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Posts posted by VoidDevil341

  1. I want Warframe to have thousands of different weapons in the marketplace. Then also a family of weapons that you don’t get in marketplace but drop as loot. I think it could be a real looter game with a weapon that drop as loot. I am not talking about the ones in the marketplace you can buy or build the blue prints. 

    Maybe also some missions you begin up in space then you see a cutscene you end up on earth half way between the mission. You can also begin on earth and end up in a rail jack mission in space. It will show the railjack picking you and you heading to the railjack mission. 

  2. I used to be apart of an alliance on Xbox when they had dark sector conflicts. I am more talking about creating your own in game missions for your clan. You can also have resources and rewards from your own clan vault. You can have mission editor making the level and the mission objective whether it be an exterminate mission or what ever. Maybe even new mission types. 

  3. I always wanted to feel like a real tactician in the game. I always wanted to be able to have something to deploy army of spectors that I built and have clan missions or something like that for clan conflicts. You can reward your clan mates with resources, credits from your clan vault. Even offer platinum as rewards like 300 per mission. You can war against other clans. The missions are fun not like they used to be. Where you just destroy a core. It actually makes you feel like a real tactician or warlord. Maybe even some clan missions involve railjack. Not really fighting over dark sectors. Maybe like clan type missions with multiplayer pvp and pve missions. I just want something big that I can deploy my army of spectors and Clem clones I am building against other clans. I can also fight there armies of spectors. I can feel like a tactician and warlord. I can even go against other players with in game builds. 

  4. I play a lot of Warframe and one of the things I do is building an army of spectors. I remember back in the day when you could give spectors to the clan dojo for dark sector conflicts. I really just do it for my missions in game. I always thought it would be cool maybe DE allows to have something for own private army in the game. Maybe even hire npc mercenaries like we can for railjack crew. I would love to even have pvp and pve with our own private armies. Maybe one day we will get something in game that makes it feel like we have our own private army. 

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  5. I don't mind having first person in this game. But I think it is better 3rd person. But they could add something in the game that is first person. We play as a Grinder now in Vielbreaker weekly missions now. They could do something like this. I don't really want first person in the Warframe game mode. This is because it would be really weird and it will give me a headache. 

  6. I remember watching Iron Giant a lot when I was younger. I am a millennial. I was born 1992. I remember everything back in 1999. 

  7. As Khal 175, I want to explore open world landscapes like Orb Vallis in Warframe. Vehicles would help Khal175 get around these expansive environments. Weapons scattered on corpses across the map would also enhance exploration. Special quests and bounties tailored for Khal175 could provide engaging goals while roaming. I would enjoy exploring other open worlds like the Cambion Drift on Deimos as well. Weekly quests and the ability to traverse garrison landscapes would further expand the open world experience for my character.

    I did not mean to have posted this twice lol

  8. As Khal 175, I want to explore open world landscapes like Orb Vallis in Warframe. Vehicles would help Khal175 get around these expansive environments. Weapons scattered on corpses across the map would also enhance exploration. Special quests and bounties tailored for Khal175 could provide engaging goals while roaming. I would enjoy exploring other open worlds like the Cambion Drift on Deimos as well. Weekly quests and the ability to traverse garrison landscapes would further expand the open world experience for my character. What do you think?

    • Like 2
  9. At the beginning of 2023 before tenon con. I wanted to control a giant humanoid-looking mech that fits into Warframe somehow. I also wanted to go back to the past even maybe to fight Hitler. But I don't know if I am ever going to get this. During tennocon 2023 I saw those Vessels. They looked kinda like what I was wanting. But I hope you get to control and they have gameplay behind them. I want to fight giant murmer type enemies. I don't think we will ever get Hitler in the game. But we still get to go back in time to 1999. But I think Hitler would be fun assassinating though.

  10. I was wondering after playing the new update. I was hoping we got to control these giant mechanical mech-like vessels. Maybe we will get an update on where they have their own gameplay. Maybe the last part of the quest was just a teaser. That they are coming. I sure hope so.

  11. Is there going to be anything about Whispers in the Walls update? I can’t wait to see what the Vessels are. Reb said We could use transference on something bigger. Is she implying we get to control them like we do our Warframe and Necramechs. 

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  12. I love the weekly Khal vielbreaker missions. I am seeing a problem when I try to stun enemies to use veilbreaker. It enters the scene were you free your brothers but when I tap the button it does nothing. I used to have the problem when hacking the cameras and then using the to open the barriers on sneaky sabotage. It makes the missions unplayable. I tried different templates but none work. Please help me

  13. I did Boreal last the first time and Nira the first one. I thought Nira was the easiest one. You just don’t look at her gaze. You use your smoke screen a lot. I breezed through her without dying my first time. I would heal though every time the timer cooled down. I did go down once but stalker revived me. It was only once. 

  14. I think we might use transference on the mechs laying around the labs on Deimos. In the Tenno live video you see them in the rooms. We might be able to use transference on those. It will be cool if we have our own game mode we’re we can control them too. Similar to how we can a necramech. Just a giant Vessel with its own game mode. 

  15. Warframe is a great game but I want something giant to control like a Warframe but like a giant Gundam but with a Warframe twist. I hope the Vessels gives me this in Warframe. That could be what I want in this game. I also think it would be cool to use transference on the ones you see exploring the tile set as well. I want to control something bigger and that is like a giant similar to how Gundams feel but something that is from the Warframe universe. I hope that is what the Vessels are going to be like. 

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  16. I would love to have dialogue options when talking to the NPC’s like in Soulframe. Also similar to Mass Effect, Fallout and so on. You can get lore, quests and so on from them. Also even do things like saving a Solaris on a corpus ship than afterwards they buy you a drink. You meet with them and can talk with them. Maybe build relationships with NPC’s as well. They can reward with gifts and other stuff. Maybe one day we will get something unusual like this or even maybe better. It will make this game feel more immersive. Also when doing quests it will be something cool and unusual too. They will be the missions in the game already but will be different as well. 

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  17. These weapons will be separate from the ones in the game already. They will be just focused on obtaining by loot drops. Kinda like how zaws are their own group of weapons and the kit-guns are. These would be just their own group of weapons that are more like a family of weapons. It will be a big family too. The only way you get them is by loot drops after you kill enemy or by a loot container. 

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