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Posts posted by Mugentsuki

  1. 7 minutes ago, TearsOfTomorrow said:

    It's difficult for me to comment on this, because to this day I have yet to figure out what the Transference Static is supposed to actually do (I enjoy running around with 'frames and don't actually do things that involve the Operator unless forced, I'm caught up with the plot and 5 maps away from Arbitrations and yet I'm still stuck with a rank 16 Mote Amp, sue me). As a general rule of thumb, however, turning a liability into a resource (because Transference Static kicks in when your operator gets "killed" so I guess it's meant to be a liability?) is something that can easily become OP, because it will encourage people to act recklessly, make sucidal decisions, and actually be REWARDED for it.

    "The Warframe is... inflicted with a debuff named Transference Static, which depletes all their shields and reduces their maximum health by 10%. This debuff lasts for 45 seconds; additional Static will not refresh the timer, but rather stack on top of it further reducing maximum health up to 4 times."

    At max static the frame would therefore have 40% less health but 50% damage negation, which is actually pretty on par with other frames defensive abilities. I personally never got my mote amp that high as the thing is garbage. As soon as I could I switched to a constructed amp and the difference is insane. I personally main Limbo and a common (and very cheap) method I often employ when doing sortie missions is to leave him in limbo and do combat with the operator. What does reduced health matter if you literally cannot take damage?

    That aside, the point of this 3 is to counteract the penalty so as to encourage operator use, reckless or otherwise.When it comes to defenses, it's actually weaker than many of the other frames I've seen. Zephyr redirects bullets, Rhino just multiplies his health pool immensely, Ivara turns invisible, Limbo turns intangible, Volt, Frost, and Garuda all create complete damage blocking shields, the list goes on. Compared to these I personally don't see much room for exploitation, and because of intensity I could see a hidden cap of 80% or 90% reduction. That, or a multiplicative stack instead of additional stack would prevent it from ever hitting 100%. To prevent sudden loss of protection, stacks of Transference Static could be retained for the duration of Void Static.

  2. 5 hours ago, TearsOfTomorrow said:

    Yeah, that's my big issue here: her 3 and her 4 look dangerously close to muscling into Limbo's own gimmick. If I were in you I'd try and go for some better, more unique designs, and I in particularly would steer clear of "you run around while invulnerable/intangible" kind of abilities, for two reasons:

    1) You already have a teleport ability, and

    2) The whole point here is to encourage to switch to Operator mode a lot, with the passive actively supporting doing so... And well, the Operator already has his/her own version of a "you run around while invulnerable/intangible" ability.

    So yeah, make your 3 and your 4 more unique, possibly featuring some solid internal synergy with her 2, which from my point of view is an excellent ability, capable of venturing in a still unexplored design niche. This is my advice: that said, I like the passive and the first two abilities a lot, and the concept as a whole is definitely clever and unique, so by all means do keep at it!

    Another idea that I wanted to include but wasn't sure how...

    Ability 3 - Void Static - Iris is surrounded by a static field that reduces the damage she takes by 10%. This ability can be reactivated to launch the field forward, dealing void damage equal to the amount it absorbed. This ability stacks with itself for each instance of Transference Static currently active on Iris.

    In regard to ability 4, it's intended less like Limbos Cataclysm and more like Vauban's 4 after the rework. Please note that this ability was imagined up prior to the rework. The only way it's similar to Limbo's Cataclysm is that its area of effect shrinks (dealing increased damage as it does). If I do have another decent idea though, like Void Static for 3, I will update.

    5 hours ago, Lukarith said:

    [DE] is definitely trying to be restrictive with the void damage type. The balance of any high level content will be changed heavily in the games current state. Sentient, which are designed to pose a problem for player even with max rank gear, will effectively lose their ability to adapt to damage types because of the constant resistance reset caused by any team with an Iris.

    The potential amount of void damage that Iris can let players dish out is very high, and with high status weapon equipped, a whole room of enemies will be turned into ever absorbant bullet sponges, by their bullet attractor proccs. Plus Condition Overload and Growing Power builds would become more broken than they seem to be already.

    Then based on lore..I am not sure true void damage would make sense for a warframe to posses control of.


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    The Orokin had the abiliy to travel through the void, but only the Tenno and the Man in the wall appear to truely be able to channel its energy into Warframe's material universe. 


    If you want it to be a sentient killer frame, you could pull something like the Parastesis* and have it do damage, with select void attributes, but not be void damage. I personally would love to have the bullet attractor generator, but that is because of my inner munchkin. 


    You have a really good point. Unfortunately, I can't think of a way to alter the damage type without creating a new element or having to entirely change the flavor of the frame. If you have any ideas, I'm all ears.

  3. Personally, I think only having one infested planet is a little saddening. Therefore, I had an idea. Phobos is, in my opinion, underwhelming, especially its boss, The Sargent. So, my thought is there could be an entire big event, heck, even a nightwave chapter, where Phobos gets infested and stays that way. This would open up many possibilities, like a boss rework as well as being able to add an infested open world map that's still a low enough level for decent accessibility.

  4. 1 hour ago, Be_Stupid said:

    Initially I was weirded out at the concept of void damage since it doesn't have any + multipliers but now I'm thinking if you meant for the 20% increase (10% for allies) through Void infusion to act as a replacement for amps in Eidolon flights. I'm not a big eidolon guy but if that is your intention I don't think it's the best idea. Making a huge part of open world grind completely irrelevant would suck and I don't think it's something DE would realistically be willing to do. I understand void damage is a big part of the concept and frankly I love it conceptually but practically I don't know if it would work.

    I didn't even think of the Eidolons, honestly, I thought of it as more of a damage buff that nothing has resistances to so it would have universal effectivity. Although, considering that some amps deal non-void damage, I wonder if the conditions for damaging Eidolon shields is void damage itself or Operator form. After all, the health bar changes color when switching to operator, but without knowing the true conditions in the code I wouldn't be able to say for sure.

    • Like 1
  5. Iris would be based around Void Damage abilities and some operator support as well. This is an old Idea I posted (way back on page 20 something) that I have since reworked. Anybody willing to contribute art ideas would be appreciated. The concept look is a more lithe, female frame, with an ethereal air about her, something in-between Wisp and Titania.

    Abilities are as follows...

    Passive - When switching to operator form, Iris doesn't leave behind her body but instead becomes a sort of cloak or mantle over the operator, granting the operator half Iris's armor and shields. (This also would cause the companion to follow the operator instead of floating there by an unmoving body). Void damage has a chance to proc, debuffing enemies to take 10% more damage from all sources and deal 10% less damage.

    Ability 1 - Teleport - a short distance teleport that, upon arriving at destination, does a pulse of void damage.

    Ability 2 - Void Infusion - for 40 seconds gain 20% increased weapon damage in the form of void damage. Allies within range gain 10% increased weapon damage.

    Ability 3 - Void Step - Sustained, invisible and intangible for the duration. Upon leaving the void state gain a critical chance boost (Void Ingenuity) depending on how long you spent in the void state.

    ALTERNATE Ability 3 - Void Static - Iris is surrounded by a static field that reduces the damage she takes by 10%. This ability can be reactivated to launch the field forward, dealing void damage equal to the amount it absorbed. This ability stacks with itself for each instance of Transference Static currently active on Iris.

    Ability 4 - Void Singularity - Create a void singularity that pulls in enemies and crushes them together. This field slowly shrinks similar to Limbo's Cataclysm. Damage increases based on number of enemies caught in singularity as well as while it 'compresses'.

    • Like 3
  6. I would actually propose a different idea, that smite and its projectiles would provide a stacking damage amplification debuff, like for example, the victim of smite takes 5% more damage from all sources for each stack of Smite, maybe to a max of 4 or 5 stacks. This percentage would be effected by ability intensity, so higher intensity, higher damage amplification.

    Honestly though, maybe it's just how I am running Oberon (large focus on intensity) but I feel it's his ultimate that's underwhelming and could use a bit of TLC.

  7. On 2019-10-31 at 2:38 PM, Aidans99 said:

     (This seems to have been fixed)

    Stuck when aiming gun while zoomed in. 

    I play using an xbox one controller most of the time, which could be causing this bug, but when zooming in the camera gets stuck. This happens on guns and melee weapons alike, easy to get out (just need to bullet jump). Also unable to zoom in sometimes as well, also these bugs only occur when using a controller. 

    My friend is currently still having this issue. Any idea how it might've been fixed?

  8. Yo, got a topic running on this already. Want to tag this onto there? Trying to get it all in one place and hoping if the thread gets bigger DE will actually take notice of it.

  9. For those who are just looking, if you think it's a good idea drop a comment. Increasing the views, comments, likes, overall popularity of the thread would make it more likely for the devs to notice, and if enough people want it they may even consider making it a reality.

    • Like 1
  10. The Warframe Phone App is nice, but also extremely lacking. I would recommend taking a second look at it, adding Nightwave weekly objectives and shop, adding Baro's shop and the ability to trade in Prime components for Ducats, and most importantly, I'm going to use the Destiny Companion App as reference here, allow loadouts, be it weapons, mods, whatever, to be swapped out, changed, etc... through the app, even mid mission. The ability to change loadouts mid-mission is what made the destiny app worth using, and I feel the Warframe app could benefit from this functionality as well.

  11. Daikyu Prime could have the functionality where clicking secondary fire would string another arrow to the bow, up to a max of 4. The Daikyu is a bow designed to One-Shot, by its feel, and being able to increase the damage of each shot would assist in possibly one-shotting tankier foes.


    The Warframe is as of yet unnamed. The functionality feels similar to operator form, though just barely, so I gave her (or him, but as graceful frame, more fairyesque, I feel female style is more fitting) the title "Void Butterfly"

    Abilities are as follows...

    Passive - when using operator form, becomes a floating 'totem' that follows the operator and has an aura that increases void regen rate while decreasing regen delay. This could also be applied to the amps, and maybe even buff damage, not just for the main operator, but all operators and maybe even Warframes within it's aura range. Whatever is strong enough to be useful, but not overpowered.

    Ability 1 - Teleport - a short distance teleport that, upon arriving at destination, does a pulse of void damage. Augment: also does knockback and knockdown.

    Ability 2 - Void Wave - A slow(ish) moving wave of energy that puts all enemies in its path to sleep. Could also leave susceptible to increased damage while asleep.

    Ability 3 - Void Step (or Void Walk) - Sustained, invisible and intangible for the duration. Upon leaving the void state gain a critical chance boost (Void Infusion) depending on how long you spent in the void state. Augment: Gain a damage multiplier based on how long you spent in the void state for the duration of the Void Infusion buff.

    Ability 4 - Void Singularity - Create a void singularity that pulls in enemies and crushes them together. Damage increases based on number of enemies caught in singularity.

  12. So I have a few ideas, new frames, weapon variants, etc... and I want to know if there's anywhere to submit these ideas, and if there are, whether or not such fan ideas are taken at all seriously?


    For example, Daikyu Prime could have the functionality where clicking secondary fire would string another arrow to the bow, up to a max of 4. The Daikyu is a bow designed to One-Shot, by its feel, and being able to increase the damage of each shot would assist in this.


    The next example is a new frame, as of yet unnamed. The functionality feels similar to operator form, though just barely, so I gave her the title "Void Butterfly"

    Abilities are as follows...

    Passive - when using operator form, becomes a floating 'totem' that follows the operator and has an aura that increases void regen rate while decreasing regen delay. This could also be applied to the amps, and maybe even buff damage, not just for the main operator, but all operators and maybe even Warframes within it's aura range. Whatever is strong enough to be useful, but not overpowered.

    Ability 1 - Teleport - a short distance teleport that, upon arriving at destination, does a pulse of void damage. Augment: also does knockback and knockdown.

    Ability 2 - Void Wave - A slow(ish) moving wave of energy that puts all enemies in its path to sleep. Could also leave susceptible to increased damage while asleep.

    Ability 3 - Void Step (or Void Walk) - Sustained, invisible and intangible for the duration. Upon leaving the void state gain a critical chance boost (Void Infusion) depending on how long you spent in the void state. Augment: Gain a damage multiplier based on how long you spent in the void state for the duration of the Void Infusion buff.

    Ability 4 - Void Singularity - Create a void singularity that pulls in enemies and crushes them together. Damage increases based on number of enemies caught in singularity.

    • Like 1
  13. 13 hours ago, Aluzhun said:

    Limbo is the best frame to bring to mobile defense / rescue / excavation missions. I also use him for spy missions (won't trip lasers).

    Wouldn't bother taking him to any other mission type.

    He can be very devastating in survival and defense missions too, as well as useful in interception, as long as those damn nullifiers aren't involved. The main key is most people DON'T know how to use him. I consider myself to be an average Limbo user, because I don't use him to his utmost abilities, but I still use him to devastating effect. My tricks of the trade...

    1, find the point to defend, drop cataclysm bubble on it.

    2, activate stasis as soon as enemies start to enter bubble.

    3, use rift surge, kill a few enemies, and listen.

    4, When you hear surge trigger the radial banish one or a few times, use surge again.

    5, Banish the rifted swarms outside of the bubble from inside the bubble. This will cause the radial banishes re-rifting them and more masses of enemies, surge again.

    6+, rinse and repeat.

    At this point you should have a large number of frozen foes both in and out of the bubble. Killing said foes restores energy so you shouldn't have to worry about running out. Focusing on duration, and using the augment Cataclysmic Continuum will keep bubble and stasis running for a long time. Using the Surge augment (I forget what it's called) will them massively spike your damage (I've gotten over 2000% increase in a sortie) making killing enemies to restore energy a walk in the park. I find the best main weapon to use is the Simulor as it does high persistent area damage, coupling with his bubble beautifully.

    If anybody else would like to drop their own pointers, or let me know how I could be even more efficient/effective, please do let me know, I'm always happy to make my Limbo game even more devastating 🙂


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