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Posts posted by ViolentSweed

  1. Chroma can't drop to other players. Only the host can get it unless you have the quest itself.


    Well, there you have it, answered your own question. So in the future, don't sell warframes you get from quests. Could have saved 355 plat by just buying a Warframe slot.

  2. Good morning all.

    I've come to admit, I'm a bit addicted to Warframe. I'm buying too much, mostly in the suits department, and visual items as as alt helmets.

    Once they're ranked to 30, I do plan to sell those who's style doesn't suit me ( *rolls eyes* ). I'd like to know, what happens to the helmets and immortal skins I purchase? 

    Do they disappear, or are they a constant reminder of all the cash I spent? ;D


    Any news on a rework for Chroma? With the changing game mechanics, such as the removal of stamina, his group abilities seem a little lack luster to me. Probably the first frame I'm going to sell.


    Thank you for your time.


    Why even sell Warframes? If you have enough plat/money to spend on actually buying the cosmetic helmets and skins, buy warframe slots, sheesh.

  3. I know that you can get Limbo parts by joining other people who are currently doing the quest. Mirage is a 1 time gain.

    Not sure about Chroma, try joining someone who is doing the Chroma quest, worst case you have to buy him from the market.

  4. Yes, Mesa used to have a 360degree 50m autoaim, but she is.. was the best gunslinger in the galaxy. On the other side, her damage was sub par, she was balanced for 20-30 waves(T4, because that's the only thing that matters), barely 40, or 40 mins of Survival.


    For her to go further she would have needed a maxed TE buff or good Banshee, at which point you might as well just use Exalted Blade which deals a significant amount of more damage.


    But I guess that made her "OP", dealing 2-3k damage per hit ~5k crits. EB deals 25-30k damage as crits with forever piercing energy waves which damage Nullifier bubbles, where Mesas Peacemaker can't damage the bubbles. Valkyr deals about the same amount of damage, if not ever more, than Excal now too. But she can't attack bubbles without losing her Hysteria/Warcry buff, so I guess that's "balance". 


    But if DE removed EBs ability to damage bubbles the community would start crying that "omg Excal is dead again, GG DE". And if they gave Peacemaker the ability to damage bubbles community would be all "well Mesa is OP again, GG DE", it's a never ending evil cycle.


    If they increased it to more of a cone infront of you, instead of a narrow cylinder infront of you, I'd be happy with just that.



    Edit: I realize this might be incoherent, I'm tired so I'm sorry. Bare with me. 

  5. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion but have u been playing warframe since Trinity p was released? Its pretty much already like that. I'm on Xbox one & all I see is key sharing & not one will start until everyone has revealed their key. Its probably the same for PC as well. What really bugs me is when someone ask for key share. So I say sure & tell him/her to inv me. They want me to use my key first. So I do because I have no problem going first. After we finish. The person who asked for key share leaves. Tell me you don't want a solution to that. Maybe not mine I mentioned here but something has to be done


    I never go first in keyshares (unless I'm hosting one), I always expect the host to use his/her key first. It's common decency, and if the host doesn't use his/her key first I just leave due to the risk of what you just said. And that's no matter if it's me first or someone else.



    Edit: Had to clarify.

  6. The easiest way to calculate this, without all the fancy math, is that duration works like efficiency but at half the value. You with me?


    Let's say you have 200% duration, that is a 100% increased duration value which means that it gives 50% flat efficiency to toggled skills. (which DE has already explained)


    Now let's say you only have 50% duration, that means that duration will take away 25% (half of the duration value) efficiency to toggled skills.


    Now if you are running no duration, which caps out at 12% (without the arcane helmet(s)), you have a reduced duration of 88% which means a reduced efficiency of 44%. 


    With both Streamline and Fleeting Expertise you have 190% (or 90% depending on how you look at it) efficiency. So if you still want to run both of those mods you would need at least 70% duration, which means 30% reduced duration and 15% reduced efficiency leaving you at 175% which is the cap for everything.


    If you only run Streamline you would need at least 190% duration for the 45% efficiency increase for the cap of 175%.


    I hope this makes sense, if not too bad I will take your wasted time and store it in my bum.

  7. Am I the only one that would like to have some emotes like Kiss or Hug? Or maybe even Cuddling << :S?

    I mean. I play this game with my girlfriend and it would be funny, not saying cool, to have those emotes. Also something like Slap or maybe even a "Pinch" would be good too. Just cause Tenno are becoming more social with this new Handshake feature I guess that a few more would make Warframe more interactive and interesting.


    You are explaining every single Korean MMO, this is not a Korean MMO.

  8. Tbh, if they increased the pickup radius around your warframe to 1-2m instead of just right under you, that'd be fine. Vacuum is what 12m?


    Yes Vacuum isn't "mandatory" or "essential" but the utility of it is just too good to pass up for a lot of people. You might like to run around in circles until you have picked up all the loot in a room, but that isn't an option for a lot of people.

  9. I totally agree! So many bad players I once joined someone's Tier 4 Void (I had Banshee). He stopped the key and said Change frames Banshee is terrible. Same thing with Limbo, yet I'm the one reviving them when people go down! I enjoy ALL Frames. I don't stop playing them until I feel I've mastered them, then I move on to the next frame.


    WHAT!? Banshee is AMAZING! I bring one with me on every void mission I do! Banshee master race! (I want Banshee Prime so bad! Just for the swag factor.)

  10. Voltaic Strike

    High Voltage

    Shell Shock

    Rift Sigil

    Marudai Transmutation Core

    Vazarin Transmutation Core

    Naramon Transmutation Core


    And I heard rumors of Buzz Kill dropping as well? But the Above are all mods I've gotten from the 3rd mission, but I'm pretty sure it's the same for all 3 missions.


    Edit: Oh yeah and the Poison Dual Stat mods as well, which seem to come maxed for some reason.

  11. I was thinking in buying some latinum (LOL, platinum) to get me an easier start. Game seems worth of my money, I don't mind - still I'm concerned it could become money siphon later. How probable is this? How much money you spend in warframe guys ; ) ?


    I haven't put a single dollar into the game and I've never had issues with a lack or need for Plat. Once you start running Void missions consistently you can start selling Prime parts and make some Plat easily, going for newly released Primes and then selling their parts is a prime time to make a lot of Plat.


    Maxing out some rare R10 mods is also a decent way to make plat if you have the credits and time.


    Point Being: You don't need to buy plat for money to have plat. So no need to be concerned. 

  12. Dude, why the hell would you post this under the warframe forums right where the DEV's can see it? There are other websites where you could potentially do that trade though.


    I guess you didn't even read OP's post.


    And AFAIK, DE knows about the "Black Market", dunno what kind of action they are taking but I'd assume they ban the people they find out and move on.

  13. How about this:

    Take out Forma BPs from the drop table, put the BP behind maybe a Simaris Quest? And make it reusable.

    Add Forma fragments to the void (OD?) that drop as rare resources (same droprate as Argons?) and either take out a resource req or add these ontop of the other ones.

    Takes 4 fragments maybe?

    Still 24H crafting time and you can only make 1 at a time.










    I am guessing it's whatever Syndana you are wearing?

    EDIT 2: NOPE


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