Captura and in normal missions), and I'm not sure if it is a problem with my settings or not. I worked hard for my Salamander Rhino, fashionframe is important!

    If anybody can give me pointers as to how to fix this, that would be quite good.

  7. I noticed that we currently lack something-and-shield weapons for two of the factions (three if you do not count primes as Orokin weapons: I count Cobra and Crane as Quills-associated): the Corpus and the Infested. I've had the Infested weapon as a concept for a while now, while the Corpus one was more impulsive. Image, flavor text, and general gameplay ideas below. I have no idea how the numbers for these weapons and stats work in this game, so they will be general ideas.blades_and_shields__fan_concepts__by_ash

    Copy-pasted from Deviantart/Tumblr description:

    Scab and Brine
    Unleash hell with this blood-bound shield-and-blade. Wield these trophies with pride and prowess, resisting with the chitinous Scab and raining searing pain with the splintered Brine bone pick.
    I got the idea of Scab and Brine being made of the Juggernaut's drops due to them being only used for one thing that is seldom used outside of the Jordas Precept, where you're forced to use it (you could use it in Infested Sortie defense, but not much outside of that). The chitinous husk would make the shield, the infected palpators would be used to wrap around your arm, the severed bile sac would be used in the blade to produce salt, and the pulsating tubercles would be used to release salt in the blade, overall taking the phrase "rubbing salt in the wound" to its logical extreme.
    It would most likely be a high puncture, slash, and elemental status weapon. It would suffer in impact, range, and attack speed. It would have average shielding.

    Shrike and Daw
    Shock and awe your enemies with this sophisticated spear-and-shield. Originally created to deal with civilian riots in Corpus territory, the Shrike spear and the Daw shield has found true power in the hands of the Tenno.
    The Shrike and Daw is not as complex in origin as Scab and Brine, as more of an impulse design. It would have high range and puncture, along with innate electric and magnetic elemental procs. It would suffer in general elemental status, slash, impact, and attack speed. It would have average shielding and an innate electric proc on blocking melee swings.

    - The colors of Scab are based more on Pherliac pods than on normal Juggernauts.
    - The name "Shrike and Daw" falls in line with standard Corpus animal naming schemes: a shrike is a species of bird also known as the "butcherbird" due to its nature to impale insects, small rodents, and other animals on things such as thorns and branches. "Daw" is derived from "Jackdaw," a species of bird in the same family as ravens and magpies.
    - The design of Daw is heavy drawn from the Falcor, as it was the closest to what I had in mind.

  8. 5 hours ago, Mabitude said:

    Maybe you could try the Warframe app for that. I don't know if it works though since you would still have to log in...

    I know that this is late, but one of my clanmates tried that and it didn't work.

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