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Posts posted by Markus13

  1. ehmmm new recolored osprey? sooo epic... sry, i'm kiddin', it's boring as hell =\ this event could be finished in 1-2 hours if play surv/defence missions against corpus
    better add new infested boss or new planet, all dat new frames and weapons rn't so important imo
    or balance existing weapons and skills at least
    or add new prime frames, still better i think
    btw: drone made of expensive rare material suicides itself? so... logical))

    P.S. and dont forget to improve current chat interface, is it so hard to add context menus to nicknames in chat??? why evrytime i needed to use console command and type somebody's nick containing 20+ chars? yep we have dat menu for friendlist, but why it doesn't exists in trading chat for example?? i'm playing WF for 5 months or so and i'm kinda surprised that still there r such lacks, which r so easy to fix (sry for my dirty english)
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